
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Avengers Academy

" Welcome, Orion. To Avengers Academy." Hank greeted the boy as he welcomed him to the school. " Strange has told me a lot about you. And I must say I'm looking forward to seeing how you do here at the school. Our linear goal of course, is to teach and guide each of you. Train you all to be the next generation of avengers to protect the world." Hank explained. " Now let me show you where you will be staying."

After showing a tour of the facility and being allowed to settle into his new room, Orion finally started making his way to where the others were told to gather.

' Destroy them, boy. I know you can feel it burning in your veins.' Cyttorak whispered to the boy.

" Shut up." Orion growled in anger. as he continued walking down the hall. He clutched his head and tried fighting off the pain until he collided with someone. " WATCH!" Orion started. When he looked down he saw a woman with red hair like his and green eyes.

" Sorry. I wasn't paying much attention. I didn't mean to offend you." The girl explained nervously.

" It is... Fine. I am sorry for getting angry. I've still much to work on. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Orion." Orion explained to the girl.

" Orion. Like the constellation I like it." The girl replied. " Oh, sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Maddy Berry. But just call me veil." Veil told the boy as she held out her hand.

" It is... A pleasure Veil." Orion said to the girl.

" Are you heading to the training room too?" Veil asked.

" Yes. I was. But I got lost." Orion stated.

" Well, that's understandable. This place is pretty big." Veil told the boy. " Come on, follow me. I know where to go." Veil said to the boy as she gestured for him to follow her.

Orion nodded and followed after the young woman as she walked towards the team's training room.

" So, if you don't mind me asking. What can you do?" Veil asked.

Orion looked at the woman and spoke. " I'm trained in five different forms of Martial arts. And I have Super strength. I can leap great distances. and I'm fast." Orion explained.

" That sounds super. Almost like a superman!" Veil cheered. " Nah, that just sounds so tacky. Ya know?" Veil said to the boy.

" I don't know what a superman is. But it sounds pretty dumb." Orion replied. " What about you? What can you do?" Orion asked the girl.

" Oh! Me? I just turn into gases. I know it sounds lame when you can probably bend steel." Veil explained to the man.

" Nonsense. That is a very lethal ability." Orion replied.

" You have no idea." Veil spoke absentmindedly.

" What was that?" Orion asked.

Realizing what she said Veil tried to move the topic along. " Nothing. Oh, look at that we're here. Let's go inside." Veil spoke in a hurry and opened the door. When she looked inside Reptile and Mettle were both in the middle of training. When Mettle looked over at the two, Veil freaked out.

" Hey, now that's a costume!" Mettle exclaimed as he laid eyes on Veils suit.

" AIEEEEEE!" Veil yelled in shock. Her body then suddenly burst into gas and her suit unraveled.

" What?" Reptil asked. " Are we under attack? Is it Hammer?" Reptil asked Mettle.

" It's me. She hasn't seen me before." Mettle said to the dinosaur boy.

Veil quickly started putting herself back together. " Oh, I-I'm so sorry. You're Mettle. Tigra, uh."

" Warned you about me?" Mettle finished for Veil.

" I'm sorry I screamed, I- I just put on my new costume and I guess I... Wasn't looking where I was going." Veil told the boy. " At least it turns to mist with me. The first time my powers kicked in, I ended up naked." Veil explained.

Humberto turned around and sprouted Dinosaur scales out from his back. " Unstable molecules. All our suits are made of them. Mister Fantastic invented the, so he wouldn't get massive plumbers crack when he stretched." Reptil explained. " My suit adjusts to Dinosaur parts. I'm Humberto Lopez, Reptil. Avenger of tomorrow. Listen, I'm hoping you'll back me for team leader. I think we take a vote, like on survivor." Reptil said to the girl.

" My man here's already had Initiative training. He's gonna put us all to shame in the sparring session. He's gonna put us all to shame in the sparring session." Mettle told the girl.

" I mean no pressure. If you want to try for it too that's cool, uh. Dang, what a tool I am! I didn't even ask for your name." Reptil joked.

Veil reached out and shook Mettle's hand. " Maddy Berry. Call me Veil and no, it's all yours... I'm not an avengers assemble yelling kinda girl." Veil joked. " Oh! And that's Orion." Veil pointed to the boy who had followed her in.

" Ken Mack. Nice to meet you both!" Mettle said to the two as he introduced himself.

" Greetings." Orion replied.

