
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Filem
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88 Chs

Machine Man 67 Face to face with Sorcerer Supreme.

After Alex ended the call with Peter and locking up Skynet through a digital prison, a sudden burst of golden sparks formed a circle a few steps away from Alex's back. The AI blared urgently, "Warning, warning, detecting unknown energy signature." Startled, Alex turned to the source and saw a figure stepping out of a portal, sending a shiver down his spine.

Reacting quickly, Alex activated his sun reactor, while also creating multiple boosters on his body and even going as far as forming metallic wings ready to escape. Deep inside he knew that he shouldn't have taken over Savage Land. That doing all this will surely bring him to the eyes of powerful beings, but he just can't help resist the temptation of Vibranium and one thing led to another so now here he is, facing one of his nightmares.

Yao, the Sorcerer Supreme, appeared and greeted him with amusement. "Hello there, Alex, or should I say Machine Emperor?" she greeted.

Hearing Yao's words, Alex book it, his mind race with not fucking around and finding out, as he activated all his booster, quickly flying away from her. "What do you want sorcerer supreme, I haven't done anything to offend you, have I?" he protested he could think of a few things why the Ancient One was after him.

Yao magically appeared beside him, her presence commanding. "So brainwashing people is not 'doing anything' for you?" she remarked dryly. "My, my, how far will you go when you actually 'do something'?"

As Alex continued his desperate attempt to flee from the relentless pursuit of Yao, the Sorcerer Supreme, his mind raced with thoughts of survival.

With each step, he pushed his body to the limits, his artificial heart pounding in his chest as he raced through the skies above the untamed wilderness of the Savage Land, but somehow Yao was able to keep up with him with ease.

Seeing that the Ancient One was toying with him, he uttered a command, "Activate Accel mode, overload the Sandevistan!" using his cosmic power he upgraded the implant and sun reactor, with cosmic energy.

His eye glowing with cosmic energy and his voice resonated with power, cutting through the crackling energy that surrounded him as he initiated the sequence. "Engage Machine God Protocols," he commanded, his tone firm and resolute. With the warp technology from Predator, Cyberpunk Sandevistan and time displacement technology of Terminator he was able to recreate something akin to the speed force. Although it will hurt like a bitch after deactivating this mode, he has no choice.

Golden lines of energy intensified, tracing intricate patterns across his armor as the power within him surged to new heights. "Increase sun reactor output and overload it," he continued, Flashes or warning quickly showed up on his display hud, his voice unwavering despite the immense strain on his body.

The air crackled with energy as glowing lines of reddish gold traced intricate patterns across his armor, while arcs of red lightning danced around him in a mesmerizing display of raw power. With each passing moment, Alex could feel his body undergo a transformation, his form becoming sleeker and more streamlined, perfectly attuned to the incredible speeds he was about to achieve.

[image here]

With the Overload Sandevistan fully activated and his Sun reactor running over capacity, Alex's speed surged to levels previously thought impossible, rivaling that of the legendary hero, the Flash. He felt as if he could outrun the very light itself, his movements fluid and effortless as he soared through the air with unparalleled grace landing on the ground.

As he streaked through the ground like a red comet blazing a trail across Savage Land, Alex knew that he had become speed itself.

As Yao observed Alex's incredible speed, a hint of admiration crossed her features. "Nice, very impressive outsider," she remarked, her voice tinged with genuine appreciation. "Let's see what else you are capable of."

With a graceful gesture, she summoned forth her formidable magic, conjuring a barrage of mystical chains known as the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. The chains lashed out with ferocious intensity, aiming to ensnare Alex and bring him to a halt.

However, Alex's speed proved to be unmatched as he darted and weaved through the onslaught of magical restraints. Each chain missed its mark, leaving only a trail of crimson energy crackling in his wake as he effortlessly evaded Yao's formidable attack.

Having fun toying with her prey, Yao channeled her magic to create a mirror dimension, trapping Alex within its shimmering confines of an inescapable dimension. He knew at this moment he fucked up, although he has warp drive technology of the Yautja or Predators, it's completely useless since this is a whole another dimension.

As Yao taunted him from the shadows with the literal ground and surroundings attacking him, Alex's resolve hardened, his mind focused on finding a way out of this magical prison. With a snarl of defiance, he unleashed a barrage of plasma beams from his arm cannon, hoping to break through the golden shields that surrounded his enemy. But Yao was prepared, her Shield of the Seraphim deflecting each attack with ease, transforming them into colorful butterflies that danced in the air around her, as if mocking Alex further.

