
Marvel: My Luck Is A Hundred Million Points Better!

Traveling to the Marvel world, Luo Bai found that his luck had improved. With no place to live, Tony offered him a villa. Although he had no abilities, the Ancient One stated that he was more gifted than Doctor Strange and could become the Sorcerer Supreme. Without any magical weapons, he simply picked up an infinite stone while walking. When Thanos came to steal the stones, he didn’t manage to grab any; instead, all the other gems were "gifted" to Luo Bai. They say that magic must be borrowed and repaid? In the end, he became invincible... Disclaimer: This is Translation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can visit my Patreon page: Patreon.com/PhoeniXcel I upload 2 chapters daily on Patreon! There are 10+ advanced chapters available for you to read. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

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45 Chs

Chapter 027 You Are A Little Too Lucky.

In full view of everyone, Hulk raised his clenched fist and charged toward Luo Bai.

The scene sent chills down the spine of everyone watching.

Anyone who has faced Hulk knows just how devastating his punch can be.

To put it simply: if you put a bus in front of Hulk, he could destroy it effortlessly. A single punch from him can shatter the ground beneath his feet.

No normal human could survive such terrifying power.

Anyone else, seeing Hulk running at them, would either prepare to fight back or dodge to avoid the hit.

But what shocked everyone was that Luo Bai didn't move.

He didn't even brace himself. Instead, he stopped, stood still, and calmly put his hands behind his back.

This strange behavior left everyone stunned.

"What's he doing? Why is he putting his hands behind his back?!" Natasha Romanoff exclaimed in disbelief.

Even Nick Fury, usually composed, was alarmed. "Is he seriously not going to defend himself?! Does he think Hulk's punch is just going to miss?"

Earlier, when Hulk had thrown a car at Luo Bai, it missed. There was still some distance between them then, so it made sense.

But now, Hulk was charging at full speed. There was no way he'd miss!

The fact that Luo Bai still wasn't taking any action was baffling.

It was enough to make Nick Fury start doubting whether Luo Bai was really as powerful as the rumors claimed.

"Can he really handle Hulk?" Fury muttered, skeptical.

Natasha frowned and replied, though not entirely sure, "Well, he seems pretty calm, so he must be confident."

Hulk's power was undeniable. If Luo Bai wasn't sure of himself, how could he possibly face the giant head-on?

Fury understood this reasoning, but it still didn't explain why Luo Bai wasn't doing anything.

"Could it be that he's frozen with fear?" Fury wondered aloud.

It wasn't an unreasonable suspicion. If that were the case… Luo Bai might actually be in danger.

With Hulk getting closer and closer, Natasha, growing anxious, said, "Should I try to save him?"

"It's too late!" Fury responded.

Hulk was moving too fast. Not even Natasha, with all her skill, could reach Luo Bai in time.

Maybe Stark, with his Iron Man suit, could fly over, but he wasn't moving—perhaps because he trusted that Luo Bai really did have the strength to handle Hulk.

"Maybe I was wrong…" Fury muttered under his breath. "Maybe Luo Bai actually can defeat Hulk…"

Nervously, Fury continued watching Luo Bai, who still stood motionless.

Everyone present was tense.

They watched as Hulk charged, each step shaking the ground beneath him. The moment of impact was drawing closer.

Most of them assumed Luo Bai would make some move to counter Hulk's punch. Everyone was on edge, waiting to see what he'd do.

But then, something completely unexpected happened.

Just as Hulk was about to reach him, there was a loud "bang," followed by a thunderous crash.

The ground beneath Hulk collapsed.

One moment, Hulk was charging, full of rage and power. The next moment… he was gone.

Everyone could hear Hulk's roar of frustration as he disappeared into the massive hole that had suddenly formed beneath him.

For a second, the entire scene was eerily silent.

Nick Fury: "????"

Natasha Romanoff: "???"

Stark: "???"

Luo Bai: "????"


At that moment, not only was everyone else confused—Luo Bai himself was baffled.

When Hulk had charged toward him, Luo Bai had been prepared to fight. He was ready to strike Hulk with a palm, aiming to knock out his soul.

Sure, Hulk was incredibly strong and tough, but he had almost no resistance to magic. One palm strike from Luo Bai, and Hulk's soul would have been knocked right out of his body.

That was the plan, at least.

But just as Luo Bai was about to make his move, the ground collapsed beneath Hulk.

Hulk fell into the hole without any warning or defense.

Was it just a coincidence?

The entire ground had given way, except for the spot where Luo Bai was standing, which remained perfectly intact.

Luo Bai didn't need to think too hard to realize that the Goddess of Luck had intervened once again.

Now, what was supposed to be an impressive display of power had turned into a case of sheer luck stealing the show.

Luo Bai sighed and turned to Stark.

At that moment, Stark was standing there, mouth agape in shock.

It took a while for him to gather his thoughts.

Finally, Stark spoke, his voice full of disbelief. "Did you use magic just now? I didn't see you do anything at all."

Stark assumed it must have been magic.

But the truth was, Luo Bai didn't even get the chance to act.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't have time to use magic?" Luo Bai responded.

Stark blinked in confusion. "You mean… the ground collapsing wasn't your doing?"

"No," Luo Bai replied.

Stark's confusion deepened. "Then why did the ground collapse?"

Luo Bai thought for a moment before answering. "Maybe it was just a coincidence. You know, besides being good at magic… I'm also incredibly lucky."

"Lucky?" Stark scoffed. "You're saying your luck caused the ground to collapse?"

Luo Bai shrugged. "Well, think about it. Hulk's been pounding the ground all this time, and the road was probably already weakened. It just gave way when he ran."

Stark stared at him, speechless.

Sure, the explanation made sense… but still.

"Isn't that a little too coincidental?" Stark finally muttered.

Luo Bai smiled. "Hey, what can I say? Luck is a powerful thing."

Stark was silent for a few moments before finally replying with two words: "That's… incredible."

It really was.

If you asked Stark, he still didn't quite believe it.

He would rather believe that Luo Bai had secretly used magic to cause the ground to collapse. That, at least, was easier to explain.

But luck? Luck so powerful it could cause the earth to crumble?

That was harder to swallow.

"Are you sure you didn't use any magic?" Stark pressed.

Before Luo Bai could answer, Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff approached.

As soon as they were close, Fury, his face grim, barked, "Tony, are you sure Luo Bai is really a mage? That was way too close!

If the ground hadn't collapsed, we might've had a serious problem on our hands."


Stark turned to Luo Bai in disbelief.

No way.

Your luck is off the charts.


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