
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

Ashinydecapod · Filem
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99 Chs

Machine Man 72 TMNT x Specter Team Up Act 1

Just below the bustling streets of New York City, hidden from the prying eyes of the surface world, lay the lair of the Ninja Turtles, a sanctuary now marred by the recent attack from the Foot Clan and their merciless leader, The Shredder.

Amidst the rubble and debris, Raphael, one of the courageous turtles, struggled to free himself from the tangled mess. Covered in dust and dirt, he exerted all his strength to break free. On the other side of the room, his wise and resilient master, Splinter, lay trapped beneath a pile of broken concrete, his yellow montsuki kimono tattered and stained.

April, their friend and ally, worked tirelessly to free Splinter from the rubble, her determination evident in every strained movement. Raphael, now free, rushed to his master's side, his heart heavy with concern. With a grunt of effort, he managed to lift a hefty chunk of debris, revealing Splinter's battered form beneath.

"Sensei, Master..." Raphael's voice trembled with worry as he gently lifted Splinter from the rubble, cradling him in his arms. "We need to get him to the other room," he instructed April, his tone urgent.

As April hurried to retrieve the first aid kit, Raphael turned his attention to his injured master, his hands gentle yet firm as he tended to Splinter's wounds. Splinter, though battered and bruised, mustered the strength to speak, his voice strained yet filled with wisdom.

"Raphael," he called out, his eyes searching for his son's reassuring presence. "You must save your brothers. Stop Shredder," he urged, his words weighted with urgency and determination.

Raphael's heart clenched at his master's words, his resolve firm as he vowed to protect his family at all costs. "Sensei," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. "I won't let you down."

It was at this time that alarms blared out. April sprang into action, swiping her hands to clear the scattered wires and debris covering the monitor. Using the computer, her fingers flew over the keyboard as she attempted to trace the source of the alarm. "It's some kind of tracker," April exclaimed, her brow furrowed in concentration as she worked to clear the wires from the screen.

Raphael nodded grimly, his gaze flickering to their master, "It's Donatello's," he confirmed, his voice tight with concern. Raphael met Splinter's gaze with determination, his resolve steeling. "I'm going to save my brothers," he vowed, his voice resolute.

Meanwhile, April seized the opportunity to call for help, her fingers trembling slightly as she use the communication devices that was recently given to her. "Come on, pick up the damn phone," she muttered to herself, her heart pounding in her chest.

Finally, a mechanized voice answered on the other end, its synthesized tones sending a shiver down April's spine. "It's me, what do you need?" the voice growled. April wasted no time in getting to the point. "I need help," she began, her voice urgent. "We... we need help."

Understanding immediately, the voice on the other end promised assistance. "I understand, I'm on my way," he replied before abruptly ending the call. Alex quickly transformed his body, small nanomachines, resembling ants, crawled from his feet towards his head. As he moved towards his Predator Scout ship, his form donned futuristic armor, complete with the Cobalt blue helmet and pointed ear.

"But I haven't given you the location yet," she exclaimed, frustration lacing her tone. But it was too late—Alex had already hung up, leaving behind only a cryptic text message. "I know where you are. Stay there," the message read, with a sinking feeling in her chest, she turned back to the task at hand, knowing that time was of the essence in saving her friends.

Raphael's sharp eyes scanned their surroundings, his senses heightened as he listened for any sign of intrusion. Beside him, April worked diligently at the computer, her fingers dancing over the keyboard as she attempted to trace the source of the alarm.

As the tension in the room grew, Raphael couldn't help but voice his concern. "Who'd you call?" he questioned, his voice edged with suspicion. April's response was cryptic, her words leaving more questions than answers. "Someone who can fight and drive us there," she replied vaguely, her tone revealing nothing of her intentions.

A few moments later, as they tended to Splinter's wounds, the sound of footsteps echoed through the chamber, alerting Raphael to the presence of an intruder. With a growl, he instinctively moved to confront the threat, his muscles tensing for action.

Before them, a dark figure materialized from the shadows, the chameleon cloak slowly dematerializing to reveal Specter. Raphael's growl deepened, his distrust evident as he prepared to attack.

