
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

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61 Chs

Strategic Scientific Reserve

On the ground of the military camp, a row of soldiers stood loosely on the field.

Ray and Steve were among them.

"Recruits, Attention!"

Accompanied by a clear female voice, a valiant and glamorous female officer walked up to the soldiers.

With red-brown wavy long hair, red lips, and a hot body, she revealed a strong wildness.

"Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter." Peggy Carter said aloud when she saw the soldiers stand at attention in a hurry.

"I oversee all the affairs of this department."

Ray looked at her carefully. From Ray's point of view, she was not particularly beautiful, but her figure was rather sexy.

Possibly dazed by Agent Carter's charm, a soldier tried to flirt and was knocked to the ground neatly by her.

"Agent Carter!" At this moment, an old officer in a leather coat and Dr. Erskine walked down from the jeep.

"Colonel Phillips!" Carter hurriedly turned around and saluted.

The colonel looked at the soldiers on the ground and joked, "It seems that you and our recruits get along well. Not bad."

Then he looked at the soldiers on the ground and said sternly.

"Move your butt off the ground, then go back to the line and stand until someone tells you to stop!"

The soldier with the nosebleed stood up in embarrassment, sniffed, and replied, "Yes, sir!"

"General Patton once said." After a pause, Colonel Phillips said loudly, "War depends on weapons, and victory depends on soldiers."

"We will win this battle because we have the best... soldiers..." The colonel said, just when he saw Steve, who was short and thin, his voice couldn't help but lower.

He turned his head and glanced at Dr. Erskine silently. The doctor looked ahead and pretended not to see it. Colonel Phillips glanced at Steve helplessly and continued.

"And they'll get better. Much better."

"The Strategic Scientific Reserve team is composed of alliances of various countries and brings together the elites of the world."

"Our goal is to build the best military in history, and all militaries have a forerunner."

"After this week, we're going to pick that guy. He'll be the first, new generation of Super Soldier."

The Super Soldier plan was to manufacture Super Soldiers on a large scale and form an army.

Now that the serum has been successfully developed, they will select one person from this batch of outstanding soldiers to conduct the first experiment in a week.

Ray's physical fitness at this time is already far beyond that of ordinary people, at the limit of humanity, the super-soldier serum will help him break through this limit.

Relying on the intelligence and physical qualities that surpass ordinary people, even with reservations, Ray's performance in training was still very eye-catching, and he was the first in almost every event.

Physical training, overcoming obstacles, 100-meter sprint, and all kinds of rigorous training subjects, in Ray's view, were as simple as children playing at home, they can be easily completed without much effort.

Colonel Phillips was very satisfied with Ray's outstanding performance, the best soldier he had seen over the years.

It was acceptable for the tall and strong Ray to perform like this, but even Steve's performance was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

Almost everyone thought that this short, thin little man could not complete the training, but the result surprised everyone.

Although he was not as strong as Ray, he had average or low grades, but he completed every training not much inferior to the others.

This greatly exceeded everyone's expectations and successfully attracted the attention of Agent Carter.


Steve's physical fitness was only slightly stronger than ordinary people under systematic and reasonable training.

Compared with other elite soldiers, he was still much worse. The reason why he could perform well in the training assessment was mainly due to Some of the techniques taught by Ray and his strong willpower.

To complete the training and have the best performance, Steve did his best every time. After each training, he would be exhausted and slumped to the ground.


During the training interval, Ray would still take time to train Steve in combat. Only then did the reserve team know that the two were teacher and student.

On the other hand, Dr. Erskine had long known about the relationship between the two and had asked Agent Carter to investigate the situation between the two.

After learning about the great changes after Steve met Ray, and about Ray defeating a mafia leader, Dr. Erskine developed a strong interest in Ray and often asked Ray to conduct some tests and experiments alone.

In front of him, Ray didn't hide his strength anymore and completely revealed his physical fitness which was close to the limit of humans.

Of course, regarding the source of strength, Ray explained that it was an ancient martial art, which required a long and difficult exercise, especially since childhood, and had extremely strict requirements for talent.

Under Ray's pile of mysterious terms such as Qi sense, internal force, acupuncture points, meridians, etc., the doctor had to give up his research on this new strengthening method after all his studies were fruitless.

But his powerful body itself was good research material. Dr. Erskine turned to research on his powerful body and optimized and improved the serum.

The only human strengthening, that is, Red Skull, had great side effects after the strengthening, and the doctor had no chance to research this failure.

So the doctor was not satisfied with the current finished product, but he had no way to go any further.

At this time, Ray's appearance gave him hope. A perfect body that has not been strengthened, has the same physical quality as the one he calculated after strengthening with serum.

After the experiment scheduled for a week later was postponed, Dr. Erskine once again devoted himself to the study of serum.

The training time of the reserve team has also been extended, but Ray, who trained with them, rarely appeared on the training ground again and often stayed with Dr. Erskine.

Chapter Length: 1200 words

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