
Marvel : Hyperion (On Hold)

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made opposite to then. The Deviants. Hyperion is by far the special one of the bunch as he has multiple abilities making him the strongest one of them all. After the Eternals separated, he chose to roam around the world to learn new things and blend in but one event turned things upside down. THIS STORY IS NOT MINE. I'm just a big fan. Also this is NOT my story as this story belongs to Monster Zero on Wattpad.

HarHarMahadev · Filem
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29 Chs

The Avengers (1)

[Triskelion, S.H.I.E.LD. Headquarters, Washington D.C.]

We see a red haired woman wearing a black jumpsuit walking down the hallways as she was greeted by the people as she was passing by. This woman is an agent of SHIELD and the best assassin in the organization. Natasha Romanoff, also know as Black Widow.

She was called in after she was tasked to talk to the big green machine. And the one that called, said it was important. She arrived in the mail station to see someone standing in front of her with his back facing her.

Natasha: "You called sir?"

The man turned around as it reveal to be the Director of SHIELD. Nicholas/Nick Fury.

Fury: "Romanoff, great job in recruiting Dr. Banner but that's not what we are going to talk about."

Natasha: "Then what is it sir ?"

Fury: "Remember the plane incident months ago? How it suddenly lose its engine before slowing falling down. It nearly killed hundreds but a miracle happened."

Natasha: "I also wanted ask how the people survived that."

Fury: "Well take a look at this. Here is a video of a civilian who was close enough to see the plane slowly "floating" down the ground."

Fury played the video as the one was taking it suddenly ran towards where the plane is slowly "floating down". When he was near the landing spot, they could see a figure under the plane lifting it with no problem. After the plane was safely being place down, the figure rockets to the skies with multiple sonic booms following.

Natasha: "So you want me to go and look for this person and possibly recruit this said person?"

Fury: "Correct. Lucky for you, we already found him. We last saw him heading to South Dakota and now, he is in London."

Natasha: "He?"

Fury: "Yes. I want you to head over there and talk things with him. We have a powerful threat and with his help, maybe we can end this before innocent lives are lost."

Natasha was contemplating on her next move. She just got back from talking to the Hulk and now, she is going to recruit someone who just lift a plane like it was paper. She then sighed and looked at Fury.

Natasha: "Give me his location. I'll just get ready."

Fury: "I'll send you his location shortly. Good luck Agent Romanoff."

[London, United Kingdom]

Marcus is now in London waiting for Sersi after talking to the mother figure of the Eternals, i.e., Ajak. He wanted to know how Sersi was doing and he was glad to know Sprite is also with her. It was night time as he was waiting for Sersi and Sprite outside of a Museum Sersi is working in. He then saw the two walked out with a man.

He approached the two and that caught Sersi and Sprite's attention.

Sersi: *whisper* "Hyperion?"

Hyperion: "Hey you two, how have you guys been?"

Sprite ran towards the large Eternal and gave him a hug with Hyperion hugging back. Sersi and the man walked towards the two as Sersi did the same and hugged the big guy.

Hyperion: *whisper* "Call me Marcus when there is people around."

The man then walked towards the three and introduced himself to Hyperion.

Dane: "Hi, I'm Dane Whitman."

Hyperion: "I'm Marc, Marcus Milton. It's nice to meet you Dane."

Sersi: "Marc is one of our friends from College. He's Sprite's and mine's older brother figure. What are you doing here?"

Hyperion: "I wanted to visit you guys since I'm done with my exploration."

Dane: "Oh? What do you do?"

Hyperion: "I study fossils."

Dane: "Ah, a paleontologist."

The four of them went to dinner and started to catch up on everything. They also lied to not let Dane know who they truly are. After doing so, Hyperion went to walk around the park in the middle of the night. If someone wants to mug him, then the hospital will have a new patient. Hyperion sat down on a bench and went to close his eyes but he felt someone sat beside him.

Hyperion: "So why is SHIELD following me?"

Natasha: "You already knew so I'll cut to the chase. Fury wants to talk to you."

Hyperion: *chuckles* "I know where this is going."

He stood up and looked at the red haired agent who slowly went for her gun. Hyperion went to look around and use his X-ray vision and just smirked.

Hyperion: "I see you brought friends."

