
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


Hours later, after the fight with Korvac, Reptil and Orion were in Hank's lab being treated. Outside watching were the Avengers and the Academy Students.

" So, Strange? You wanna tell us what exactly that boy is?" Logan asked the man.

Strange turned to see the Avengers all looking at him for answers.

Strange rubbed his nose and sighed. I knew this day would come. I just prayed it wouldn't be so soon." Strange told the group. " Okay, let me start from the beginning. About seventeen years ago, before I became the sorcerer supreme, there was a sudden explosion of great magical energy. Many of the universes greatest searched for the source. Mephisto, Dormammu, Odin, Zeus, the Ancient one, even Galactus all tried finding where it had come form, but as soon as the power came into the universe it disappeared." Strange explained. " The Ancient one believed it to be the death of a cosmic entity. But it wasn't until three years ago, I found a fourteen-year-old boy in the middle of a blood bath. His home was destroyed and there were three bodies. The only recognizable one was the female; I believe her to be the boy's mother. And the other two were nothing more than pieces of bone and flesh that had been turned to a pulp. When I tried to restrain the boy with the bands of Cyttorak he was able to break free within in seconds. With my element of surprise gone, the boy attacked me viciously. We fought for hours within another dimension. Thankfully I was able to finally subdue him. I was then given two options I could kill the boy and spare the world any further destruction he could bring to it. Or I could guide him along a better path and have him use his gifts for the betterment of the world. I think it's clear which I chose. After that I brought the boy back to the sanctorum with me and there along with the assistance of Shang-Chi we trained the boy to control his violent tendencies. Though after a while we saw no change in his attitude, I began placing mental blocks within him to help control his anger." Strange explained.

" You did what?" Veil asked.

" You must understand young lady, I did what was best for him at the time." Strange told the girl.

" You didn't do what was best for him, you did what was best for you. You messed with his mind and changed him." Veil exclaimed.

" Yeah, can't say I like that all too much myself. But with that kind of power, I can see why you'd think that was the best choice." Logan told the man.

" Thank you, Logan." Strange replied.

" I ain't sayin you were right, Strange. In fact, what you did was downright dirty." Logan responded.

" I know. But I had no choice." Strange replied.

" There's always a choice, Strange. You know that." Steve told the man.

" So, what else? What happened next?" Spiderman asked.

" Next, I began my search for the boy's father. As I didn't believe his power came from the mother. It turned out his father was a being even I dare not approach carelessly." Strange explained.

" Stop beating around thine bush, Strange." Thor told the man.

" He is the son of Cyttorak." Strange told the group.

" By the gods?!" Thor exclaimed.

" Cyttorak?! Who 's that?" Spiderman asked

" Cyttorak, is the god who gives the Juggernaut his power. Which is why I believe he also chose to use the name Juggernaut." Strange explained.

" So, then he's?" Veil asked.

" A Demigod, just like Hercules, just like Korvac." Strange explained.

" So, what's going to happen to him now?" Veil asked.

" Well, I'm not sure. He hasn't gone berserk like that in years. He may wake up just fine, he may wake up different. Only time will tell." Strange told the girl.

Suddenly in the lab, Orion jolted up right, his body had changed his muscles were bigger he now had a form that resembled that of Sentry's. Orion looked around the room and smiled.

Veil ran into the room and hugged the boy.

" Hey, what's going on red?" Orion asked the girl.

" I'm just happy to see you're okay." Veil told the boy.

" Of course, I'm okay. I'm the Juggernaut." Orion told the girl.

" Where did this confidence come from?" Veil asked the boy.

" I don't know. The power, I guess. Just makes me feel more at home in my own body." Orion told the girl.

" I'm glad to hear it. I've also got some news. While we were fighting Korvac, I was able to briefly go into his body and I'm not dying anymore." Veil told the boy. " I still could become a ghost. But I'm not going to disappear."

Orion smiled and rubbed the girl's head. " That's awesome! I'm glad to hear it." Orion told the girl. He then used his hand to lift her chin up.

" Orion, what are you? Mph." Veil gasped as Orion suddenly kissed her on the lips. She tensed up at first, but then slowly relaxed into the boy's strong arms and returned the kiss.

" Maybe we should get in there before this gets out of hand." Spiderman stated.

* Snikt! Snikt! " You go in there web head and I'll gut ya." Logan told the man.

" Back in the room.

" Ew guys! I'm sitting right here." Reptil exclaimed.

Maddy and Orion broke their to look at the boy and laughed.

Maddy then turned back to Orion and looked into his eyes. " So, us?"

Orion smirked and nodded. " Us.