
Marvel : Metal Manipulation

Tony's Armor Captain America's Shield Thor's Hammer Hello, Thanos, aren't your gloves also made of metal? Metal control, metal strengthening, metal shaping, subtle control, metal body... Sorry, as long as there is metal, I am a god! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Justice Bighorn

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Chapter 16 : Tony Stark is back

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Leo used these ordinary metals to accumulate the reinforcement of steel tendons to 34% in these three months.

With the increase in the degree of strengthening, the change in body weight can be felt very obviously. A small man who is obviously only 1.2 meters tall has gained 40 kilograms.

He also discovered that his gastrointestinal digestion speed is a bit faster, his stomach is like upgrading from a small boiler to a smelting furnace, any food is quickly converted into energy and disappeared.

Therefore, Leo eats a box of snacks almost every day to maintain his body's consumption.

He glanced at today's date, and muttered, "Time should be almost here too!"


Tony walked out of the cave wearing his armor. A large group of people had already gathered outside. A dozen rifles were aimed at the entrance of the cave, ready to welcome his arrival.

The huge steel figure walked out. Before he moved, he was baptized by hundreds of bullets. The impact of hundreds of bullets made Tony unable to move for a while.

After a volley, everyone stopped, but unscathed Tony raised his hands and turned on the flamethrower.

"It's me!"

Two huge pillars of fire spurted out, and the attached fuel ignited everything, except for those howling frantically, and there were countless Stark industrial missiles placed around the opening.

As the temperature rose and the flames burned, the surrounding hundreds of flats quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and all the people inside turned into coke. Only the enemies in the distance had room for resistance.

Two hundred meters away, a heavy machine gun was set up and fired frantically at Tony. The huge impact of the bullet made his actions more difficult.

At the same time, the exposed conveyor belt of the leg was also damaged by the gunshot, and the right leg could not move.

The temperature is getting higher and higher. Some ammunition and equipment have exploded, causing more explosive reactions. Even the small missiles not far away have become more and more unstable.

Tony saw that the time was almost there, and turned on the last escape equipment, an ejector and engine removed from a small rocket for the final ejection flight.

Just as Tony flew out of the valley, there was a huge explosion in the valley, and all the ammunition was detonated.

The huge impact pushed Tony again, pushing the Mark 1 farther.

The fuel-exhausted Mark One lost power in the air, fell into a free fall and plunged into the desert.

Half of Tony's body was plunged into the sand, Mark One also completed its mission and sacrificed itself honorably.

Tony took off the mask from his head with difficulty, with blood in the corners of his mouth and scratches on his neck. He looked weakly at the sun in the sky that had not been seen for two months.

"Not bad!"

He struggled to get up, judged the direction, and left quickly.

Four hours later, Tony didn't know how long he had been walking or how long he had ran. The high temperature of nearly 40 degrees has left him in a state of water shortage. If no one finds him before the night, he may not be able to live until the next day.

Because of the way he landed on the ground, his right arm was also seriously injured and blood was flowing.

Exhausted Tony has been thinking about what Yinsen told him at the end, which became his motivation to continue running.

He doesn't know how many kilometers he ran. Tony's mind has always been refreshed with his understanding of war and peace.

Across sand dunes one after another, the sun has gradually set.

He crossed a sand dune again, until two helicopters flew over his head, Tony slowed to react.


He waved his left hand and shouted loudly.

It is a military helicopter, it is to find his own plane.

Tony, who had been exhausted a long time ago, weakened his legs and knelt on the yellow sand, holding his direct left hand high, with **** on top.

That is when I took a photo with the soldier who died because of protecting him on the jeep.

At that time, I said "Peace, I love peace, if it is peace, I won't work!"

At this moment, it is a wish that springs from the bottom of my heart, "I love peace!"

Colonel Rhodes, who has been flying non-stop over the desert for the past three months, rushed forward and hugged Tony. "Next time I will ride in the same car, okay?"

Tony fell into Rhode's arms and smiled happily.


Pepper also got the news, and she covered her mouth, choked with excited tears, and leaned on the desk weakly and started crying.

Who knows, she has been working under pressure these days, and finally, Tony is coming back.

On May 4, 2008, a military transport plane flew over from a distance inside a US military base.

And Pepper and Happy, waited here early.

The hatch slowly opened, and Pepper was already staring at the figure sitting in the wheelchair above him, his eyes swollen and rosy again.

Stark, who was injured in his right hand, slowly walked down with Rhode's support.

Pepper also smiled with a few tears. From the inside out, she had never missed someone so much.

Tony still has a few scars on his face, but Pepper is the only one in his eyes.

"Your eyes are red. Are you sad for your missing boss?"

"Happy, you don't have to look for a new job anymore!"

"Yeah, the holiday is over!" Tony did not forget his original intention.

Happy opened the door, and Tony Stark got in his car again.

"Where to go, sir?"

"Take us to the hospital! Happy!"

"Not going," Tony said.

"No, Tony, you have to go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"I will never go to the hospital, I will do nothing!" Tony stared at Pepper.

"I have been detained for three months, I only want to do three things now, one is to eat a cheeseburger, the other is..."

Pepper turned his gaze, "You are always so lustful!"

"It's not what you think, I want to hold a press conference!"

"The press conference? Why do you want to hold a press conference?" Pepper didn't understand, but worried about Tony's body.

"There are three more, Pepper, help me find the Asian kid, Happy has seen him! Okay, Happy, drive, let's go eat cheeseburger first"

The car started slowly, and Pepper still looked confused, "Child? Hogan, what child, where is the child?"


Today is another comfortable weekend. Jenny is working overtime. Uncle George has some work to do. Even Peter was taken to the amusement park by Aunt May and would not come to find him.

'Leo, how did you know Tony Stark was back? I just found out that they seem to be preparing a press conference in a certain venue! '

Leo's cell phone rang, and a message like this appeared in it.

"Well, send me the location, I promise to make a model for you first!"

Looking at the message sent to him by his friends in the group, Leo put on his little schoolbag and went out.

He stopped a taxi, "Go to this place, hurry up, it's very urgent!"

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