
Marvel: I'm not Spider-Man, I'm Xenomorph-Infested!

Linan finds himself reincarnated into the world of "Alien," becoming an ordinary mercenary, working for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the dim corridors of a research facility, chaos ensues as the xenomorphs break loose, turning it into a living nightmare. Linan swiftly defends himself against an ambush, but is caught off guard by a facehugger lunging at him. Waking up, Linan discovers he's been transported to the Marvel universe, as Peter Parker. However, remnants of the xenomorph embryo remain inside him, threatening a gruesome fate. To save himself, Linan must ensure he's bitten by the mutated spider before the embryo fully develops. "But, why was it you who was bitten by that spider, Gwen Stacy?!" ... (This is a Translation.) Original Book: 被异形寄生的我,才不是蜘蛛侠! I own nothing; everything belongs to their respective owners. I am just translating the book.

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137 Chs

Chapter 38: Fate Returns to the Starting Point


The Vulture charged towards the killer robot in the narrow subway car.

With a piercing roar, the glass of the subway car shattered in an instant.

A missile shot out from the robot's chest, heading towards the Vulture.

Anticipating the attack, the Vulture evaded to the window and flew out.

The missile struck the top of the car, causing it to collapse, then soared straight into the sky.

Countless fragments scattered inside the car, creating chaos in an instant.

The Vulture flew out of the car and suddenly dashed back in through another window.

Its sharp claws pierced the robot's chest.

The force of the high-speed impact slammed the robot against the car wall.

Thinking the attack succeeded, the Vulture was just about to rejoice when its arms were caught by the robot.


A surge of electricity coursed through the Vulture's body, causing him to scream in agony. Using all his strength, he rammed into the robot's chest.

With a loud "boom," the Vulture and the robot crashed out of the subway car together.

A gust of wind rushed in, and metal fragments clattered around.

The Vulture's flying device barely functioned, severely damaged.

Clutching his charred and electrified arm, he stood on top of the subway car, gasping for air, watching the robot approaching him step by step.

The howling wind and the sound of propellers spinning echoed in his ears.

He looked up and saw a helicopter flying above him, racing alongside the subway.

"Shit! Why is this piece of metal so hard to deal with?" he muttered anxiously.

Meanwhile, media personnel reported that a police helicopter was about to arrive.

He couldn't afford to be surrounded by the police.

As he fell into anxiety, the subway car trembled slightly.

Then came the sound of a car being stepped on, reaching his ears.

The Vulture looked up and saw a figure standing on top of the car.

The figure was dressed in black "armor," with a black mask emitting a faint glow covering the head, and translucent pale eyelids occupying most of the face, exuding a mysterious and sinister aura.

Despite wearing all-black attire, there was no sense of bulkiness; instead, it gave off a streamlined and aesthetic vibe.

As if the attire was an extension of his body.

The robot on the car roof also noticed the intruder.

Following its master's command, the robot swiftly ran towards the figure, seemingly intent on eliminating this unexpected guest.

Peter frowned as he watched the robot rushing towards him.

The robot's speed was astonishing, reaching Peter in an instant.

Its massive arm swung down towards Peter's body.


Peter reached out, blocking the robot's arm, then, to the Vulture's astonishment, extended another hand covered in black exoskeleton.

His right hand formed into a fist, slamming into the robot's chest.

The troublesome robot was sent flying with a "boom," crashing heavily onto the subway car roof, emitting a deafening noise.

The Vulture, staring at the motionless robot on the roof, fell into a state of shock.

What kind of monster is this?

Did he just disable the robot with a single punch?!


Meanwhile, at Oscorp Industries.

Norman Osborn leaned forward, slamming both hands on the table.

The monitor in front of him had turned into static.

The monitor placed inside the robot's body only showed a black fist coming towards it.

The next second, the robot was sent flying, and then the signal was lost.

This meant the robot had been disabled.

"Damn it! What happened? What was that?" he shouted angrily at the people around him.

But the staff looked at each other, unable to give him an answer.

"Damn it! Use every means to get it moving again!" Norman Osborn had expected to gather combat information on the robots made by Oscorp during this battle.

He didn't expect it to be disrupted by this sudden appearance.

Besides shock, he was filled with uncontrollable anger.

After quickly dealing with the robot, Peter walked towards the Vulture.

The Vulture, coming out of his shock, glanced at the helicopter overhead.

The sound of the distant propellers grew louder as the police helicopter approached.

With a sense of retreat and fear growing within him, he looked at Peter, wanting to take flight.

But the next moment, Peter stood in front of him.

As the Vulture's feet left the ground, his throat was grabbed.

Terrified, he extended his claws to grab Peter's arm.

But Peter didn't give him a chance. Gripping his throat, he threw him to the ground.


The Vulture's back collided with the metal car, emitting a painful grunt. He felt like his spine was about to break, and his flying device behind him was instantly destroyed.

The parts of the flying device flew away with the whistling wind.

The Vulture looked up at the "monster" staring down at him, a hint of red glow in his eyes, enveloped in a chilling aura of death.

Trembling, he squeezed out a sentence from his mouth, "You monster!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was kicked in the body and fell from the speeding train.

Having swiftly dealt with two troubles, Peter didn't linger and jumped into the speeding subway car.

With a "thud," he landed in the car, and his gaze scanned the other cars in the distance.

He caught sight of the terrified crowd inside one of the cars.

But he didn't spot Uncle Ben.

Obstacles in the car obstructed his view.

Just as he was about to continue searching for Uncle Ben, a sudden change occurred!

"Crash!" The sound of shattering glass filled the air.

The robot that Peter had knocked down broke through the window glass and charged towards him.

Amidst the flying glass, Peter's senses were incredibly acute, and everything seemed to slow down.


Peter extended his right wrist, and a black web shot out, accurately hitting the robot's face.

The strong corrosive force instantly corroded the robot's shell and internal electronic components.

Along with the force of the web, the robot was blasted out while still in mid-air.

With a loud "boom," the robot was sent flying before it could enter the subway car, plummeting from the elevated bridge below.

Having swiftly disposed of the robot, Peter looked towards the train's control room.

The train's control system was damaged and seemed unable to stop.

He walked to the platform signboard, looking towards the last stop.

If the subway couldn't stop, it might crash at the last station.

"Not enough time?" Peter's expression turned serious as he turned away from the train schedule board.

"Not enough time!"

In the police car, George Stacy stared at the subway schedule, pounding the window fiercely.

He circled the last stop with a pen, which turned out to be the "New York Natural History Museum Station."

"No, no, this is bad, Gwen!" He suddenly remembered that Gwen was visiting the Natural History Museum today, his heart clenching.