Natasha: "Just a precaution. We don't know what you are capable of except lifting a plane."

Hyperion: "You have right to be cautious. I can do many things and one of them is this."

His eyes started to glow red as Natasha got her gun out as the soldiers hiding also got ready. Hyperion stopped his Atomic Vision and just laugh.

Hyperion: "I'm just kidding. Tell your men to stand down. I could probably beat all of you with a heartbeat."

Natasha slowly put her gun down and radio her men to put there gun down.

Hyperion: "Now what would be reason you wanted to talk Miss-"

Natasha: "Romanoff. Natasha Romanoff. And the reason for that is this."

She showed her iPad towards the Eternal as it shows the Tesseract and the scepter that Loki has.

Hyperion: "The Tesseract?"

Natasha: "You know of it?"

Hyperion: "If you live as long as I do then you might know a thing or two about this things."

Natasha: "The Tesseract was stolen. A God from Asgard Loki appeared and took a few of our men with him using the scepter."

Hyperion: "Loki? Odin's brat?"

Natasha: "It appears you know him quite well."

Hyperion: "We met a long time ago. Back when he and Thor were still a child."

Natasha: "So are you in?"

Hyperion: "Got nothing better to do anyways."

Natasha: "That's good to hear. I thought things would get messy talking to you."

Hyperion: "I'm a calm and collected person. See you soon Agent Romanoff."

Hyperion then jumped into the air and flew up to the sky creating a Sonic boom. Natasha just sighed in relief from the encounter. Someone as strong as Hyperion, her and her men would be dead right about now. She then messaged Fury and told him that it was mission accomplished.

[S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet]

We see two people inside a jet sitting down with one them holding a tablet. It was Captain Steve Rogers. The first Super Soldier a.k.a Captain America.

With him is Agent Phil Coulson. Steve was looking at the tablet that played a video of the one and only incredible Hulk.

Pilot: "We are about forty minutes out from base, sir."

Steve: "So this Dr. Banner tried to replicate the serum that was used on me?"

Phil: "A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation would hold the key to Erskine's original formula."

They then heard the Hulk roar in the video as he slammed a jeep and tear it apart with his bare hands.

Steve: "Didn't really go his way, did it?"

Phil: "Not so much. When he is not that thing, guys like a Stephen Hawkins."

Steve turned towards Coulson with a confused face.

Phil: "He's really smart. got to say, it's an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of meet you, mean, I watched while you were sleeping."

Steve looks down and closes the laptop before standing and walking to the side with Phil following.

Phil: "I mean... I was present while you were unconscious from the ice. You know... it's really a huge honor to have you on board."

Steve: "Well, I hope I'm the man for the job."

Phil: "Oh you are. Absolutely. Uh... we've made some modifications to the uniform. I had a little design input."

Steve: "The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little...old fashioned?"

Phil: "With everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned."

Pilot: "Something's coming! And it's fast!"

Phil went towards the pilot as did Steve to see something on the sonar flying towards them at super sonic speed. They then heard a loud booming sound as something or someone flew past them pushing the waves of the water creating a little trech.

Steve: "Is that who I think it is."

Phil: "Never thought Director would call for him too."

On the Helicarrier, Natasha was patiently waiting for the guest to arrive. She then saw someone flying towards the Helicarrier as she just smirked. That someone then landed making all the people turned towards the figure. It was Hyperion in his signature black coat with his casual cloting inside.

Natasha: "Glad you could make it-"

Hyperion: "Call me Marc. It's still too early to know who I really am."

Natasha: "Works for me."

The jet landed on the battleship as Steve and Coulson walked down meeting the two.

Phil: "Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers."

Steve: "Ma'am.?"

Natasha: "Hi. Agent Coulson, Captain Rogers. This is Marc. Fury needed him in this too."

Hyperion: "Agent, Captain."

Steve: "You haven't aged a bit."

Steve and Hyperion hugged each other as they then separated. Natasha then turned to Coulson.

Natasha: "They need you on the bridge. Face time."

Phil: "See you there."

Coulson walked away leaving the three of them as they started to walk around the battleship with Hyperion and Steve catching up.

Hyperion: "I'm glad you're still alive after that stunt you pulled off years ago."

Steve: "It was the only way."