But April intervened, running to stand between Raphael and Specter, her voice pleading for restraint. "Stop! He's here to help!" she cried out, her words echoing in the cavernous space.

Raphael hesitated, his weapon poised for attack but held back by April's words. Turning to her, he questioned her logic, still wary of the mysterious figure before them. "What help? He attacked us," Raphael insisted, his gaze flickering between April and Specter.

April's expression shifted, her eyebrows raised in disbelief as she turned to face Specter, seeking clarification.

Specter remained calm amidst the tension, his voice steady as he explained his actions. "They attacked first; I only retaliated," he stated simply. Ralph, upon hearing this, couldn't help but rebut, "You threw a knife at us!" Specter simply replied, "As a warning." He then continued, "A bunch of teenagers trained but with little to no experience of the outside world. They are not ready to face Shredder."

April's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "They're teenagers!?" she exclaimed, the realization sinking in as she remembered the how tall the turtles are..

Raphael, though still wary, lowered his weapon slightly, a silent acknowledgment of April's plea for understanding. He remained on guard, ready to strike if necessary, but for now, he trusted April's judgment.

"Specter then turned to Raphael, "Bring your Sensei up, we need to treat him," he instructed, his tone firm but reassuring. Raphael's resolve remained unyielding. "No, we're not moving him," he asserted, his voice firm with determination. "We need to get to my brothers to save them."

Specter shook his head, his expression unwavering. "I have my ship ready," he explained calmly. "We can cure your master as we go to your brothers." April stepped forward, her voice gentle yet persuasive. "Raphael, listen to him," she urged, her eyes meeting his with empathy. "We need to trust him."

Reluctantly, Raphael nodded, his grip on his Sai loosening slightly as he acquiesced to April's words betting on and trusting her.

Moments later, a sleek space ship materialized above their heads, its futuristic design leaving them in awe. "Woahhh," Raphael exclaimed, his gaze fixed on the impressive vessel as he carried his injured master.

April shared in his amazement, her eyes wide with wonder. "So, how do we get in?" she asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued. Specter's response was simple yet cryptic. "Stand in the circle," he instructed, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Raphael furrowed his brow in confusion. "What circle?" he questioned, but before he could receive an answer, the ship's lights illuminated, casting a blue glow on the ground below.

As if by magic, a circular light formed around them, now covered in light it lifted them gently into the air. Raphael's eyes widened in astonishment as they floated upwards towards the waiting ship.

April turned to Specter amazed by what just happened as it feels like someone just turned off the gravity she quickly asked, "what was that?"

Specter just said, "Tractor beam". Now inside the ship's interior, Specter's demeanor remained stoic as ever. "Bring your sensei to the healing bay," he instructed, his voice cool and detached.

The AI voice of Skynet chimed in, its digitized silhouette appearing before them. "Hello there, I am Skynet," it greeted them warmly. "You can follow me, so we can heal your father."

Raphael was too stunned to respond, his gaze flickering between April and Specter in disbelief. April, sensing his unease, offered a reassuring nod before turning to follow Skynet's projection.

Specter then turned to April, his expression unreadable. "I know Eric Sacks is working with the head of the Foot Clan," he revealed, his voice tinged with urgency. "And they just kidnapped the three turtles to take them to the Sacks estate."

April's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. "How did you know?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. Specter knew because he was monitoring them, the reason he did not act earlier has two points, first he has no relation with the turtles, second and most important part, it's the only way he can get the turtles blood without antagonizing them. From what he remembered their blood contain a substance called mutagen, something he would like to get his hands on.

Specter's grin was enigmatic as ever. "Because I'm Specter," he replied cryptically, his fingers flying over the ship's controls as he piloted them towards their destination.

As the Predator Scout ship soared silently through the night sky, its stealth cloak rendering it invisible to all even the most powerful surveillance systems in the world, the tension inside the vessel was obtrusive. The dimly lit interior hummed with quiet anticipation as Specter, April, and Raphael prepared for their daring rescue mission.

Skynet, the ship's AI, scanned the target location with precision, its digital voice cutting through the air with calculated analysis. "It's lightly manned," Skynet reported, its assessment calm and composed. "A few soldiers and ninjas with high-caliber weapons. Nothing to be worried about."

