
Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Alex Hunt was a smart man. By no means was he a genius, but he stood solidly in the above-average class of society. He thought that when he died, he would at least go with a bang. Sadly for him though, his death was as generic as they came. Struck to death by a truck driven by a drunk driver who wasn’t looking. ‘At least there’s a bang…’ He thought as his head banged on the concrete. He thought that that was it for him, but destiny had other plans. He was reborn. Reborn as a Symbiote in a version of Earth that was definitely not the MCU. And with a system to boot. He didn’t know what he was going to do. But his first priority was to survive in this chaotic world that he’d just found himself in. One that’s far more chaotic than the MCU but similar at the same time. ============================================= Why am I writing this? I wanted to read a good Venom fanfic, couldn’t find it. Hence, I had to do it myself. There will be R-18 and it won’t be the conventional kind. It will be degenerate R-18 if you would call it that. Again… I cannot stress this enough… There’s quite a bit of extreme stuff in this book, so don’t complain in the comments about it. Will all of it be sex? Of course not, far from it actually. I’m trying to write a story with developed characters and a nice plot that I’m very ambitious about. It's not just R-18, there's going to be quite a bit of action too. The R-18 is a bonus. It will be pretty far from the realm of normality though (It’s venom. Of course it’s not normal sex… But the human element will be present.) Tags: [Non-human protagonist] (Surprise!) [Harem] (Again, surprise!) [Evil MC] (Maybe Chaotic Neutral...) [Gore] (Probably, the killing may get a little violent and brutal) And probably a lot more. I’m not sure if I will completely stick to these tags, but that’s the current plan. Might change as the story progresses. Oh, and also— Multiversal collapse. ============================================= I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post 15 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

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Steve’s SOS

After reaching 50% in bonding rate and forming a level 3 bond with Nerdy Gwen, Alex was making 0.3 EP per day from her. Their connection was now much deeper and stronger.

{ «Status- Host #2»

«Name: Gwendolyn Stacy (Research Earth)»

«Bonding Rate: 54%»

«Bonding Level: 3»

«Powers: Low Superhuman Physique— Superhuman Intelligence»


Gwen had also finally reached the level of having a low superhuman physique. Though she wasn't a fighter, the higher level of the bond would passively increase the grade of her physique.

The MCU Earth.

A week had passed since Alex had gotten much closer to both Wanda and Natasha.

{ «Status- Host #3»

«Name: Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) (MCU Earth)»

«Bonding Rate: 28%»

«Bonding Level: 2»

«Powers: Low Superhuman Physique (6 Tons)— Melee Mastery— Espionage Mastery»


{ «Status- Host #4»

«Name: Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) (MCU Earth)»

«Bonding Rate: 30%»

«Bonding Level: 2»

«Powers: Low Superhuman Physique (3 Tons)—Chaos Magic»


After the first time when Alex had sex with Wanda, her Bonding Rate progress skyrocketed within the week, surpassing even Natasha's, with whom he'd been physically intimate much sooner.

It was direct proof that the emotional connection was a big factor when it came to Bonding Rate.

The trio's training was going pretty well and they'd all grown quite a bit stronger. Wanda's raw magic output had increased along with her physique and her control had grown more precise. Natasha's physical strength had increased even more and her technique had also gotten much better. She'd also started working very well with Alex's Lightning Manipulation. She'd gotten proficient enough with it to use the ability in regular combat.

Alex's physical combat techniques had also gotten a much-needed boost. At this point, he was able to stand toe to toe with Natasha without being beaten for around 15 minutes.

But now, the MCU might be going through a major shift.

"I might need some help, Nat…" Steve said. Natasha was lazing around in the snowy backyard and had just received an emergency call from Steve.

"What do you need?" Nat's agreement didn't have any hesitation.

"I'm stuck in a warzone and need some help." He said without mincing any words.

"What warzone?" Nat had a bad feeling about the situation.

"Wakanda… T'Challa's gone… dead. And the new leadership isn't exactly welcoming toward foreigners." He told her.

'Well, this is an interesting development…' Alex thought, 'In the original storyline, T'Challa was supposed to just have disappeared but going by Steve's tone, T'Challa's definitely dead.'

"Send me your coordinates. We'll be there soon." With that, Natasha hung up.

[What do you think, Alex?] She asked in her head as she got up and went to meet up with Wanda.

[We should go. I'll see if I can get some Vibranium for us to play around with. I'm especially curious about that shockwave release attack that T'Challa used during the battle at the airport.] He told her his thoughts.

Going to Wakanda would most likely be a very profitable trip for Alex. He could get access to both their technology and their Vibranium.

"Great. I'll get Wanda…" Nat talked about the situation with Wanda.

"So we just barge in?" Alex asked Nat. The trio was already on the plane and the three of them were discussing what they would do.