Hyperion: "Quite noble of you." *Chuckles*

Natasha: "I see that the two of you already know each other."

Steve: "Met him on the day of my training when I was still-"

Hyperion: "Skinny and sickly but look at you now."

Natasha: *to Hyperion* "How old are you? Really?"

Hyperion: "If I told you, you won't believe it anyways."

Natasha then turned to Steve with an amused face.

Natasha: "There was quite a buzz around here. Finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards?"

Steve: "Trading cards?"

Hyperion: "Saw it in his coat pockets with my X-ray vision. They are quite vintage."

They then saw Bruce Banner walking around nervously as the three of them walked towards him and greeted him.

Hyperion: "Dr. Banner."

Steve went forward and took Banner's hand for a handshake.

Bruce: "Oh yeah, hi. They told me you'd be coming."

He then turned to Hyperion as he stared at the Eternal in confusion.

Bruce: "Who are you? You're quite new to me."

Hyperion: "Marcus Milton. Nice to finally meet you Dr. Banner. I'm here because Fury need of me. Word is you can find the cube."

Bruce: "Is that the only word on me?"

Steve: "Only word I care about."

Bruce: "Must be strange for you, all of this."

Steve: "Well, this is actually kind of familiar."

Natasha: "Gentleman, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe."

Hyperion: "I can breathe in space so this will be a walk in the park."

The Helicarrier then started to shake as Steve and Banner balanced themselves to not fall down.

Steve: "Is this a submarine?"

Bruce: "Really? They wanted me in a submerged pressurized metal container."

Large fans then came out of the corners of the Helicarrier as it started to spin and lift the battleship in the air.

Bruce: "Oh no. This is much worse."

Hyperion jumped up and flew around the Helicarrier as he checked the battleship. He then stopped in front of a large window where Fury is seen standing as everyone stared at the Eternal floating in front of the window.

Fury: "Glad you could make it. Might want to step inside. We have things to discuss."

Hyperion nodded and went towards the entrance. As he arrived on the bridge of the ship, he saw Steve and Bruce already there with Steve giving Fury 10 dollars. Fury accepted it and went towards Banner.

Fury: "Doctor, thank you for coming."

Bruce: "Thank you for asking nicely. So...how long am I going to stay here?"

Fury: "Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the clear."

Bruce: "Where are you with that?"

Phil: "We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, laptops, if it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

Hyperion: "That's still not gonna find them in time."

Bruce: "He's right. You have to narrow the field. How many spectrometers do you have access to."

Fury: "How many are there?"

Bruce: "Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

Fury: "Agent Romanoff, would you kindly show Dr. Banner to his laboratory please."

Natasha: "You're gonna love it Doc. We got all the toys."

As the two walked off, Phil went towards Steve as he wanted his trading cards to be signed. Fury then walked towards Hyperion who was looking outside the window.

Fury: "Glad you could come."

Hyperion "Now tell me Director what do you need."

Fury: "You already know what we are dealing with. We need your help."

Hyperion: "What if I don't?"

Fury: "Then you are free to leave."

Hyperion stared at the one eyed man as he just chuckled. He stretched his hand for a handshake making Fury did the same.

Hyperion: "You have my help young man."

Fury: "Thank you."

Sitwell: "We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Weight. Cross match. Seventy-nine match."

Phil: "Location?"

Sitwell: "Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding."

Fury: "Captain, your up."

Steve nodded and walked away to go and suit up. Fury then turned to the Eternal.

Fury: "You too."

Hyperion: "Very well. It's time to finally meet that brat again."

[Stuttgart, Germany]

They are now in Stuttgart, Germany as we see Hyperion in his Cosmic suit floating in the sky watching the scene unfold. We see Captain America fighting the God Loki as he was holding his own against the God but being thrown away.

Hyperion: "I taught him too much."

Loki then aimed his scepter at the down super soldier as he was ready to execute him.

Loki: "Kneel."

Steve: "Not today."

Steve pushed the scepter away and kicked Loki back but the God of Mischief grabbed Steve and flipped him away. Natasha was watching the scene inside the Quinjet.

Natasha: "The guy's all over the place."

Then her speakers started to play AC/DC's "Shoot to thrill". She then smirks as she knew who this is.

