
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

AbyssFC · Filem
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61 Chs


At this time, Steve was in the movie theater,

The patriotic propaganda film before the movie just now made Steve's blood boil, and he wished he could join the army immediately and go to the European battlefield, but a young man in front was shouting impatiently.

"Who cares about this, hurry up and play the movie!"

"Hey, show some respect." Steve couldn't get used to his behavior, so he stopped him.

When the propaganda video showed the brave soldiers on overseas battlefields who were seriously injured and lying on stretchers, many people at the scene had red eyes, and some even shed tears.

But the young man started shouting again.

"Come on! Don't put this! Play the movie!"

Steve was really angry this time, "Shut up!"

Hearing the words, the young man in front shut up, he was more than a head taller than Steve, very burly and strong.

After the movie ended, the two came to the back alley, to resolve the conflict. Of course, the other person saw that Steve seemed very weak and wanted to bully him for fun.

The man looked down at Steve in front of him.

Steve also looked up at the man in front of him.

Ray said that for this type of person verbal education is useless, he will only listen when beaten hard. This would help him remember the lesson and correct his mistakes.

Seeing the weak guy in front of him even dared to stare at him, the man "tried" to punch him angrily.

If it was the previous Steve he would have been knocked to the ground, but in the current Steve's view, the strong man's punch was only brute force, and the speed was also very slow.

Steve easily dodged sideways and punched the man's exposed armpit hard. The man who was still aggressive felt a sharp pain in his armpit, then his entire arm lost feeling and drooped weakly.

The man still refused to admit defeat, turned around, and hit Steve with the other hand. Since one arm could not move, he could not maintain his balance, which made his body a little unstable. It seemed even less threatening to Steve.

Steve dashed forward, dodging the opponent's attack, and punched the opponent's right side with a heavy punch.

The fragile liver position was hit, and an unprecedented pain spread throughout the body, and the man's complexion changed instantly. He couldn't help but cover the place where he was hit, and his entire upper body bent down.

Steve turned and kicked his Knees from behind. The strong man's knees went numb, his legs went weak, and he fell to the ground holding his stomach.

The man was powerless. Lying on the ground, he only felt pain all over his body.

Steve raised his foot and kicked the strong man's face, but he stopped his foot just a few inches away from him.

"When you are bullying the weak, be prepared to be bullied by others as well," Steve said and slowly withdrew his feet.

"The soldiers fought desperately for us on the battlefield, but you bullied the weak with your strength," Steve said with a serious face.

"Power used in the right place can be a respected hero; used in the wrong place, it can a bully that everyone hates." Steve turned to leave, leaving behind the man who was in deep thought lying on the ground.

This was the first time Steve had won a fight when he was bullied. He felt refreshed, and his body and mind seemed to be liberated. It felt so good to have power.

As soon as he walked out of the alley, Steve saw his friend, James Barnes, "Hi, Bucky!" Steve shouted happily. At this time, he especially wanted to share his happiness with his friends.

"Steve, you bastard! After you agreed to watch a movie together, Why did you come here?" Bucky walked towards Steve quickly, complaining incessantly.

When Bucky approached, Steve realized that he was wearing a military uniform, "Have you received an order?" Steve looked up and asked.

"The 107th Infantry Regiment, Sergeant James Barnes, set sail for England tomorrow morning, Sir," Bucky said proudly.

Steve was silent for a while after hearing the words, "I should go too." Steve's tone was a little low.

Although he had been eliminated from the army several times because of his poor physique, he was confident that with his current strength, he could pass it.

Steve was still very grateful to Ray. As long as what he said did not violate his principles, Steve was willing to listen. Therefore, although he was very eager to join the army and serve the country, Steve did not sign up.

Seeing that Steve was in a low mood, Bucky just thought he was unable to pass the conscription assessment, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Come on, buddy! On the last night before I join the army, I'll take you somewhere amazing." Bucky said, putting his arms around Steve's shoulders and walking forward.

"Where are we going?" Steve picked up his mood and asked as he walked.

"Future." Bucky handed Steve a newspaper with "World Exposition of Tomorrow" printed on the entire page.

"Wait, I have to go back to the martial arts gym first." Steve suddenly stopped.

"Why?" Bucky asked suspiciously.

"Ray said he had something to tell me this afternoon," Steve said and walked quickly towards the Martial Arts Hall. Bucky shook his head helplessly and followed quickly.

"Ray, I'm back!" Steve took Bucky back to the martial arts gym and shouted to Ray, who was practicing with knives in the hall.

Ray threw the knife in his hand. The knife cut through the air at an extremely fast speed, and hit the center of the target twenty meters away, submerging nearly halfway. There were already more than a dozen knives densely inserted into the bullseye.

Chapter Length: 1000 words

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