
Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Why did Apocalypse die naked on the street? Why did Iron Man scream miserably in the middle of the night? Why does Wakanda repeatedly fall into the wrong hands? Why is Asgard frequently targeted by thefts? Why couldn't Thanos snap his fingers, and who was behind it? What lies behind the Avengers' worried faces? Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality? Stay tuned to this book as we follow the protagonist into their inner world... . . . . . . . . Not my story. Translation If you want to support me you. My pat*eon Id is--> pat*eon.com/Lord_Immortal_0170 Or you feel like tipping me for my hardwork you can do so on Ko*fi --> ko-fi.com/lord_immortal_0170

Lord_Immortal_0170 · Filem
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"Is this the faith power awakened by the power of faith? Is this the legendary colorful darkness?" Zane's eyes revealed a hint of longing.

When the two streams of faith power merged into one, it seemed like some kind of marvelous chemical reaction occurred, transforming directly into a colorless, transparent light sphere, which then differentiated into two beams of light following the trajectories of causality, directly entering the depths of Zane's soul and Satan's true body in Hell.

Thus, the contract was established!

"Alright, follow me!"

Seeing Zane and Satan finally reaching an agreement, the Ancient One also breathed a sigh of relief. Although with her current power, she could forcibly suppress both Zane and Satan's projections, as Satan had previously stated, her soul had reached its limit. The power of Dormammu or rather Dark Dimension could only sustain her physical form, but it couldn't prevent the passage of time for her soul.

Now, with her power waning, dealing with invasions from other dimensions was already becoming difficult. If she were to expend more power on Zane and Satan, she didn't know if she'd even wait for her successor to appear...

In fact, she envied Zane and Satan because the path they were walking was the one true way to achieve eternity.

Seeing the Ancient One open the mirror space, Zane and Satan exchanged a glance before stepping forward without hesitation, walking into the Ancient One's domain.

Satan trusted the Ancient One's character; after dealing with her for thousands of years, he understood her better than her weak disciples. She was a sage, a saint-like figure. Satan didn't believe that such a person would deceive him.

Even if she did deceive him, what did it matter? His current body was just a projection. Even if it were destroyed, it would only take a few decades to recover. For the Lord of Hell, a few decades were like a brief nap for humans.

As for Zane, with his A-level skill, [Flash], he could instantly teleport out of this mirror space if he sensed any ill intentions from the Ancient One, so he was not afraid at all.

Once inside the mirror space, Zane and Satan faced each other.

"Human, it's a pity about your talent. Don't blame me for your own death!" Satan sighed and shook his head, as if he had already won.

In reality, with no idea about Zane's other abilities, he couldn't think of any reason why he would fail. Although his power was currently inferior to Zane's, he had thousands of years of experience. To him, Zane was like a child wielding a weapon, and as long as he was careful, Satan was confident he could defeat Zane without injury.

"I can't wait to see the expression on your face when you personally deliver one hundred million souls," Zane responded to Satan's disdain, his fighting spirit intensifying.

After speaking, Zane took Constantine's soul from the Realm of Death and handed it to the Ancient One, who was standing nearby as a witness. The Ancient One constructed a small spell to lock Constantine's soul, ensuring he wouldn't naturally perish and scatter.

"Come on, don't disappoint me, Lucifer!" Zane's fighting spirit soared. Today, he would taste what it meant to slay a god!

With that, the battle began!

Instantly, the [King's Treasury] opened, and hundreds of small laser cannons aimed at Satan. After less than 0.3 seconds of delay for charging, they angrily fired energy projectiles, colliding with the hellfire manifested by Satan mid-air.

A violent explosion echoed throughout the mirror space. When the dust settled from the winds of the wasteland, a large crater several meters deep appeared between Zane and Satan.

"Is that all you've got, Lucifer?"

With that said, Zane replaced the small laser cannons with medium-sized ones and instantly inputted energy into them. However, unlike the small ones, the medium-sized cannons took exactly ten times longer to charge.

In battles between strong opponents, every second could determine life or death. Moreover, with Satan's power, he wouldn't be hit by energy projectiles, so Zane held his breath and activated his skill [God's Absence], disappearing from Satan's perception.

Zane wasn't the rookie who fought against the Ancient One five years ago. In battle, honor and shame were meaningless; winning was the only goal. So, without hesitation, Zane chose the most efficient method of combat: to ambush Satan.

Under the effect of [God's Absence] Zane also saw the incoming flames. While they posed a fatal threat, attacks that couldn't reach their target were useless, and the medium-sized laser cannons were already fully charged.

Zane teleported away to evade Satan's flames and appeared beside Satan in the next moment. The exit of the Treasury, also under the effect of [God's Absence], had unknowingly formed a ring around Satan.

The next moment, hundreds of medium-sized laser cannons emitted dazzling blue light, and hundreds of energy projectiles were fired without fail, hitting Satan, who was still waiting for Zane's appearance, without any defenses.

The explosions emitted a blue light, instantly illuminating the originally dim wasteland of the mirror space as bright as day. Even the ground under Satan's feet melted into a small pool of magma due to the sudden high temperature.

"Human, you're good. I admit I underestimated you, but now I'll get serious."

Before the shockwaves of the explosions dissipated, Satan's angry voice came from the center of the explosion. In an instant, boundless black faith power filled the entire wasteland, enveloping even the sky.

Under the corruption of Satan's faith power, the entire battlefield seemed to instantly transform into hell.


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