
Marvel: Nature's incarnation

Lucien awakens in ancient greece1500 B.C. in the body of a wolf and in the world marvel after having spent an unknown amount of time in a strange cube that he could only describe as a prison, where his mind was constantly deteriorating. Now, finally released from the cube, follow him as he explores the ancient world and becomes the source of countless myths and legends and slowly shapes the world of marvel.

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Successful hunt

After having finished his hunt, Lucien began to slowly make his way back to the cave.

During the hunt he managed to hunt in total two deer, a boar, and the wounded rabbit from earlier, any more than that would not have any effect so he did not even bother.

The hunt in total took way longer than normal because of the prey being so spread out, which forced him to spend a lot more time traveling to prey and finding new prey.

Lucien had spent multiple hours attempting to find prey and wandered a distance about thirty kilometers away from his cave before he managed to hunt the final boar.

But on the bright side, because he had traveled over such a long distance, he had managed to find two more of the oval rocks, which had become fewer and fewer over the last few weeks.

Having spent way longer than usual outside Lucien was in a bit of a hurry to get back to the cave.

When he finally closed in on the cave again something felt off. Though he was unable to smell anything from within the cave, if he listened closely, he felt like he could faintly hear some sort of breathing from within the cave.

Disregarding this as only his breathing in his exhausted state after a long hunt, Lucien headed straight into the cave.

The moment he passed by the narrow entrance into the cave, all his senses suddenly began screaming at him to get out of there.

His eyes weren't accustomed to the light yet, but he was able to see the outlines of about eight figures deeper within the cave and he could hear them breathing.

Just before he was about to turn around and run out of the cave he heard a swoosh sound as something large and heavy fell on him from above.

Lucien looked up to see a large net spanning about ten meters in each direction that was made of some kind of fiber twinned together that was about five centimeters thick, falling onto him.

But in his exhausted state, he was unable to get away in time, causing the net to be draped all over him.

Simultaneously as the net landed over him the figures in the back of the cave ran forward towards the net, grabbed it, and began trying to drag him towards one of the corners of the cave.

Unwilling to follow their plan, Lucien immediately began pushing his large body against the net in the opposite direction, hoping that it would make them fall out of balance and free him.

However, he was unable to execute his plan as he felt something sharp point at his flesh from behind.

Before Lucien could react to what was touching his hide, it was thrust forward piercing a few centimeters into his body, luckily not hitting any vital organs.

The pain from being stabbed by the spear was multiple times worse than the tusks of the boar because of the shape of the spear that tore up his flesh. Such intense pain made his body instantly turn away, throwing the holder of the spear into the wall of the cave.

The hunter crashed into the cave wall, landing almost in the opposite position of the rest of the group.

Seeing that their initial plan of guiding him into a corner of the cave had failed, the hunters that held down the nets picked up their spears and began attempting to stab him with them, to force him into the corner.

Feeling threatened by the row of spears in front of him Lucien instead decided to go for the hunter that stabbed him with the spear.

It did not take Lucien even a second to reach the hunter who was still attempting to orient himself, probably suffering from a concussion.

The hunter was not even able to react before he had the sharp teeth of Lucien stuck in his neck.

Lucien lifted the corpse of the hunter from the ground and threw it in the direction of the other hunters, almost as if to mock them.

Seeing the corpse of their friend right in their face, managed to shock them, making them instinctively lower their spears slightly.

This was not an opportunity that Lucien missed as he charged forward, using only a second to reach them, and leaped towards them.

Realizing their mistake, some of the hunters attempted to raise their spears again, but they were not fast enough and only managed to pierce parts of his hide, causing no serious injuries.

The impact from the giant wolf jumping at them caused the hunters to fall to the ground, with one of them under his claw.

Lucien shifted his body weight to his claw that was standing on one of the hunters, casing his chest to slowly cave in, killing him.

Having seen two of their friends die gruesome deaths to the large wolf right in front of them the hunters realized that killing Lucien would not be as easy as they thought, and the fear of death slowly began creeping in on them.

