
Marvel: I’m Silver Superman, Join the Chat Group

Carl crossed into the Marvel world, carrying a check-in system with him. After checking in for twenty-five years, he finally gained powerful abilities. Silver Superman template! The power of Silver Age Superman is much stronger than that of normal Superman. Travelling through time, consuming Kryptonite raw, extinguishing stars...just when he flew out of the earth for the first time, glancing at the sun. 【Ding! Dimensional chat group invites you to join. 】 --------------------- The following translation is provided solely for entertainment purposes and convenience. I, Your lovely Translator, hereby declare that I do not claim ownership of the novel being translated. The original novel is the intellectual property of its respective author. I am solely acting as a Fan Translator to convert the content from its original language into English. I explicitly state that I did not create or write the original novel, and I do not hold any rights or authorship over it. My role is strictly limited to translating the content to the best of my ability and if you want it removed hit me up.

Monarch_of_Time · Filem
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: Unwelcome Guests, a Path to Self-Destruction

Queens, Smith's Bar

This is one of the most luxurious bars in the whole of New York city.

Not only do many young people like it here,

but also many elite individuals come here for a drink or two.

The bar's performance is excellent, and there are often many people entering before it gets dark.

Many employees believe that Smith's Bar would be located across the country if the boss hadn't expressed a desire to create new locations.

The flow of people in this bar is one of the reasons why Kingpin is interested in it.

At this moment, in a corner of the bar.

There are more than a dozen individuals sitting at three scattered tables.

They are all dressed in black suits, wearing sunglasses, clearly not to be messed with.

In the middle of them is a bald man wearing a leather jacket.

This man is quite peculiar; right in the center of his forehead, there is a bullseye.

He is Lester, the super villain under Kingpin.

Also known as Bullseye.

He has a natural throwing ability, being extremely precise in throwing any object.

Bullseye can even use his teeth and a paper airplane to kill someone.

In addition to that, he is also a martial artist, weapons master, and a sharpshooter.

In simple terms, he is somewhat similar to Hawkeye in the Avengers.

His experiences are quite rich.

He has been a mercenary, a professional baseball player, and even an assassin.

Now, he is working for Kingpin, the underground emperor of New York City.

Today, Bullseye brought his men to the bar, following Kingpin's orders.

To let his subordinates familiarize themselves with the territory in advance.

After all, this bar.

In two days, it will belong to Kingpin.

He never thought that Carl would refuse his conditions.

After all, those conditions were really good.

Even Bullseye and his subordinates didn't think Carl would refuse.

However, Bullseye finds this task particularly boring.

He was once employed as an assassin and was even given missions to assassinate Kingpin.

It's just that because of the good conditions Kingpin offered, he ended up working for him.

This task of familiarizing himself with the territory is really not that interesting to him.

But since Kingpin offered a lot of money, even if he didn't want to, he had to do it.

"So boring, this thing could easily be done by anyone."

Bullseye picked up a glass and walked towards the dance floor. "Let's find some fun."

So, he began to look around, searching for a suitable target.

After searching for a while, he finally found a beautiful woman.

Bullseye didn't hesitate and went straight to strike up a conversation.

However, the woman already had a male companion.

The tall, blond man was very imposing.

He thought he was taller than Bullseye and certainly wouldn't back down.

Especially in front of the woman he admired, he had to show his manly demeanor.

The blond man pushed Bullseye away directly. "Damn!"

"You freak with a birthmark on your head, don't you have eyes?"

"William, well done!" His female companion cheered, hearing his words.

William, feeling proud, thought that tonight would probably be eventful.

However, at this moment.

He didn't notice that Bullseye, who he had pushed away, revealed a sinister smile.

"Brother, you're quite strong!"

Bullseye drew a dagger from his waist and threw it suddenly.

The dagger accurately stabbed into William's hand.

William felt a sharp pain coming from his hand.

Without thinking, he looked at his palm and found a sharp blade embedded in it.

His hand was oozing blood continuously.

"Ah ah ah!"

William tightly gripped his palm, trying to pull out the blade.

However, the pain was too intense; he didn't dare to touch it.

William's female companion and a few young people nearby also noticed the abnormality.

Instant panic ensued.

However, at this moment.

William's female companion only felt a blur before her eyes.

The next moment, both William and that peculiar bald guy's figures disappeared instantly.


Smith's Bar, a street corner in the distance.

In a dark alley that was originally empty, four figures suddenly appeared.

Both William and Bullseye were looking around, their faces filled with astonishment as they assessed their surroundings.

They had no idea what had just happened.

Skye was also in the same state.

At this point, Carl spoke indifferently.

He looked at William and said, "Your palm is injured. There's a hospital a few hundred meters south of here."

"Huh? Oh...okay..."

William subconsciously nodded in agreement.

He took a random glance at his palm.

To his surprise, the blade that should have been embedded in his hand had disappeared somehow.

This was undoubtedly a good thing, but he needed to see a doctor as soon as possible.

And, he needed to stay away from that crazy bald guy.

William looked at Bullseye in fear for a moment and then quickly ran out of the alley.

"Thank you, sir and madam!"

At this point, a voice of gratitude came from the edge of the alley.

It seemed that he felt he had been rescued by unfamiliar men and women.

"Alright, now it's your turn."

Carl played with a blood-stained dagger in his hand.

He looked indifferent, staring at Bullseye.

Just now, when Carl entered his own bar.

He heard screams immediately.

Using his super vision, he quickly found the two people who were in trouble.

To avoid chaos, he brought these two out.

Oh, and Skye too.

After all, it was his own bar.

If such a thing happened, it would definitely affect other customers.

Moreover, the strange bald guy in front of him seemed somewhat familiar.

After careful thought, wasn't he one of Kingpin's men?

What was this guy doing in his bar?

"Carl, what's going on?" It was only now that Skye reacted, asking Carl incredulously.

She had no idea what had happened; her eyes blurred for a moment, and she was suddenly here.

Carl smiled, "Well, I probably awakened superpowers suddenly."

"Do you know Superman in the comics? My abilities are probably similar to his."

In this Marvel world where he was, there were superhero comics and movies.

Although it was unbelievable, it was true.

"Are you serious, or are you joking?"

Skye looked at Carl in disbelief.

"Joking or not, haven't you experienced it?"

"After all, the bed collapsed."

"Ah? Uh!"

Hearing this, Skye was first stunned, and then her face turned red.

Obviously, she understood what Carl meant by "experienced."

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

At this time, two shadows flew towards Carl and Skye.

Carl casually grabbed them, holding two objects in his hands.

He looked coldly at Bullseye. "How dare you attack us! Do you want to die?"

Bullseye, seeing Carl catch his throwing knives, felt a shock.

He had killed many people with those knives.

An ordinary person like Carl shouldn't be able to dodge them.

"Carl Smith!"

Bullseye sneered, "You're just a wealthy second-generation brat."

"Bitch, you dare talk to me like that!!? Are you ready to die?"

"It seems Kingpin can save money on buying the bar!"

He knew a lot about Carl's information.

Although he didn't know how Carl caught the throwing knives.

But Bullseye certainly wouldn't fear such a young man.

He reached out and took out two more throwing knives.

However, at this moment, Bullseye suddenly felt a pain in his hand.

Subconsciously looking down,

He saw a sharp blade and two throwing knives that had somehow been stabbed into his hand.

The blade he had thrown before.

Bullseye sweated profusely, enduring the urge to scream.

He looked at Carl in disbelief, "You..."

And at this moment, Carl had already arrived in front of him.

"I told you; you're seeking your own death."

Carl's eyes emitted a red light, directly dissolving Bullseye's right hand.