
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

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61 Chs

Bulletproof Armor

"Of course, Let's go and save them!"

The quick-tempered Nikola Peru shouted angrily, "These types of people have crooked minds."

"How? Just rush over like this? What if they just kill them?" the eldest Sakchai Somboon asked in a deep voice, "And the pier is so big, do you know where they are hiding?"

"I...I can't just wait like this! Who knows what they will do? It will be too late!" Nikola said anxiously, "I can't let Carl go alone, right?"

Carl clenched his fists even tighter when he heard the words, "No, I will go alone, no matter what, I must save them!"


Albert stopped.

"You are going to die! These people are obviously here for the Gym. They want to destroy us!" Albert stopped the excited Carl and said, pressing his shoulder, "They must have already set up an ambush, just waiting for you to throw yourself!"

"Then what should we do?" Carl asked in a confused voice.

His family was in the other's hands, so there was nothing else he could do except take a risk.

"If only Ray was here." Ruslan couldn't help thinking of Ray, "He would have a solution."

The atmosphere fell silent for a while.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

"I think I heard someone talking about me behind my back just now?"

They quickly turned to look at the door and saw that in front of the door, a tall and majestic figure stood quietly.

The strong murderous aura gave people huge pressure, but everyone in the martial arts hall felt a deep sense of peace of mind.

"You are finally back!"

Ray couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing people so excited.

'Although I have been away for more than half a year, they won't miss me that much, right?'

"What happened?" Ray asked as he walked in, revealing Howard who was following behind him.

Howard looked around curiously at the furnishings in the martial arts hall, followed Ray to the sofa, and sat down.

Albert told Ray about the situation.

After Ray heard Albert, the murderous intent in his eyes couldn't help but fill up, and the people around him only felt that the air suddenly became cold.

Although he is far away in Europe, Ray has always been in control of the situation in New York through Hydra. During his absence, the Brooklyn Mafia began to be restless again.

According to Hydra's intelligence, as early as half a month ago, the two major Mafia families in Brooklyn had already begun to act.

Having learned the lesson of "Mad Dog" last time, the two did not dare to act rashly but secretly instigated other forces behind his back to attack the martial arts hall, which was one of the reasons why he came back this time.

The kidnapping is to test the ability of the Gym.

Ray felt a little guilt in his heart. He was aware of the Mafia's changes, but he only thought that the other party would attack the Gym.

The surrounding Hydra agents are enough to eliminate any intruding enemy. Of course, thee are the backdoors, but they will not be easily exposed unless it is a last resort.

With Albert's composure, the skills and marksmanship of the four fighters, and the weapons and equipment left by Ray, they can handle most situations easily.

Ray didn't expect them to attack Carl's family. This is something Ray ignored.

He was thinking from his point of view, that they would attack the martial arts hall directly, but he didn't consider the shamelessness of these people. Gangs have no bottom line.

This reminded Ray that the protection of the people around him must be meticulous, not letting go of any place that might be attacked.

At the same time, Ray also secretly rejoiced that he came back early and it did not cause irreversible consequences.

Thinking of this, Ray looked at Eddie and asked, "Eddie, if I didn't come back, what would you do?"

Hearing this, Albert unbuttoned his suit, put his hands under his armpits, and pulled out two pistols.

"After dark, sneak into the pier and save people first. Then, kill them all!"

Albert has been with Ray for a long time. Under his influence, he has changed a lot.

He has changed from an old man who was engaged in art into an ace agent.

This was the first time he had seen such a tough side of him. Unexpectedly, Eddie also had a warlike temperament.

Nodding with satisfaction, Ray got up from the sofa.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

When Sakchai Somboon and the others heard this, they hurried upstairs to get their guns.

After waiting for everyone to arrive, under the leadership of Ray, the group of people walked towards the door aggressively.

At this moment, a weak voice sounded.

"Well, can you take me with you?" Howard, who was ignored the whole time, asked expectantly, "My marksmanship is also good!"

Although he has been doing research all the time Howard was also eager to fight, but the risks on the battlefield were too great.

For the sake of his own life, he rationally gave up on the idea of the battlefield.

However, when he just heard from Ray's housekeeper that they are going to save people from the gangsters.

The opportunity of this kind of small-scale battle made him eager, and he knew that Ray was powerful. With him as his escort, there will be no problems. Just fight as much as you like.

"Okay, wait a minute."

After Ray finished speaking, he turned around and went upstairs. After a while, he walked down with a bunch of things in his arms.


With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Ray threw the thing in his hand on the ground.

A few people came forward curiously, Howard picked up one and looked at it, then raised his head strangely and asked Ray.

"Isn't this the bulletproof armor you designed?"

Chapter Length: 1050 words

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