Tony: "Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?"

Hyperion could already feel that something was coming from far away as someone flew pass him and towards Loki and Cap. The two looked up just in time as Tony in his Iron Man suit shot Loki to the ground as Tony landed. He then brought every piece of weaponry on his suit and aimed it at the God.

Tony: "Make your move, Reindeer Games."

Loki just raised his hands and materializes his armor away.

Tony: "Good move."

Cap then walked besides Tony.

Steve: "Mr. Stark."

Tony: "Captain."

Hyperion then floated down and walked towards the three. Once Loki saw his figure he started to get scared. He could still remember the training Hyperion gave to him and his brother Thor. Hyperion was now in front of Loki as Tony stared in confusion.

Loki: "U-Uncle, I might say it's great to see you after a few thousand years."

Hyperion: "You've got a lot of explaining to do, boy."

Tony: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Hyperion: "We'll explain everything inside the Quinjet."

Hyperion then grabbed Loki as he started to push him inside the ship with Steve and Tony following. Now they are on there way back to the Helicarrier with Loki in restraints. Nat was on a call with Fury as she can see lightning flashes and hear thunder roaring in the skies.

Fury: "Said nothing?"

Natasha: "Not a word."

Fury: "Just get him here. We're low on time."

We can see Steve, Tony and Hyperion in the back staring at Loki in the distance, whispering.

Steve: "I don't like it."

Tony: "What? Rock of ages giving up so easily."

Steve: "I don't remember it being ever that easy. The guy packs a wallop."

Hyperion: "Steve is right. Asgardians are pretty stubborn when it comes to combat. I had that experience."

Tony: "Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?"

Steve: "What?"

Hyperion: "It's an exercise Steve."

Tony: "It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle."

Steve: "Fury didn't tell me he was calling you."

Tony: "Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you."

Thunder and lightning then started to roared even more. It even shook the Quinjet as Loki looked up.

Steve: "What? Scared of a little lightning?"

Hyperion then stood up from his seat as he also could hear something or someone heading there way.

Tony: "What's wrong big guy? You scared too?"

Hyperion: "I'm not scared of my well being. I'm scared for the rest of you. He's here."

Someone then landed on top of the Quinjet as Tony grabbed is helmet and put it back on. He then opened the hatch as a man with blond hair landed inside. It was the God of Thunder, Thor.

Tony approached him only to be smacked by Thor's hammer and got sent towards Steve. Thor grabbed Loki and flew out if the Quinjet. Hyperion seeing this, gave chase as he also rocketed out of the Quinjet.

Tony: "Now there's that guy."

Natasha: "Another Asgardian?"

Steve: "Think that guy's a friendly?"

Tony: "Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

Steve: "Stark, we need a plan of attack."

Tony: "I have a plan, attack."

Tony then jumped down and gave chase to Thor and Hyperion. Cap then started to put on a parachute.

Natasha: "I'd sit this one out Cap."

Steve: "I don't see how I can."

Natasha: "This guys comes from legends, they're basically gods."

Steve: "There's only one God ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."

Steve grabbed his shield and then jumped off the Quinjet also giving chase. Thor towards a mountain and threw Loki to the ground. He landed with his hammer Mjolnir raised in the air.

Thor: "Where's the Tesseract?"

Loki: *laughs* "I missed you too."

Thor: "Do look like to be in a gaming mood?!"

Loki: "Oh you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark magic did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here. Your precious Earth."

Thor drops Mjolnir to the ground as it shook the Earth a little. He then grabbed Loki and made him stood up from the ground.

Thor: "I thought your dead."

Loki: "Did you mourn?"

Thor: "We all did. Our father..."

Loki: "Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?"

Loki pushed Thor back as he started to walk away. Hyperion was just watching from above them trying to see how this will go between the brothers.

Thor: "We were raised together, we played together, fought together. Do you remember none of that?"

Loki: "I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I was and should be king."

Thor: "So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagines slights. No, the Earth is under my protection Loki."

Loki: "And your doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you idly threat. I mean to rule them and why should I not?"

Thor: "You think yourself above them."

Loki: "Well, yes."

Thor: "Then you miss the truth in ruling brother. Throne would suit you ill."

Loki: "I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it..."

