
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

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23 Chs

Unleash The Beast!

It was a week after the Avengers Academy students were introduced publicly to the world, and today was a special day. Orion's old teacher Dr. Strange was a guest instructor to the school. After a long and frankly absurd class of Strange examining Reptil's amulet, Strange and Orion were given a brief period of time to catch up.

" So, Orion how's the school treating you? Are you enjoying yourself?" Strange asked the boy.

Orion took a sip of his tea before answering. " I am actually. I've been getting along pretty well with Veil, Reptil, and Mettle. But Finesse, Hazmat and Striker just seem to try and avoid me. Well, Striker does. But I think I actually like these guys." Orion explained to the man.

" I'm glad to hear it. It's necessary for kids your age to have a proper social life. Friends you can count on to have your back and support you." Strange told the boy.

" Yeah, we took down Carl Crusher a few days ago. It was pretty easy, he tried to grab me, and I punched him in his chest so hard he spit up blood. You should have seen his face when he saw he couldn't take my powers." Orion told the man proudly.

Strange seemed to be a little wary when the boy spoke of his powers. " And how have your anger problems? Have they subsided?" Strange asked.

" It's been..." Orion spoke hesitantly. " It's been harder to control. I mean when I read the books, I feel alright, and when..." Orion told the man, he then began thinking of Maddy and hesitated to speak.

" And?" Strange asked.

" Well, when I train with the guest instructors." Orion told the man.

" Well, I'm sure you just need a little more time and help. Which I and the Academy are always willing to offer." Strange told the boy.

Orion nodded and went back to his plate. " Oh, Strange..." Orion spoke as he took a sip from his drink. " I've been meaning to ask. I've been having these moments where I'll be thinking of something and then just forget. Is that normal?" Orion asked.

" Well, that depends. What were you thinking about?" Strange asked the boy.

" Well..." Just as Orion was going to answer Hank Pym Opened communication channels to all Avengers.

" Korvac? Who's Korvac?" Orion asked.

" He's an old enemy of the Avengers that was long thought dead. He wields cosmic power." Strange told the boy.

The two listened in on the conversation and suddenly one of Hanks dimensional doors opened up in front of them.

" They need us. Let's go!" Orion yelled as he jumped through the door with strange behind him.

" Fools! I am a god!" Korvac yelled as he attacked Hank and the others." Do you really think your motley band of rejects and failures can stand against me alone?!"

" You misspeak villain." A voice told Korvac.

When he turned, he was greeted by Thor's hammer, which knocked him to the ground.

" An Avenger never stands alone!" Thor decreed as the entirety of the Avengers showed up. Wolverine, Iron man, Spiderman, Thor, Hawkeye, Spider-woman, mockingbird, Iron Fist, Commander Rogers, Luke Cage, The Thing, Dr. Strange, Orion, and Ms. Marvel.

" Arrogant as ever, Korvac. The second you showed up, Hank opened communication channels to all of us. And Dimensional Doors." Iron man told the demigod.

Korvac responded by blasting Thor in his face, sending him flying.

" Raah!" Orion yelled. He jumped at Korvac and knocked him to the ground with a punch to the face. He then landed on top of Korvac and slammed both of his fists down into the man's back.

" Orion! No, this isn't your fight!" Strange told the boy.

" Sure as hell looks like it." Orion replied.

" Arrogant, Dog. You dare strike the mighty Korvac?!" Korvac exclaimed. He raised his hand and blasted Orion in the face. It was enough to cause the boy to stagger and allow Korvac the chance to follow it up with another heavy blow to the boy's face.

" Avengers, Stay on him!" Steve yelled to the avengers.

" Reptil, take Carina to the safe room. All of you get inside and don't come out for anything." Hank told the kids as he shepherded them out of the room. He then turned back and tried to help the Avengers fight off Korvac.

" No place is safe. We can't hide from Korvac." Carina stated

" We are not attempting to hide you, Ms. Walters. Rather to put you beyond his reach. I am Jocasta. Come with me if you want to live." Jocasta told the woman.

" Wait? Did she just make a joke?" Mettle asked Striker as the two boys ran towards the safe room.

Striker simply looked at Mettle and shrugged his shoulders.

