
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

AbyssFC · Filem
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61 Chs

Knives VS Pistol

"Colonel, I don't think so." Ray shook his head and did not agree with the colonel's statement, "If you use it well, the power of a knife is no weaker than that of a pistol."

Seeing that Ray was not convinced, Colonel Phillips' stubborn temper came up.

"Okay! Since that's the case, let's have a try!"

"Let's see if your knives are stronger, or my pistols are stronger!"

Colonel Phillips, who considered himself a sharpshooter, intended to use facts to prove that what he said is right, and completely dispel Ray's unrealistic thoughts.

Looking at the confident colonel, Ray smiled proudly.


Shooting range,

The two stood at their respective target positions. In front of each person, from near to far, a steel target was placed at 30 meters, 50 meters, and 80 meters respectively.

Agent Carter, who was temporarily hired to be the referee, stood by and looked helplessly at the two men who were competing.

The colonel held the gun in both hands, stood with his feet apart, his chest slumped, his arms stretched forward horizontally, his eyes fixed on the bullseye through the front sight, he had a standard textbook-like posture with his hands on the gun.

Ray, on the other hand, seemed to stand casually, with his fingers attached to the knife around his waist, ready to pull it out at any time.


Following Agent Carter's order, Ray quickly drew his knife and threw his arm at the target.

The knife made a straight silver line, hitting the bullseye.

There was a sound of steel tearing, and the three-millimeter-thick steel plate was torn apart instantly by the blade, half of the blade passed through, and the knife was firmly stuck on the steel plate.

At the same time, Colonel also shot, and along with a burst of gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, the bullet was shot from the chamber, spinning at a high speed towards the target.

With the sound of "dang", the bullet hit the bullseye, making a depression in the steel plate, but it failed to penetrate it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The two soon completed five shots per target.

The two who finished shooting stood there, quietly waiting for Carter's inspection results.

Carter first checked the results of the 30-meter target. On Ray's target, five knives penetrated the steel plate and were neatly inserted into the bullseye.

Carter couldn't help but glance at Ray who was standing with a relaxed face in the distance.

Carter announced loudly after checking the colonel's target.

"30-meter target!"

"Ray, 50 rings!"

"Colonel, 50 rings!"

The two had no surprise when they heard the words.

Carter went forward to the 50-meter target area. Driven by curiosity, Carter still looked at Ray's target first.

The knife still penetrated the steel plate and all hit the bullseye, but as the distance increased, the power decreased. The 25-centimeter-long knives only shot into about 10 centimeters, but this power was enough to easily penetrate the human body.

"50-meter target!"

"Ray, 50 rings!"

"Colonel, 50 rings!"

Hearing this, Colonel Phillips breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he played well today, otherwise, he would be embarrassed. Usually, at this distance, he would not be able to complete the ring every time.

At the same time, the colonel couldn't help but glance at Ray.

He didn't expect that the knife shot by Ray with his bare hands could hit the bullseye accurately at a distance of 50 meters.

This kind of precision made him amazed, and at the same time, he secretly looked forward to the 80-meter target, and he didn't know what the final result would be.

Carter walked to the 80-meter target at this time. The five knives on the bullseye clearly told her about Ray's achievements.

On the colonel's target, there were only five scattered dents.

With awe at Ray's extraordinary knife technique, Carter turned around and shouted.

"80-meter target!"

"Ray, 50 rings!"

"Colonel, 32 rings!"

Hearing Ray's grades, the colonel could no longer remain calm.


At a distance of 80 meters, the knives thrown with his bare hands were able to hit all of them. Colonel Phillips looked at Ray with the look that said 'Monster'.

"Colonel, I think you should come and see for yourself." Carter didn't intend to let the colonel go.

"What else is there to see, can't I just admit defeat?" In his best field, being crushed in a way he looked down on, the colonel couldn't help but blush.

Seeing that Carter was standing beside the target and didn't move, looking at him seriously, the colonel had no choice but to walk over.

"Do you want me to see how badly I lost?" the colonel laughed at himself as he walked.

But as the distance got closer, the colonel also saw the knife stuck on the target, and his expression couldn't help changing.

The Colonel never imagined that the knife in Ray's hand would have such great power, forget a pistol, it was not much worse than a rifle.

The result of the test was obvious. The colonel who used the pistol was defeated by Ray with the knife. The knife in Ray's hand was much stronger than the M1911 in the colonel's hand in terms of power, range, and accuracy.

Although the rate of fire of the knife is slightly lower than that of the pistol, whenever the colonel changes the magazine, Ray will instantly overtake him, and the only advantage will be gone.

The colonel had to admit that the power of the knife in Ray's hands was no weaker than that of the gun.

This is normal. Ordinary people can use knives to injure the human body at a distance of ten meters after training.

With Ray's strength and speed which are several times higher than ordinary people's, the lethality that erupts is undoubtedly terrifying.

The colonel couldn't help but sigh, no matter how inconspicuous things are, in the hands of Ray, who has great power, they can exert unimaginable power.

But the stubborn colonel was still unwilling to fail.

"I admit that I underestimated the knife in your hand before."

"But how much of this stuff can you take with you when fighting?"

"Ten or twenty?"

"The real battle still relies on guns!"

"Why don't you compete with me again but instead of knives with a pistol?"

After the colonel finished speaking, he looked at Ray provocatively.

Carter, who was beside him, silently covered her forehead.

Ray looked at the angry colonel in front of him, and couldn't help but feel amused.

"I haven't practiced with guns for a long time," Ray said slowly.

When the colonel heard his words, he thought Ray was looking for an excuse to not compete but before he could rebut Ray said:

"But my marksmanship should be pretty good."

Chapter Length: 1100 words

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