"Of course not. We just have to get close to the border. Steve told me about a secret passageway into the country. We can't just breach Wakandan airspace like that. Especially if what Steve told us is true…" Natasha said. Steve had given them quite a bit of information about Wakanda along with a passage that would lead directly into the country.

He was stuck in a bad location and couldn't get to the exit otherwise he would've already left.

"Well, a mountain of Vibranium seems like sufficient payment for our efforts," Alex said.

"Like you're gonna be able to steal all of it…" Nat didn't believe that he could steal a literal mountain.

"You underestimate my power." He said. He could easily steal all of the Vibranium in Wakanda. He had two entire planets worth of space to transfer the material using his ‹Basic Matter Transmission› ability that he'd recently developed. The only reason that he couldn't store it all in his internal space was that the ability wasn't as developed yet and there were limits on how much he could store within himself.

"Whatever." Natasha proceeded to ignore him and went to the cockpit to set the coordinates for their destination.

"She seems anxious…" Wanda commented. She could faintly feel Nat's emotions.

"Well, her spy friend is stuck in the middle of a civil war in a country that could theoretically blow up the entire world twice over," Alex said.

"It can't be that exaggerated…" Wanda didn't believe Alex's words. Wakanda was a small country with a tiny population. In her eyes, it was impossible for them to truly affect the world in the grand scheme of things.

"All it takes is one well-camouflaged troop to invade a country before killing all of the leadership and taking control. If executed well, it can be done overnight." Alex told her. He knew firsthand how easy this was if one had the right tools. He'd done this exact thing in two different versions of Earth and taken over the majority of the leadership of world-leading countries. Hell, in one of the countries, he was in control of half an entire continent.

Wanda got silent at his words.

Alex understood her worries and went over to her to envelop her in a hug, "Don't worry too much. We'll be fine. Wakanda may be the strongest country in the world, but we aren't here to fight a war. We're here to go in stealthily, bring Steve and his friend away, and then get the hell out of there."

"Mhm…" She buried her face in his chest and agreed with his words.

[These past couple of weeks since you've bonded with me have been the best ones for a very long time… I just don't want to see all this crumble.] Wanda told him. She was insecure. And after how much she's lost in her life, it's understandable that she is insecure about anything good in her life staying like that without crumbling apart.

Alex ran his fingers through her hair and held her tightly without saying anything. He didn't want to raise an unnecessary flag.

Soon, Wanda was softly snoring as she felt really comfortable in Alex's embrace while he played with her hair.

"We'll be there in a… couple… hours…" Nat's words trailed off as she came back and noticed Wanda being snuggled into Alex's embrace.

[She's been worried about you…] He told Natasha.

[I understand…] Nat wasn't new to this scene of seeing Wanda using Alex as her body pillow. She would regularly sleep while hugging him tightly like this.

Wanda was a little starved for warmth and she loved cuddling with Alex since it made her feel extremely warm in her heart. And Alex also encouraged her actions. He didn't want Wanda to repress her feelings. One reason was that her feelings were directly related to her Chaos magic, repressing her feelings would make her magic go berserk.

But the main reason was that if she held back on expressing herself all the time, her mental state wouldn't ever be stable. And her unstable mental state would affect Alex more than anyone due to his empathetic nature.

There was one more tiny reason, but it was also very important to Alex. He loved the feeling of Wanda's butt rubbing on his crotch every once in a while as she rested on his lap every time.

[You sure about this, Nat? We'll be infiltrating the most advanced country in the world. There's bound to be difficulties.] Alex wanted to be sure that Nat was willing to go through with this.

[My friend needs my help, Alex. I can't turn my back on him.] She'd already decided.

[It's good that you're motivated.] Alex told her.

[I thought that you'd need some more convincing…] She didn't expect Alex to agree so easily.

Alex just lightly shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was already all in.

[Take a seat. I'll manage the plane.] Alex patted the couch on his side. He'd already made quite a few modifications to the jet and it had already become a pretty comfortable luxury jet with quite a few amenities.

"It's gonna be a few hours anyway…" Nat mumbled as she took a seat at his side and rested her eyes. She didn't react when she felt Alex's arm wrap around her shoulder and pull her into his embrace.

A couple of hours later, the three of them were at the secret entrance mentioned by Steve.

"This is supposed to be a secret entrance?" Wanda asked as she looked at the flamboyant entrance of what was supposed to be an underground cave.

There was a grey metallic archway with circuit lines at the entrance of the so-called cave. It led to a tunnel with a weak bluish light that was being emitted by the circuit-like line pattern that was going all over the inside of the tunnel as well as the archway.

"Apparently…" Nat said. Anyone who could come down this path would be able to enter Wakanda if this was all there was to the secret entrance.

'This is certainly a surprise…' Alex thought. This kind of entrance was never mentioned in the movies.


If you want to support me, check out my Patréon.

I post 20 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out!


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