
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

AbyssFC · Filem
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61 Chs

Edman alloy/True Adamantium

Actually, after killing the two major families, Ray planned to eliminate all the mafia forces in Brooklyn.

It's just that even if he purged Brooklyn's underground forces, it won't be long before new forces will be born, grow, fight, and eventually produce a new leader, and in the end, nothing will change.

In this case, Ray simply decided to control the city's underground forces by himself and solve this problem once and for all.

Although this is just a random move on his whim, who knows what kind of changes it will bring to the world in the future.

The meeting soon came to an end. After explaining the rules and plans made by Ray, Albert took a step back.

Ray in the chair also opened his eyes. He was too lazy to talk to these people. Fortunately, the housekeeper was there, which saved him a lot of trouble.

After experiencing the accident just now, the people below had already corrected their mentality at this time, looking at Ray, waiting for him to speak.

"I won't say more nonsense. From now on, there will only be The Council who controls everything!"

Ray remembered the organization named High Table from the movie John Wick. Ray, who was too lazy to name it himself, so he decided to call it The Council.

"Yes! Godfather!" Everyone below responded in unison.

Ray nodded slightly, stood up, and walked to the wall of the conference room. On the wall in front of him was a thick and solid medieval tower shield that was as tall as one person.

"I won't be here for a long time. To prevent you or your future successors from forgetting the rules I set, I will leave you a gift."

Ray said that he suddenly punched the tower shield. The speed of the punch was astonishingly fast.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The interval between the seven sounds was very short, and the deafening roars sounded almost in sync.

Ray turned around and took Albert out of the conference room, leaving a room full of dumbfounded new leaders of the Council looking at each other.

They saw seven deep fist marks on the thick tower shield made of steel plate, and the shape of the fist was clearly visible.

After experiencing the scene of Ray dodging bullets, everyone present could accept Ray's inhuman strength.

After a moment of astonishment, they came back to their senses, got up one by one, and stepped forward.

However, just as the first few people walked to the tower shield, the wall behind the tower shield suddenly shook, and dense cracks appeared on the walls around the tower shield.

Seeing this, the nearest people quickly retreated. Just a few seconds later, the swaying wall collapsed, revealing a large hole more than two meters in diameter.

The meeting room was filled with smoke and dust for a while, and after a while, when the smoke and dust dissipated a little, everyone gathered around again.

The bricks that fell from the wall were piled up under the wall, and none of them were intact. They were all broken into pieces by Ray's punch just now.

The tower shield, which was one person tall, lay quietly on the rubble. Seven clear fist prints were deeply imprinted on the silvery surface.

"Seven Commandments..."

Now, Brooklyn's underground forces are unified, and a brand-new powerful organization "The Council" will firmly control the entire Brooklyn, and even the entire New York underground forces in the days to come. The tower shield with seven fist marks was solemnly placed in the elder's conference hall at the core of the gang.


At the end of 1943,

In the Martial Arts Gym,

Ray held a coffee cup, leaning comfortably on the large sofa in the living room, taking a sip of the mellow coffee, still a familiar taste, Ray felt extremely satisfied and relaxed.

Howard, who was sitting across from him, rolled his eyes at him, "I seriously suspect now that you are in a hurry to come back for this cup of coffee."

"You guessed it right." Ray didn't raise his eyes, he was comfortably stuck on the sofa and didn't want to move at all.

"But I agree with your decision," Howard said, leaning on the sofa with his cup in hand, raising the cup from time to time and taking a sip.

On the side, Albert looked at the two people slumped on the sofa, and shook his head helplessly, but there was a loving smile on the corner of his mouth.

After drinking a pot of coffee, the two finally sat up straight.

"Now that you have finished it, Should we get down to business?" Howard looked at Ray and asked seriously.

This time, Ray and Howard came back together, to invite Dr. Myron MacLean to join the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ray was very interested in the legendary Edman alloy.

Ray analyzed that the material of the vibranium shield he used should be the original Edman alloy, which is the most powerful of all Edman alloys. Unfortunately, it was formed in an experimental accident, so this is the only one.

The steel claws and internal bones of Wolverine in the X-Men are unsuccessful attempts to replicate the original Edman alloy, and that Edman alloy produced has slightly lower performance than the original Edman alloy, but can be manufactured on a small scale.

Although the bulletproof armor Ray is currently using is made of special bulletproof alloys, it has gradually been unable to meet Ray's needs for defense.

Although with Ray's strength, weight is not a problem but too much thickness will affect the flexibility of movement.

The bulletproof armor made of the current material can resist pistols, rifles, and even ordinary caliber machine guns, but once In the face of heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, the defense is somewhat insufficient.

Ray needed a more powerful material to make a new bulletproof armor that can provide enough defense.

Hearing Howard's reminder, Ray nodded.

"Let's leave tomorrow morning."


100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch

200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch

Chapter Length: 1011 words

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