
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

AbyssFC · Filem
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61 Chs

Preparing to leave

Howard was jealous of Ray's extravagance. He is aware of the value of Vibranium but now, Ray is using it to make 'experimental' armors.

Ray didn't feel anything about it. With the power of Hydra, money was just a number to him, and Vibranium is just some rare material in his opinion.

He had already asked Hydra to secretly collect Vibranium. According to the doctor's recipe, after making Adamantium-Beta, it will be enough to build a chariot.

The composition ratio of the Adamantium-Beta is very different from the alloy used in the Ray shield. Although the specific proportion of the Adamantium is not known, it is only one-third the weight of ordinary steel, indicating that the Vibranium content in it is extremely high.

The Adamantium-Beta is different. Its weight is similar to that of steel. According to the proportion in the formula that the doctor gave to Ray, the content of vibranium is less than 7%.

That is to say, dozens of kilograms of Vibranium in the secret laboratory can produce several hundred kilograms of Adamantium-Beta, which is enough for Ray to squander.

With Hydra all over the world, the Vibranium collected will only increase, Ray intended to make a super chariot for himself with Adamantium-Beta!

He wondered if Howard will become red with anger after he finds out.


In a few days, the new alloy armored battle suit and the 20 flying knives that Ray wanted were ready, and it was time for Ray and Howard to return to Europe.

Before leaving, Ray called everyone in the Gym in front of him.

After leaving this time, Ray is not going to come back. After dealing with the problem of Hydra, Ray intends to return to the real world, and all the subordinates in the Gym will have to make arrangements.

There is no problem with their loyalty, So, Ray will naturally not ignore them.

Looking at the few people standing quietly in front of him, Ray spoke slowly.

"You have all been with me for a long time, and I have seen your performance."

"After I leave New York this time, I won't be coming back for a long time. You can choose to go to Europe with me, or you can stay here to take care of the Gym and the underground forces in Brooklyn for me."

"Of course, neither of these two options will bring peace, it will be very dangerous, fighting and killing will become the norm, so if anyone doesn't want to live this kind of life and wants to leave, I can also give him A lot of money, enough for the rest of their life."

Raising his hand to stop the anxious-looking people who were about to speak, Ray continued.

"One thing I want to explain in advance is - Whether you go to Europe or stay to take care of the Gym, you will all be exposed to some secrets behind me, so once you choose, you can't go back, you better think about it carefully."

As soon as Ray finished speaking, Nikola and the others said quickly.

"Of course, we are going with you!"

"Yes! Master, we will go wherever you go!"

"Master, you saved the lives of my wife and children. My life is yours! "

"I'm going to Europe to fight with you!"

Without exception, the four chose to leave with Ray.

Not to mention Ray's kindness, just because of the power and mystery shown by Ray, they are willing to follow. In this war-torn world, it is human instinct to follow the strong.

More importantly, Ray was so good to their subordinates that he treated them well at ordinary times. After Carl's wife and children were kidnapped, he sneaked into the trap set by the other party and was surrounded by dozens of gunmen, alone. The mother and son were rescued, and all the forces that held the people were wiped out.

Afterward, the two major families who planned this matter behind the scenes were also eliminated.

This is a boss who cared and loved his subordinates. They have made up their minds long ago that they will be with Ray for this life!

As for Albert, if he hadn't met Ray, he might have been curled up in a cold and dark corner of the streets of Liverpool and died a lonely and sad death with cold and hunger.

When he had accepted this life of death and despair, and waited peacefully for his life to pass away, it was the young man in front of him who brought hope to his lonely and gloomy life and took him to start a new story.

The Albert, who had already looked down on life and death, just wanted to use the rest of his life to repay Ray, follow him, take care of him, and protect him until the end of his life, because from the day he met Ray, every day that followed was new and full of hope.

Similarly, Ray has always trusted and valued Albert. Although he is a housekeeper in name, Ray regarded him more as a friend and relative.

Although he didn't say anything, Ray knew that there was no doubt that Albert would choose to leave with him.

The eyes of the two intersected, and a tacit understanding emerged, things did not need to be said more.

Nodding lightly, Ray's eyes slowly swept across the faces of Sakchai, Nikola, Ruslan, and Carl. From their eyes, Ray read sincerity, gratitude, and reverence.

Ray has always been satisfied with the performance of the four of them and has always seen them as confidants. They did not disappoint Ray, no one wanted to stay in charge of the underground forces in Brooklyn, and no one chose to leave with a huge sum of money.

Neither power nor money shook their loyalty. They chose to continue to follow Ray without hesitation. Under Ray's keen perception, no one could deceive him. They were all sincere.

Although he was very satisfied with their choice, Ray still has to choose one person to stay in New York. The newly established Council needs people to control it. After all, The future of New York will play a very important part in Ray's plan.


100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch

200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch

Chapter Length: 1038 words

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