" I knew this would happen. You hang out with the Avengers long enough and sooner or later some cosmic nutjob shows up to kill everybody. And who ends up dead? Thor? Iron Man? Nope. It's people like us who get the dirt nap. I feel like the black guy in a disaster movie." Hazmat exclaimed

" Hazmat, all of you in here." Jocasta told the kids as she opened up a secret door in the mansion.

" This? Worst safe room ever." Striker told the woman.

" The walls are not the safe room. I am the safe room." Jocasta told the boy. " I am using the mansion's technology to shunt you to a different dimension ever 2.3 seconds." Jocasta explained to the group.

" Worse than useless. We're just delaying him. That's all." Carina told the robot.

" Y'Know for someone who complains so much, I don't see you offering any solutions!" Veil told the woman. " How'd you get here anyway?"

" Hmm, You're the one who stood up to Michael. You have spirit young lady. More than I had at your age. And seeing that you defended me, I might overlook the fact that all of this is your fault." Carina told the girl.

" So not surprised." Hazmat stated.

" What? Jeez. Veil are you in the middle of every disaster?" Striker asked the girl.

" You have questions. I'll answer them. But first let me open a portal so we can see how the battle goes." Carin told the group as she opened a portal back to the fight.

" It just had to be a cosmic deity. It couldn't have been I don't know the tooth fairy gone bad today?" Spiderman asked.

" Not now, Spidey." Steve told the man.

" I will tear you all pieces." Korvac declared.

" You can't stop the Juggernaut." Orion told the man. Orion punched him in the face again and sent him flying into the wall.

" Ngh! What's with that kid of yers Strange?" Logan asked Strange.

" Prepare yourselves my friends. For I fear me may not like the end of this fight." Strange told the man.

Korvac got to his feet and blasted Orion who was charging him.

" URGHHHHRAAAA!" Orion yelled as the blast hit him in his chest and tore his top off. " NGGGGR!" Orion grunted and continued charging through the blast towards Korvac and punched towards him. Korvac moved and the blow blew the walls behind him away.

" The boy is getting stronger from his fight with Korvac, but he is also getting more reckless." Carin stated as she watched the fight.

" Wait, I put my life on the line for you and you had powers the whole time?" Veil asked the woman.

" Of course. My father is the collector, an elder of the universe. I have more power than you can imagine." Carina told the girl.

" Good for you. Meanwhile... Why don't you just go with your crazy ex and leave us out of it?" Hazmat asked the woman.

" Because it would solve nothing." Carina told the girl. " Michael is from the future... An Earth conquered by aliens who tortured him, like Norman Osborn did you." Carina explained. " Oh yes, I know your historis. Time is an open book to me." Carina told the kids. " When Michael gained great power and came to this era, my father sensed the sanger. He sent me to gain Michael's confidence... To seduce him and learn his plans."

" Your dad made you?" Veil asked the woman.

" Yes, even by an abstract entity's standards or morality, it's a disgusting thing for a father to do to his daughter. But he was my father. My whole existence. All I had known, up to that point. I lived to please him. Until I married Michael. And fell in love with him... Or was infatuated, at least. I saw his passion for bringing order to the universe as Benevolent and Visionary. I was naive. In his youth, Michael had no power. No control. Now that he did. Michael wanted to rule everything, so nothing could ever hurt him again. But he was scarred. He hated the universe for what it had done to him. Ruling wasn't enough. He wanted to subjugate all life. And with his power, he could. I was a cliche. The sheltered girl who ran off with the first rebel who comes along. But on some level, I sensed how damaged Michael was. And he saw that doubt in me. He committed Suicide and, in my rage, and grief, I did the same. A foolish young girl's tantrum. My father can't die. Neither can I. My body became pure energy while it healed itself. I had every intention of finding my beloved. Of resurrecting him. But there was no need. To escape the attention, we'd draw. Michael had hidden his life force in the bodies of his ancestors. Tricked everyone... Including me. Michael, my father-- The two men in the universe I'd given everything to had betrayed me. I didn't want to live, but I couldn't die. So, I stayed in energy form, hidden in under space. I let my consciousness drift... Then your Dr. Pym found me. Thinking I was his late wife, he transmitted her memories into my mind. It was a revelation." Carina was explaining her entire backstory to the " I experienced the growth of a woman who began much like me: Beholden to a father, then a husband. Defining herself to them. Hurt by them. But Janet Van Dyne was stronger than me. She rose to be a hero, a leader of the avengers. A powerful, complete woman in her own right. I want to be like her and the only way I ever will be is to stop Michael."