But before Lucien could capitalize on the fear another spear stabbed him in the back, piercing through his hide, this time causing serious injuries to his internal organs.

There were originally two hunters that had thrown the net from behind him, but because one of the hunters had been paralyzed from fear when he saw him, Lucien did not notice him blending into the darkness. 

The opening that was created was quickly capitalized on by the other hunters as they arose to their feet and began once again attempting to force him into the same corner.

Not wanting to go down like this, Lucien disregarded his safety and pounced on the hunter who stabbed him with a spear.

Faced with the huge wolf that jumped towards him, the hunter faltered immediately as he dropped his spear and began to run in another direction.

But he was unable to match the speed of the giant wolf and Lucien managed to catch up instantly and bit down on the hunter's neck, crushing it and killing the hunter in the process.

Unfortunately, this did not seem to faze the rest of the hunters again like it did last time.

Seeing that Lucien's back was turned on them, they decided to go back to the original plan and use the net to restrain his movements.

They all once again gripped the neck tightly while holding the spear in the other hand, attempting to force him into the corner.

Feeling the net constantly tighten around him, Lucien did not go towards the direction the hunters led him, instead, he gripped the net with his jaw and used his body weight to fling all the hunters into the air.

As the hunters had only considered that he would be about 1.5 times the size of an ordinary wolf at most, they did not think that he would be able to out-tug them, but they were wrong.

All seven of the remaining hunters were now spread all over the cave. And with the net no longer restricting his movements, it had just turned into a hunting ground for Lucien.

Two of them landed near the entrance, and three of them hit walls close to him, with one of them getting stuck under the net and the last two reaching the back of the cave.

Lucien who had now gained the mentality of not letting one of them go instantly went for the two closest to the exit of the cave.

He sprinted by one of them, using his claw to tear up his stomach while doing so, and in under a second, he reached the second one close to the entrance and used his jaw to break his neck.

In the time he had used to kill the two that landed close to the entrance the rest, except for the hunter trapped under the net, had managed to regroup at the back of the cave.

Temporarily ignoring the rest of the hunters, he went to the unfortunate hunter trapped under the net. He went straight towards him and used his jaw to slowly lift him by the neck, and continuously apply more and more force until he heard a crack. 

Lucien then began approaching the rest of the group in the back of the cave. When he finally was in range he threw the corpse of the hunter at the rest of the group, disorienting them.

Using this as an opportunity he quickly pounced forwards, hitting one of them with his claw, sending him flying back before hitting the wall and landing in the pool. He embedded his second claw in the chest of another hunter and used his jaw to clench down on the neck of another.

Now there was only one last hunter standing, Alexis. Lucien slowly dropped the two corpses he was holding and then turned to stare right at him.

But before Lucien was able to do anything there was a sudden noise from behind him.

He quickly turned around to see that the bloodied water inside of the pond had shot up to the ceiling like a geyser, but before hitting it, the water suddenly changed direction midair, heading straight for him.

Without the time to dodge the geyser, it hit him straight in the side, shooting his large body into the wall, creating a large crack in the cave wall in the process.

In the now empty pond stood the hunter he had thrown in there earlier with the gemstone that he had hidden in his hand.

The hunter had a huge claw mark on his chest, constantly bleeding, it was a miracle he was still able to breathe.

While in this state the hunter began to slowly climb up of what was a pond only a moment ago and walked straight up to Lucien.

Lucien, who was unable to do anything, could only watch helplessly as the hunter came closer and closer, clearly with the intent of finishing the job he had started.

But before he was able to reach Lucien a spear suddenly pierced through his chest from behind.

Alexis now stood behind the hunter, holding the spear that was going through his stomach. He slowly whispered something into his air and then ripped out the spear, causing the other hunter to fall to the ground.

Alexis then quickly picked up the gemstone, holding it in his arms as if it were his most prized possession.

And then he held the gemstone close to his chest for a moment before the bloodied water that had hit Lucien before gathered once again, this time into a ball before Alexis.

Lucien unable to move, could only watch as the ball of water suddenly shot towards him, with the speed of a bullet, going straight through his head, leaving a large gaping hole in Lucien's head.