
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

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61 Chs

Experiment Candidates

Carter rolled her eyes at Steve's reaction, snorted lightly, and moved forward, raising her fist, and punching Steve's chest quickly with a straight punch.

Distracted, Steve didn't have time to dodge and was punched in the chest by Carter, he involuntarily took two steps back.

Rubbing his aching chest, Steve immediately put away his thoughts, became serious, raised his head, and stared at Carter cautiously.

Seeing that Steve came back from the dreamworld, Carter nodded in satisfaction and punched Steve again.

Steve got serious, his fighting skills were not weaker than Carter's, and the strength of the two was basically on the same level. Steve raised his hand to grab Carter's punch, but before her hand retracted, he grabbed her wrist with a backhand. Pulling hard, trying to break her balance.

Carter has also received professional fighting training, and her actual combat experience was even richer than Steve's. She immediately sensed his intention, followed Steve's pull, turned around directly, and hit Steve with an elbow.

Steve still held Carter's wrist tightly with one hand and quickly pressed down with the other hand to defuse Carter's elbow.

The two have the same fighting ability and similar strength.

Looking at the two people fighting together in front of him, Ray smiled.

In the end, the competition between the two ended with Carter's over-the-shoulder throw successfully knocking Steve out. Carter wisely didn't mention the competition with Ray and took the initiative to ask Ray to call Steve every time he taught Steve in the future.

Ray readily agreed under Steve's expectant eyes.

Ray found that Carter's talent in fighting was not weaker than Steve's. Steve always lost more and won less.

But Carter didn't look down on Steve. She knew very well what Steve was like before and how hard he worked. She only praised and recognized Steve. She believed that he would be stronger in the future.

"But I won't be easily surpassed by you." Carter inspired herself.


As the research progressed, Ray learned more and more about the super-soldier serum and helped Dr. Erskine. In the end, the optimized and improved new serum was finally successfully developed.

The question of the candidate for the experiment was put in front again.

Colonel Phillips was not satisfied with the skinny Steve. Although he was not as skinny as he looked, in Colonel's eyes, a real warrior should be tall, strong, fast, and powerful like Ray.

However, Dr. Erskine was still hesitating between the two. He was very optimistic about Steve. His kindness and integrity moved him, but Ray's performance was also very good.

Different from Colonel Phillips, the doctor was more concerned with the inner quality, which Ray has done very well, and he has a lot of ideas, and his views on the war also make the doctor very agree.

Today, the two argued again over this issue.

The colonel, who was unsuccessful in persuading him, decided to use facts to prove that his thoughts were correct.

So During the training,

Colonel Phillips threw a fake grenade into the crowd.

"Grenades!" the colonel shouted.

Hearing the word 'grenade', the group of soldiers dispersed instantly, each looking for cover, but Steve rushed forward and firmly pressed the grenade with his body.

At this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out.

Pulling Steve away, Ray quickly picked up the grenade from the ground,

With all his strength, he threw it more than 100 meters away.

Agent Carter, who was a tad slower, stopped and looked at the two people who were looking at him, a smile could not help showing on her cold and beautiful face.

The surrounding soldiers looked at the grenade that disappeared in the distance speechlessly.

There was no explosion for a long time, and everyone reacted. It turned out to be a dummy grenade.

Colonel Phillips and Dr. Erskine looked at each other, both of them were a little relieved, but a little helpless, the problem was still unresolved.

That night, Ray came to Dr. Erskine's room.

"Ray? Why are you here, what's the matter?" When he opened the door and saw that it was Ray, the doctor was a little surprised,

"Come in first."

After inviting Ray into the room to sit down, the doctor asked, "For the experiment?"

"Yes, Doctor," Ray said bluntly.

"I hope you can choose Steve."

This answer was somewhat unexpected by the Doctor.

"Why?" The doctor looked at his assistant in confusion.

"Steve needs this opportunity more than I do. It has always been his dream to go to the battlefield. This is his only chance, and I can wait for the next time."

He had always admired Ray very much, and Ray's remarks made the doctor's affection for him greatly increase again.

"I've been hesitating. You two made it really difficult for me to choose."

The doctor got up and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, poured a glass for both of them,

"Since you've decided, then fine. Tomorrow, you'll still be participating in the experiment as my assistant. I think Steve needs you too."

"Thank you, Doctor." Ray raised his glass.

"No, it's me who should say thank you. Finally, I don't have to worry about who to choose." The doctor also raised his glass.

While the two were drinking, Dr. Erskine talked about his own experience.

Dr. Erskine is a German. After Hitler came to power, he heard about his research and sent him to the research department at Hydra headquarters to make super soldiers for the Nazis.

And the current leader of Hydra, Shmidt, was ambitious and obsessed with superpowers and myths just like Hitler.

He wanted to gain the power of God.

So, after Shmidt discovered the ability of the serum, he forced the doctor to strengthen him. However, the serum was immature at that time, and the side effects disfigured Shmidt and turned him into Red Skull.

The serum can enhance all aspects of people, the good is better, the bad is worse, so Shmidt became eviler, and his ambitions got bigger.

"He wants to rule the world." The doctor finally said a little heavy.

"Does Shmidt know you're here?" Ray asked, the following conversation was very important.

The doctor held the hand of the wine glass for a while, "With Hydra's intelligence capabilities, it is very possible."

"Then Doctor, I think tomorrow's experiment is likely to be dangerous." Ray warned, "Shmidt can't just watch us create a large number of super soldiers."

"You're right. But..." Ray interrupted the doctor before he finished speaking.

"And, even if the experiment goes well, what's next? Give the formula to those politicians and let them create a super legion, and then? Will the formula leak out for Shmidt and others to get?"

Without waiting for the doctor to deny it, Ray continued.

"Well, even if the formula is not leaked, the politicians will have used this powerful force and won the war. After that, they will be willing to hand over this power that is enough to subvert the world? A group of soldiers with superhuman power. What will it bring into the world?"

Ray's remarks made the doctor stunned, he did not expect that his research would bring about these consequences, he always hoped that his research could end the war and maintain peace.

He used to worry that the serum would be stolen by Hydra, but he had never considered the reaction of the high-level officials of the allies. Imagining the terrible consequences of the abuse of the serum, the doctor could not help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"What should we do?" The recovered doctor looked at Ray eagerly, expecting Ray to give him an answer.

Ray pondered for a while.

"Perhaps, we should talk to the colonel and Agent Carter."

Chapter Length: 1300 words

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