
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

AbyssFC · Filem
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61 Chs

A Crisis in the Gym

Suddenly, Ray's keen perception detected something dangerous.

He saw a tank in the distance turning the turret and aiming at him. When Ray saw this, he instantly rushed towards the tank.

After a rapid sprint, Ray jumped up, drew a perfect arc in the air, and fell towards the turret of the tank.

The gunner in the tank was still aiming but suddenly found that the target is gone.

Landing steadily on the turret, Ray cut off the barrel of the tank with a single sword strike. He lifted the shield with his left hand and hit it down heavily, smashing the hatch open.

Then he threw a grenade in it and blew up the tank.

Ray found the next target, he again jumped onto the armored vehicle in a few steps and destroyed it easily in the same way.

Dodging the bullets of the Hydra soldiers, Ray quickly eliminated all of the threatening heavy weapons. The remaining hundreds or so soldiers were no threat to him at all.

There were not many troops in the base, less than 500 people in total, and most of the militarized forces were dispatched to fight outside. The base's defense force was not strong.

And the troops that were fighting with the allied forces outside had already been wiped out by Ray. The Hydra base in this area is now the only base left.

After all the biggest threats were eliminated, Ray signaled an all-out attack, and the hundreds of elite soldiers of the special team who had been waiting outside for a long time rushed in.

They wore the same black combat suit as Ray, with a lighter, weakened version of bulletproof armor inside.

Although the load of dozens of pounds would affect their flexibility, after, Ray eliminated most of the heavy firepower, they didn't need to dodge that much, this bulky body armor greatly enhanced their survivability.

The Hydra troops in the base were already crippled by Ray. The addition of this new force accelerated their demise.

It can be said that the situation has been settled. Ray put the sword back into the scabbard behind him, pulled out pistols, and joined the fray again.

With the addition of the special forces, the Hydra soldiers were busy responding to the fierce attacks of hundreds of special forces, and they were overwhelmed.

The firepower was not as focused on Ray as it was before. Using his keen perception and superhuman reaction speed he dodged the bullets while shooting back, taking the opportunity to exercise his ability to react and avoid bullets.

As a result, the speed of killing was naturally much slower. Before Ray could use up all the bullets in the third clip, the battle was over.


The captain of the first team of the special team stepped forward to report the results to Ray.

"All enemies are cleared! We have completely occupied the entire base!"

The Hydra base was broken, and this was the second Hydra base destroyed by Ray.

As the real behind-the-scenes boss of Hydra, Ray had no discomfort with destroying his base with his own hands.

Not to mention that these bases are full of Hydra "traitors" loyal to Hitler. According to Ray's original plan, these bases were going to be abandoned anyway.

World War II will end in a few years, and these bases that are not concealed enough will be discovered sooner or later, so it is better to use them as a distraction.

First, it can completely eliminate internal rebellion and he can completely control Hydra;

Second, it can deceive the forces of various countries, and HYDRA can completely hide;

Third, it can improve his status and prestige in allied countries, gain complete trust, and deepen his control over S.H.I.E.L.D, Who will think that Ray, who destroyed Hydra, would be the real controller of Hydra.


Brooklyn, New York

In the evening, the tables of every household were filled with sumptuous food, and every family gathered together to have dinner together.

But the atmosphere in the Martial Arts Hall was heavy.

A few minutes ago,

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded outside the door, the door was slammed open, and a sturdy figure rushed in anxiously, It was Carl who had just left, but he suddenly returned to the gym for some reason.

Ignoring the people who looked at him in surprise, Carl hurried up to the second floor, and after a while, he came downstairs again, without saying a word, he walked quickly to the door.

It's just that the bulge on his waist told everyone what he did when he went upstairs just now.

"What are you doing with the gun?" Albert asked quickly upon seeing this.

Others also hurriedly stopped him.

"Carl, what happened? What are you doing?"

Looking at his aggressive look, something must have happened.


Ray came back with a bunch of long and short guns after "Mad Dog" knocked on the door, and asked everyone in the martial arts gym, including Albert, to practice marksmanship.

After all, although the styles of fighters are great, they still can't deal with firearms with bare hands, but with their skills, superior agility, and reaction, The lethality of using a gun is very huge.

As for Albert, Ray felt that it is always good to have more self-defense ability. He hopes that everyone around him can at least have the ability to protect themself.

Albert did not object to this. On the contrary, he practiced more seriously, because he felt that if he mastered marksmanship, he could help Ray when he needed it.


"It's gone!" Carl's voice trembled a little, and both of his hands were clenched tightly.

"I just came home, and my wife and children are gone!"

"There is only a note left in the room, asking me to go to the pier by myself tonight!"

Albert nodded solemnly, "It's been more than half a year since the young master left. It seems that someone else is trying to hit us again."


Among the four fighters, the other three either did not have a family, or their relatives had died in the war, and only Carl's wife and son were still by his side.

After he came to the martial arts hall, his life was guaranteed, so Carl rented a house nearby, and the family of three lived a good life.

Every night, his wife would prepare dinner early, but when he rushed home today, he found that the house was a mess, and his wife and children were gone.

He only found a note on the table, asking him to go to Pier 6 alone tonight if he wanted them back, otherwise, he will have to collect the dead bodies of his wife and children.


"What should I do now?" Carl looked around and asked.

Chapter Length: 1150 words

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