" So do you guys know who we're fighting?" Mettle asked.

" I hear it's the ex-New Warriors." Striker spoke as he walked up behind Mettle.

Mettle himself turned towards the source of the voice and shrieked. " Gah!"

" Dude. You scream more than my ten-year-old sister on Christmas morning." Striker said to the boy.

" Screw you." Mettle shot back. " You snuck up behind me on purpose." Mettle replied.

" Good point. It's not like Doctor Doom would ever show up without announcing himself." Striker explained to the boy.

" Maddy- Sorry Veil, Orion. This is Finesse." Reptil explained as he pointed to the young woman in a simple black and white suit. " Striker." Reptil then moved onto the lightning-based hero. " And Hazmat." Reptil finished as he introduced the girl in a hazmat suit.

" We've met." Hazmat said to the boy as she looked at Veil.

" Hey, I thought I had the best costume." Striker said to Veil as he pointed at his all-black suit with streaks of white lightning bolts trailing from his shoulder to his chest. " But I might have to give the nod to you." Striker told the girl. " Yours isn't bad but it is kind of basic." Striker then said to Orion.

" Oh, you like it?" Veil asked Striker as Orion simply tried to ignore the boy.

"Don't let his courtship displays unnerve you. It's typical behavior for an Alpha Male entering new territory. Striker's insecure and he's trying to assert dominance." Finesse explained to Veil.

" Excuse me, do you find that talking like a discovery channel narrator wins you a lot of friends? Because it's actually extremely annoying." Striker told the woman.

Finesse grabbed one of her battle staves and tossed it at an angle causing it to ricochet around the room and headed straight for Mettle's head. However, before it could hit the boy, Orion reached out and caught the staff.

Mettle stared at the staff just inches from his eyes." Uh thanks man." Mettle thanked the boy. It wouldn't have hurt him thanks to the dexterity of his skin. But Mettle still didn't like the idea of being hit in the first place.

" Don't mention it." Orion told the boy. He then looked at Finesse. " You can have this back." Orion said to the girl. He then did just as she did and threw the staff at an angle causing it to bounce off the walls and headed straight towards Finesse who caught it with ease as well.

Finesse smirked at Orion and then looked at Striker. " I find my talents and physical attractiveness bring me adequate attention. Whether any are true friends, I'm not equipped to say." Finesse explained to the boy. " Nor do I care. I'm here to get better. And only one of you seems to be helping." Finesse stated. " Now, excuse me I want to master another fighting style before the training session." Finesse said to the group before walking away.

" Freak. She's like rain man meets ninja assassin." Striker spoke.

" She's no freak. She takes her training serious. As should you." Orion spoke defending the girl.

" Don't be so serious dude. Besides she's got that hot librarian-slash gymnast thing going on." Mettle said to Orion.

" What do you care?" Hazmat asked the boy. " Can you even feel it when someone touches you?" Hazmat asked Mettle.

" I'm not gonna be like this forever. Doctor Pym's gonna help get me back to normal." Mettle explained to the girl.

" He told me that too. See this?" Hazmat told the boy. " This is me holding my breath." Hazmat stated.

' They're a lively bunch. But that one.' Orion thought as he looked over at Finesse practicing by herself. ' She vexes me.' Orion thought to himself. " Ugh." Orion grunted as the whispers started again.

" All right, class!" Speedball yelled as he walked into the room drawing everyone's attention. " I'm Speedball. Justice and I will be leading the sparring session. Just wanted to introduce myself before the you know, punching." Speedball explained as he introduced himself to the class. " Dr. Pym wanted to say a few words before we get started. So, let's all head to the atrium, okay?" Speedball explained to the class.

The seven students followed behind Speedball as he lead them to the Atrium.

" Damn, Speedball? Reall?" Striker whispered to the others. " The guy who killed half of the city of Stamford?"

" He didn't a guy he was fighting did." Finesse corrected the boy.

" Yeah, cause Speedball was stupid. That dude's supposed to teach us?" Striker asked

" He's perfect." Mettle stated. " Look at us. Big monster guy. The human electric chair. Poison gas girl. Assassin chick. T-rex boy. Chernobyl in Abercrombie and fitch and whatever the hell Orion does. One wrong move and any of us could be a murderer." Mettle explained. " Don't know about all of you. But I'll be taking real good notes."

' If only you knew. If only you knew.' Orion thought to himself as he thought back to the night, he had fought Strange for the first time, it was right after killing two men viciously