In the background Korvac was beginning to defeat each Avenger. First was Iron Man who Korvac used as a Projectile to send Hawkeye, Spider-woman and Justice flying away. He then grabbed Tony and ripped the suit of metal from him and destroyed it. He then threw tony into a wall and knocked him out.

Next was spiderman, Mockingbird, and Tigra who Korvac webbed up using Spiderman's own webs. He then took the traction out from under Quicksilvers feet. Hank tried to attack him while he was distracted, but Korvac turned around and made his fist bigger than Hank and punched him up into the ceiling.

" You test my patience Avengers! I am trying to be merciful! I am trying to restrain myself and not slaughter you all! But if you don't bring me my wife, I will erase you from existence!" Korvac told the four-remaining fighter, Ms. Marvel, Speedball, Thor, and Orion.

" Bold words madman... And hollow ones!" Thor told the man. " Had you the power you claim, you would be victorious ere now! But the Avengers yet stand. And shall lay you low!" Thor decreed as he slammed Mjolnir into Korvacs face.

Orion and Ms. Marvel both tried attacking Korvac, but having had enough Korva grabbed them both and. " Enough!" Korvac declared as he began frying both.

" AAAAAIGH!" Orion and Carol yelled in pain.

" Unhand them, Villain! Or know the unbridled wrath of Thor." Thor told Korvac as he swung his hammer at the man.

Korvac dropped the two in his hands and grabbed Thor's hand easily." Oh, do shut up." Korvac told the man before knocking him out.

" Oh my god." Speedball exclaimed in disbelief as Thor fell to the ground unconscious.

" Are you ready to surrender?" Korvac asked Speedball.

" No. Not now." Speedball replied. He raised his hands and blasted Korvac with every bit of energy he had left in his body. " NOT EVER!!!" Speedball yelled. " Not... Ever..." Speedball declared before passing out as well.

Korvac got up from the ground with no signs of injury. " I am impressed. You have hurt me. Weakened energies I thought Infinite. You are a greater force than I realized, Avengers." Korvac praised the fallen group. " Perhaps great enough to defy my will. So, I'm afraid I can't ignore you any longer. Or allow you to survive." Korvac explained. He raised his hands to finish the group and was suddenly hit by a large current of electricity making him stumble.

" That is your problem, Michael." Carina told the man. " You think no one should so much as draw breath unless you allow it. You'd choke off all the potential anyone has. Keep it locked away, for fear it might threaten you. I believe the opposite." Carina told the man. " I prefer to unleash potential."

" Don't be a fool. You know you can't stop me." Korvac told Carina.

" And I won't." Carina told the man. " They will." Carina spoke as she introduced the kids from Avengers Academy, who had been placed into the bodies of their older selves by Carina giving them the powers of their future selves for a time.

As the others fought with Korvac another struggle was going on inside the mind of Orion.

' Can't win... They can't win. He's too strong.' Orion thought to himself as he tried to get to his feet.

' Foolish boy. You are the son of Cyttorak. You are every much a god as Korvac is. The only difference is Korvac acknowledges his power. You still run from it.' Cyttorak told the boy.

' No, this isn't the time for you. They need help.' Orion told the deity.

' Yes, they do. And yet here you sit with all this power, and you refuse to use it? Why? Do you want to see your friends die?' Cyttorak asked the boy.

" Fools don't You can't stop Korvac so" carina was telling the students when the man suddenly blew a hole right through Striker's chest, killing his future body.

' No. No! NOOOOOO!'


A sudden eruption of power pushed the rest of the occupants in the room away.

" Ngh! Strange what the hell is happening?" Logan asked the man.

" What I feared most. The beast is free." Strange told the man

" Should we be worried?" Iron fist asked.

Strange turned to see Tigra, Spiderman, Mocking bird, Wolverine, and Iron fist all looking at him for answers. " I'm sorry my friends. But there is no stopping what comes next."

" What is this?" Korvac asked as he peered into the large red cloud " Who are you?!"