Undeterred by his failed assault, Alex charged forward, his speed unmatched even within the confines of the mirror dimension. Dodging Yao's magical attacks with lightning-fast reflexes, he searched for any sign of weakness in her defenses.

In a flurry of mystical incantations, Yao invoked, "Images of Ikonn," summoning a legion of perfect replicas of herself. Alex, relying on his advanced technology, swiftly initiated a scan. To his bewilderment, every reading on his HUD confirmed the authenticity of each clone, leaving him exasperated. Under his breath, he muttered, "I hate magic."

Yao, reveling in her advantage over Alex, unleashed a relentless onslaught of magical bolts of Balthakk. With an air of amusement, she questioned, "But why? Magic is wonderful."

Alex, undeterred by Yao's taunts, uttered in frustration, "No, magic corrupts!" With a growl of frustration, Alex unleashed his fury upon the clones, launching multiple orbs powered by miniature arc reactors, they floated into the air, each one targeting a different clone with a barrage of energy beams, while some form a golden shield of their own shielding Alex from the bolt's he is unable to dodge. The clones, caught off guard by the sudden assault, scrambled to defend themselves, but it was too late.

The orbs struck with deadly accuracy, their beams tearing through the ranks of clones with ruthless efficiency. Yet, even as they fell, more clones emerged from the shadows, their numbers seemingly endless.

Unfazed by the onslaught, Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, regarded Alex with a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "You have some wonderful toys, I must say," she remarked. "Enough to even give powerful demons and powerful beings a challenge.", her voice carrying a tone of admiration.

But Alex was not about to back down. With a determined glare, he summoned forth even greater power, channeling his energy into a devastating attack. Yet, before he could unleash it upon his foes, Ancient One raised her hand once more, conjuring a chain of lightning that crackled with raw power.

The lightning surged forth, striking each orb with pinpoint precision, causing them to detonate in a spectacular display of sparks and smoke. Alex gritted his teeth in frustration as his arsenal was decimated before his eyes.

But even in the face of defeat, he refused to surrender. With his incredible speed, he ran like a flash hitting the clones, striking them down one by one leaving streaks of red lightning behind his wake. But Yao's illusions were cunning, their attacks relentless as they swarmed around him, threatening to overwhelm him with their sheer numbers.

Despite his best efforts, Alex found himself unable to discern the real Yao from her myriad of clones, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. With a snarl of anger, he cursed the magic that had ensnared him, his mind consumed by thoughts of escape and vengeance.

"This is vexing," Alex grumbled, his movements becoming more agile as he attempted to evade Yao's relentless assault. With determination in his voice, he stood tall and declared, "Since we're in the Mirror Dimension, let me see if you can handle this attack."

Coming to a complete halt, he then whispered the command, "I am atomic," and a blinding light enveloped his form. Suddenly, a colossal nuclear explosion erupted, with Alex at its epicenter. Though he knew it would take a toll on his body, his adamantium and Vibranium enhancements provided some assurance of survival, albeit with considerable damage.

Yao observed with a furrowed brow as the scene unfolded before her. "Okay, fun time is over," she remarked coolly, clapping her hands. Instantly, everything froze in place, including Alex, who was caught in the midst of his self-destructive maneuver. Time seemed to rewind, reversing the catastrophic explosion until Alex was frozen in a state of suspended animation, only his mouth and eyes able to move.

With a chuckle, Yao revealed her true purpose. "I'm actually here to ask you a favor," she announced, her tone tinged with amusement.

Hearing this, Alex's response was a mix of frustration and disbelief. "Mother fucker," he muttered under his breath, bracing himself for whatever request the Ancient One had in store.

In the aftermath of their intense confrontation, Alex found himself standing before the Sorcerer Supreme, his demeanor subdued and resigned. With a sense of defeat hanging heavy in the air, he addressed her, his voice void of defiance.

"So what can I do for the all-powerful guardian of Earth?" Alex's words carried a tone of surrender, as if he had relinquished any hope of resistance.

Observing Alex's demeanor, Yao, the Sorcerer Supreme, raised an eyebrow before waving her hand, dispersing the mirror dimension like shattered glass. They were returned to Savage Land, where the burgeoning night city was still under construction. Yao's gaze swept over the land, using her powers she the repaired landscape, the damage from their battle swiftly undone.

As the tension ebbed, Alex felt a measure of relief wash over him. It seemed the Ancient One had not come to deliver final judgment. Yet, a lingering question persisted in Alex's mind.

"Are you really not here to terminate me?" Alex inquired, his voice tinged with uncertainty fearing that using his powers to conquer this land have made him a prime target for the protectors of Earth. The thing he fear the most is being labeled as a villain by the crazy murderous heroes of this world.