April's brow furrowed at the seemingly nonchalant assessment. "Heavily armed and with ninjas, nothing to worry about?" she questioned incredulously, her concern evident in her voice.

Specter's response was decisive as he turned to face Raphael, his expression resolute. "Get ready. I'll blow up the doors, and we jump in," he declared, his tone firm and unwavering.

Raphael nodded, "I like this plan," his determination shining through despite the gravity of the situation. "Let's do this," he affirmed, his voice brimming with resolve. With a silent vow to his brothers, he steeled himself for the impending confrontation. "Wait for me, brothers. I'll save you," he murmured to himself, his words a solemn promise echoing in the confined space of the ship's interior.

As the Predator Scout ship abruptly deactivated its cloaking system, materializing above the enemy fort, chaos erupted below. The Foot Clan, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of an alien looking space ship, unleashed a barrage of gunfire and anti-aircraft weapons in an attempt to bring it down. But their efforts proved futile against the ship's impenetrable energy shield, rendering their attacks ineffective, like throwing eggs at a rock.

Specter maneuvered the ship and aimed its frontal guns, charged with energy. He unleashed a devastating purple beam that obliterated the fort's gate, walls, and unfortunate soldiers and ninjas caught in its path. Amidst the destruction, Specter wasted no time, turning to Raphael with a determined gaze. "Let's go," he urged, the urgency evident in his voice as a section of the Predator Scout ship transformed, revealing a doorway mere steps away.

Raphael, fueled by adrenaline and resolve, heeded Specter's call, leaping from the ship with eagerness and rage. As he landed on the ground below, he was immediately met with a swarm of Foot Clan soldiers and ninjas, their weapons trained on him with lethal intent.

With swift and calculated movements, Raphael engaged his adversaries in a flurry of acrobatics and combat prowess. He danced through the chaos, using his thick shell as a shield against the onslaught of bullets, while delivering powerful strikes with his twin sais. With each movement, he fought with the ferocity of a warrior, determined to save his brothers at any cost. "I'm bullet proof!" he said astounded as the bullets did nothing to his Shell, even to his body.

As Specter turned to April, his expression hardened with determination as he spoke. "Stay here," he instructed, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them. "You'll be safer aboard the ship. Skynet will ensure your protection. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Skynet, ever vigilant, reassured Specter with a synthesized voice filled with unwavering confidence. "I'll keep a watchful eye on her," it affirmed, its digital projection turning towards April with a reassuring nod. "Follow me," it beckoned, its digital form shimmering with red light as it guided her towards the ship's observation bay.

As Specter descended gracefully from the ship, his focus honed on the task at hand. With a fluid motion, he drew his smart pistols, the weapons glinting in the sunlight as he executed a series of graceful maneuvers. His body moved with the precision of a assassin as he engaged in gun kata, a deadly martial art blending firearm techniques with martial arts movements.

In mid-air, he assumed a T-pose, he activated the Zea satellite brain function, as if time was momentary pause in his descent. His keen kiroshi mechanical eyes scanned the battlefield below, calculating trajectories and assessing threats with lightning speed. As if time got resumed once he cut off the brain function with Zea and with impeccable timing, he unleashed a volley of shots, each one finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy.

With mechanical precision, he swiftly neutralized the enemies aiming at his Predator Ship. As he engaged the adversaries with methodical efficiency, each shot calculated to incapacitate his foes, his movements flowed seamlessly from one target to the next.

The enemies below were caught off guard by Specter's mesmerizing display of skill, their ranks quickly thinning under the relentless onslaught of bullets.

With the aid of boosters from his feet and back, he slowed his rapid descent, Specter touched down on the ground, melting the snow around him as he lands. His eyes scanning the battlefield for any remaining threats.

The Ninjas of the Foot Clan with the hired mercenaries turned their attention to the dark figure before them. The fort's courtyard was strewn with debris and wreckage from the earlier skirmish, illuminated by the flickering flames of destroyed vehicles and buildings.