Hyperion then finally stopped listening and made his appearance as he landed on the mountain they are on pushing away dust and creating a mini shockwave.

Thor: "Uncle?"

Hyperion: "It's great to see you again young man."

Hyperion then turned to Loki as he approached the Asgardian.

Hyperion: "This power? Who showed you this Loki?"

Loki: "It's for you to guess who."

Thor: "Tell us Loki. Who showed this power? Who controls the would-be-king?"

Loki: "I am a king!"

Thor: "Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home."

Loki: "I don't have it."

Thor having enough, called Mjolnir into his hand as he was ready to strike Loki with it.

Hyperion: "Thor don't."

Loki: "You need the Tesseract to bring me home but I've sent it off I know not where."

Hyperion then heard thrusters heading there way as he was about to tell Thor but it was too late.

Thor: "You listen well brother, I..."

He was then tackled by Tony as they two flew down the mountain leaving Hyperion and Loki.

Loki: "I'm listening."

He then turned to Hyperion who was looking at him and saw serious he was.

Hyperion: "This person you are talking about. Is he someone powerful?"

Loki: "To tell you the truth uncle. I don't know. All I can say is that he is looking for something."

Stark then flew pass them with Thor as the two keep fighting until crashed back on the ground.

Hyperion: "Stay here. I'll stop those two before there's even more damage."

Hyperion flew down as Loki looked on in amusement. As Tony got up, he grabbed Thor and punched him on the face. He went for another one but Thor grabbed both of his fist. Thor then started to bent the armor with just his grip as Tony charged a repulsor beam on Thor's face. He then headbutt Thor who just reeled and counter with his own sending Iron man stumbling back a few feet away. Iron Man dashed towards Thor again before grabbing him and throwing towards a tree. Thor not wanting to lose, went in and landed multiple punches. Iron Man went to counter but Thor grabbed him and lifted him in the air before slamming him on the ground. He called Mjolnir into his hand and went to smack Tony but he used his boosters to skid on the ground and tripping Thor. Thor looked for him but got punched over the head by Tony. Thor was ready to pounce on him but a shield was thrown hitting his hammer and bounced on Tony before returning to Steve.

Steve: "Hey! That's enough!"

Steve then jumped down from where he was and faced the two especially Thor.

Steve: "Now, don't know what you plan on doing here."

Thor: "I've come here to put an end to Loki's scheme."

Steve: "Then prove it. Put the hammer down."

Tony: "Uhm yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer."

He was then smacked away by Thor using Mjolnir as Thor then turned to Steve with Mjolnir ready.

Thor: "You want me to put the hammer down?!"

He then jumped in the air as he was ready to smash the hammer on Steve. Steve went to block it with his shield as a powerful shockwave pushed the trees creating a clearing in the forest. Once the dust settled, Thor only went wide eyes at we just saw. Mjolnir was stopped by Hyperion with his barehands.

Hyperion: "Enough is enough Thor."

With just a push, he sent Thor skidding on the ground. He then started to walk towards the God of Thunder.

Hyperion: "I see you've grown to be a fine warrior but you still use your brute strength instead of strategy."

Thor: "I have grown strong since the last time we saw each other, Uncle."

Hyperion: "Then prove it."

Thor went to attack but Hyperion just dodged them easily. Thor went to blast him with a lightning bolt but Hyperion just sidestepped.

Hyperion: "Not good enough boy."

Thor got a little angry as he charged Mjolnir and dashed towards Hyperion and slammed Mjolnir on the side of his head. It didn't fazed the Eternal as he blocked it in time with his forearm.

Hyperion: "You're not fast enough."

He kicked Thor towards multiple trees. He then floated towards Thor who grabbed a tree trunk and swing it towards Hyperion. The tree broke when it made contact with Hyperion as he just sighed and crossed his arm.

Hyperion: "Are we done here?"

Thor looked around and just sighed in defeat. He put the tree stump down and nodded at the tree. Hyperion then turned towards Loki who tried to run away. Just as Loki turned around, he was met by Hyperion who appeared behind him.

Hyperion: "Where do you think you're going?"

The Quinjet landed as they all got in with Hyperion pushing Loki inside and gave him cuffs. They then flew back towards the Helicarrier to report their success.



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Also read Marvel+DC : Superman on my profile.