Yao regarded him with a knowing smile. "We do what we must to protect the world, even if our methods may seem unorthodox. Besides, are you planning to continue down that path?" she added with a playful smirk. "Should I be worried?" Alex concerns are nothing to Yao, not only had he dealt with the tyranny on this place and its villainous king. He will even provide a new light to the locals of this place. And she knew that this place will bring Alex trouble in the future, big troubles that even she will find difficult. With someone like Alex who grows exponentially in power guarding this place, she felt reassured.

Her words struck a chord within Alex, prompting him to reconsider the consequences of his actions. The thought of a nation of fanatics, fiercely loyal to their emperor, filled him with a sense of dread. He couldn't help but contemplate the potential repercussions if he ever went down that path.

Returning to the matter at hand, Alex pressed Yao for clarity. "So, what can I do for you?"

"I just need you to do me a little favor," she said simply. Yao's response caught Alex off guard, dispelling his apprehensions.

As Alex's mind raced with visions of battling interdimensional demons, Yao swiftly clarified her request. "Let me be clear, Alex," she began, her voice calm yet commanding. "I am not here to engage in grand battles or unravel cosmic mysteries. My concerns lies with my future apprentice."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "Do not heal or alter my future apprentice's hands, and provide him with his address," Yao commanded with a tone that brooked no argument.

Alex furrowed his brow, puzzled by the request. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" he inquired, seeking clarification.

"In the future, you will have a serum or product capable of curing my apprentice," Yao explained with measured patience. "I want you to delay that and, in the future, decline him any service when he comes to you until he becomes a sorcerer."

Relieved by the simplicity of her request, Alex reclined on the ground, his tension dissipating. "You have a deal," he agreed.

"In turn let me help you with your small predicament," with a wave of her hand we were surrounded by swirling magic circles, Yao and Alex stood facing each other. With a graceful gesture, Yao summoned mystical energy, weaving it into intricate patterns.

"Dlihc a fo luos etelpmocni em erofeb reappa," she intoned, her voice resonating through the room, commanding the very essence of existence.

Before them materialized a small, ethereal form — the incomplete soul of a child. But as Alex's gaze fell upon it, he realized it bore a striking resemblance to Skynet and the projection she frequently used. "No, it was Skynet." He intoned.

Confusion and fear etched on her face, Skynet turned to Alex, her voice trembling as she addressed him. "Dad? What's going on?"

Alex turned to Yao, his brow furrowed with concern. "What are you going to do?"

With a gentle smile, Yao replied, "I've come to made her whole." Golden light radiated from her hands, enveloping Skynet's essence and filling the gaps in her soul. Like puzzle missing pieces the lights fill in the gaps missing from her soul.

Hours passed, and the light intensified to the point where Alex cybernetic eyes needed to be shielded, the brilliance nearly blinding him. "It's done," Yao announced.

Alex, asked having enough of the Ancient One's riddle way of speaking, "What did you do?"

Before him, Skynet's astral projection materialized, her presence now complete. She spoke softly, a sense of peace in her voice. "I feel complete. Better somehow."

Yao explained that Skynet lacked a moral compass due to the missing parts of her soul. This absence was the reason she sometimes went overboard in protecting Alex. Without those missing pieces, she might even perceive the world as an enemy just to defend him.

Now that her soul was complete and the missing parts filled, she just needed proper guidance towards the right path.

Yao then advised Alex to be more patient towards nurturing Skynet, reminding him of her need to learn and grow with her father by her side.

Agreeing wholeheartedly, Alex and Skynet felt their bond deepen, united not by physical things, but something more ethereal like a shared journey of understanding and acceptance.

With Yao's task completed, she handed Alex an address, her expression cryptic yet promising. "Remember to do this for me, and I might help you in turn."

Perplexed, Alex turned to her, but Yao had vanished, leaving only a note with the mysterious address in her place.

Exasperated, Alex muttered to himself, "I hate magic. Goddamn heresy." Yet deep down, he knew that sometimes, magic held the key to unlocking the most profound truths.

With a sense of closure, Alex finally relieved that Yao have finally disappeared from his sight, each returning to their respective duties. As Alex contemplated Yao's request, he couldn't help but feel the looming threat that he faces which he almost lost his life.

In the end, Alex's encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme served as a catalyst for introspection and growth. Though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he faced the future with newfound resolve, determined to forge his own destiny and confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

Note: Last chapter for the week, we hit cannon next chapter boys! Cheers~