"grrrrrrrrr. GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Orion roared. His body had changed slightly. His muscles had expanded, so much so he know looked similar in bulk to Hyperion. His skin had turned crimson, and he downed armor similar to the juggernauts but without his helmet. He stood at a solid fifteen foot six and weighted close to three thousand pounds.

The expressions of those awake to see what was happening varied. Some in shock, some in acceptance, but Veil was simply sad to see what had become of the boy.

" I see, you are the boy. You have changed that much is clear, but you still cannot best Korvac." Korvac told the boy

Orion spoke not a word but more of a low growl and rushed Korvac.

" Pathetic fool, you tried this before." Korvac told the boy as he raised his hand. He fired his cosmic energy at Orion. But Orion kept charging, shocking Korvac.

" RGAAAAH!" Orion grunted as he punched Korvac in the face. He then punched him in the stomach, causing him to topple over, and finally brought both of his fists down on top of Korvac's back and smashed him into the ground. The force pushed Korvac through the floor of the room and down into the main foyer of the mansion. Without resting, Orion grabbed Korvac's leg and lifted him over his head and slammed him into the ground over and over again and then threw him across the room.

" Ugh!' Korvac grunted as he hit the wall. He wiped the blood from his mouth and then looked up to see Orion charging him again. " Pestilent brat, I am a deity. I wield the power of cosmic. You think you can beat me?!" Korvac yelled. Korvac raised his hands and then blasted Orion with his full power. The beam eclipsed Orion's form, and Korvac sneered. But his smile quickly disappeared when Orion's shoulder slammed into his chest. Korvac's eyes turned blood red as he coughed up a large amount of blood.

Up above the Avengers were beginning to stir.

" Strange can he stop Korvac?" Pym asked the man.

" Yes, without certainty. At his current level he will easily be able to overcome Korvac." Strange told the man. " But the problem lies in what comes after. If he gets free he'll destroy everything in sight." Strange explained.

" Then what do we do?" Steve asked.

As the Avengers tried coming up with a plan to stop Orion's potential rampage. Veil took the time to sneak away from the group. ' I'm coming, Rion.'

Further down in the large mansion, the two fighters had smashed their way down into the mansion's basement.

Korvac lie on the floor his usual pink astral body red and cracked. For the first time since he gained his powers Korvac looked upon another in fear. " What... What are you" Korvac asked

Orion didn't reply. Instead, he brought both of his fists up and smashed the down over Korvac's body over and over again, until the energy inside Korvac exploded in Orion's face.

The entire mansion shook form the amount of power released. Once the smoke cleared, Orion stood over the pit where Korvac once sat, alone and covered in small cuts.

" HRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Orion's roar was so powerful those above felt the shockwave produced by it. Orion went to take a step, but a small voice called out to him from behind.

" Orion." Veil called out to the boy.

Orion turned towards the girl and started walking towards her.

" It's over. He's gone. You don't need to fight anymore. You saved us, you did it." Veil told the boy.

Orion stopped for a moment and looked, but then continued on walking until he was standing over the girl.

" I know it must be so hard right now. And I'm sorry that I can't touch you, apparently my older self is more of a ghost than a person at this point." Veil joked. " But that doesn't mean you can't feel me when I say that this isn't you. You aren't a monster. You're a hero. You're my hero." Veil told the boy.

Orion's angered expression slowly died down and his body slowly began shrinking until he was down to his normal six ft three and his red skin started peeling back to his normal skin.

" Ma...Ddyyyy." Orion spoke before collapsing down onto the floor. Veil tried to catch him, but his body slipped right through her and hit the ground.

The rest of the heroes and Carina came down into the room prepared to fight but instead were shocked to see the boy had already been subdued.

Strange approached the girl in disbelief and asked her. " How did you do it? How did you get him to turn back?" Strange asked.

" I told him the truth. He's not a monster." Veil replied.

" Aye, tis a hero today. Young lady as are all of you." Thor told the rest of the Avengers Academy students.

" But what happened to Korvac?" Hawkeye asked.

" My husband has been defeated. A victory has been won. A great victory at that. Now all that is left is to turn you all back to Normal." Carina told the kids. She raised her hand and with a snap of her fingers all of the students that had aged up were back in their present bodies. Everyone except Reptil.

" Uh, Reptil? Why are you still old?" Mettle asked the boy.