A Foot Clan ninja, adorned in militaristic combat uniform and wielding a katana, stepped forward, his voice carrying the zeal of unwavering loyalty. "Intruder!" he shouted, his tone filled with righteous fervor. " Death to the interloper!"

Specter remained silent, his eyes narrowed behind the blue visor of his helmet as he assessed the situation. With a swift movement, he drew his smart pistols, the sleek metal gleaming in the sunlight.

The mercenaries, armed with high-caliber weapons and mounted turrets, hesitated as they faced the enigmatic figure before them. Fear flickered in their eyes as they exchanged nervous glances, whispers of uncertainty passing among them. They have heard about this boogeyman from previous mercenaries hired by some rich gonk. How a powerful mercenary group got played like little kids in their diapers as Specter attacked them and their underworld employer.

But the Foot Clan soldiers remained resolute, their loyalty to their master unshakable. With a battle cry, "For the Foor Clan!" they charged towards Specter, their blades flashing in the air as they sought to vanquish the intruder.

Specter moved with the fluid grace of a predator, his movements a blur of calculated precision. He dodged and weaved between the attackers, bullets whizzing past him as he retaliated with deadly accuracy.

Jumping, dashing in midair and sliding with effortless agility, Specter engaged his enemies in a deadly dance of combat. His smart pistols barked in the darkness, each shot finding its mark with mechanical precision as he systematically dismantled his foes. Skippy 1 & 2 hurl out curses at their foes each one

The Foot Clan soldiers fell before him, their fanaticism no match for Specter's skill honed and copied from multiple martial artist and heroes using shards. With each defeated opponent, his resolve only grew stronger, his focus unwavering as he pressed forward towards his objective.

The mercenaries, witnessing the carnage wrought by Specter's relentless onslaught, began to retreat, their bravado crumbling in the face of such overwhelming power. They scrambled to escape, their panicked voices filling the air as they fled from the shadowy figure who had become their worst nightmare.

Unfazed by the mercenaries' attempt to flee, Specter activated his chameleon cloak, his armor shimmering like a mirage in the falling snow. As the daylight faded and darkness crept over the landscape, he disappeared from the mercenaries' sight as if he were part of the shadows, he melded into the wintry surroundings, blending seamlessly with the snowy terrain.

As Specter stalked his prey with silent determination, he caught sight of movement at the edge of the courtyard. A group of mercenaries, their faces obscured by the falling snow, emerged cautiously from the shadows, their weapons at the ready.

With a flicker of movement, Specter materialized out of the darkness, his chameleon cloak falling away as he unleashed a volley of stun shots. The mercenaries, caught off guard by his sudden appearance, crumpled to the ground, their bodies lying still in the pristine snow.

One of the mercenaries managed to evade Specter's initial assault and fled deeper into a forest nearby. Undeterred, Specter gave chase, his form flickering in and out of existence as he pursued his prey through the labyrinthine tress. With each turn, the mercenary's panicked breaths grew louder, echoing off the cold stone walls as Specter closed in.

Cornered and desperate, the last remaining mercenary made a final stand. With nowhere left to run, he brandished his weapon and prepared to face Specter head-on. Sensing the impending confrontation, Specter emerged from the shadows atop a tree, his presence imposing and ghostlike as he squared off against his adversary. Pointing his palm towards the mercenary, Specter's arm shifted as a grapple hook shot out from his mechanical hand. Pulling the mercenary by his feet, dangling him in the air, the mercenary screamed at the sudden tug, accidentally releasing a few random gunshots, not knowing what was happening.

The mercenary pleaded, "Please let me go. I'll do anything, tell you anything you need… please!" But Specter was ruthless. Pointing his gun towards the mercenary, he shot him. The gun was set to stun as electricity arced towards the mercenary's body, incapacitating him.

With the mercenaries defeated, Specter deactivated his chameleon cloak and turned to return to the fort. But just as he began to make his way, he heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching from the darkness. With a wary glance over his shoulder, Specter readied his pistols, prepared to face whatever new threat may emerge from the shadows.

Some what of a good news, I was able to finish the turtles story part. But still busy playing games and have no time finish the other parts of the story, might enter hiatus. I'll try to make some by weekend when I have time. And as always thank you for liking this half arase fanfic.

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