One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.
If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó
Want a juicy, meaty, thicc extra chapter? Gimme them stones! Throwing them at me!
If we reach 1300 today, I shall release the succulence. Aka chapter.
Or not, Corn loves you anyways.
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Thor reacted as I expected him to when I told him he had another sister. Needless to say, this revelation did no good to his already strained relationship with his father.
But I didn't worry much.
According to my rankings, Aldrif Odinsdottir was weaker than Hela, by around a hundred and twenty levels, so, even if she was like Hela, and wanted to kill Thor and bang me for some reason, dealing with her would be infinitely easier.
Of course, I would not underestimate her.
Better to be safe than sorry, last time I got sealed because I was frighteningly unprepared for such tactics, and who knew what powers Aldrif had, so I would simply play it safe, and assume the worst.
Putting the whole royal family novela aside.
I was right now on my way to the royal library, a cup of coffee at hand, ready to dwell deeper into the mystery of the well of Mimir, and the roots of Yggdrasil.
Not gonna lie.
I was somewhat excited about this particular research homework I was doing.
I mean, it was not always my system, and its library didn't have all the answers for me.
I chuckled, continuing my way to the library, waving at the guards around as I passed them.
"Prince Alex," One guard saluted, stuttering his words. He was probably a fan, according to Sif, I had gained a fan club in Asgard, funny enough, it didn't start after the events of Hela, but after my first battle with Thor, the club was named, the Alex Walker Warriors Club.
"Hi there," I waved at him, which prompted a giggle from the guard.
"Would you give me your autograph sir?" Another guard approached, giving me a blank piece of paper, sheepishly looking around, fidgeting like a nervous kid.
Having fans is weird…
"Sure," I smiled, giving summoning a pen.
Autograph done, and a few more giggles, I walked into the library questioning my choice of moving to Asgard, having a fan club, mainly composed of people way older than me was somewhat perturbing.
Then again, I was awesome.
So, I guess I do deserve some appreciation.
"Alright, time to continue my research!" I declared, mostly to myself, while looking around. Thousands of books, and so little time.
Sixteen hours later, and I still had nothing of value.
I mean, I had acquired a few dozen skills. Most of them being Asgardian magic and stuff, but nothing I could use to find a way to the well of Mimir.
"Why did the path to the well have to be unique with each King?" I groaned as something clicked inside my mind at the same time. Each path was specially tailored for each King.
I was going at this all wrong.
It wasn't me who was supposed to find the Well, it was Thor.
I mean, sure the books didn't technically say that only the Kings of Asgard could find the well. But… only Kings have been recorded to find the well, therefore, it's safe to assume only Thor can find the way.
That is not to say, I can't accompany him, it only means that he's the only one able to uncover the path to Mimir.
"Thor!" I called, using a voice-powered spell to make my voice reach him.
Seconds later, Thor bursted through the door wielding a sword while looking around in concern, "What sibling of mine wants to kill you?! Loki? Aldrif?! A new one you just discovered!?"
I blinked a few times before breaking into a fit of laughter, "None at the moment…. Scratch that, Loki is always plotting to kill me, but he's like a cat to me, it amuses me to see him fail and keep on trying, but outside Loki, none that I know."
"Good," Thor nodded, breathing out in relief, "One can never be too careful with my family, sixty percent of them want to kill you, and the other forty want to fuck you."
I looked at Thor, counting his family members before drawing the percentages, "Those numbers don't add up,"
Thor grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at me in a suggestive manner.
"Thor I will shave your head," I warned.
"Ok, ok, sorry, I was just messing with you," Thor chuckled, "As my little brother, I have to do so, it is written in the book of older brothers, a book as old as time itself, full of brotherly wisdom."
I deadpanned.
"Now, putting that aside little bro, what happened? Why did you summon your mighty handsome older brother!" Thor said, smiling from cheek to cheek.
I sighed, "I think I discovered why I can't find a way to the well of Mimir,"
Thor blinked, his attention now fully on me, "Why?"
"Well, if my theory is correct, which I feel it is, only you can find the path to the well of Mimir," I elaborated, taking a seat.
"I see!" Thor beamed, giving me a bone-crushing hug as he picked me from the chair. The fucker was still not fully aware of his new overwhelming strength.
"Good, now stop breaking my bones," I sighed, chuckling under my breath.
"Bah, you regenerate, so tough love won't kill you," Thor laughed.
I chuckled, he did have a point, I mean, I regenerated faster than he could break my bones, but still, "I suppose, but still, we have work to do, so shu," I added, teleporting out of his brotherly embrace.
"Indeed we have!" Thor nodded, "You and me, two incredibly handsome brothers, one more than the other, that one being me, in a quest to find the well of Mimir and acquire its power! I can hardly wait!"
So, he wanted me to acquire from Mimir's well as well? How touching, "I suppose it would be a quest to be remembered." I nodded.
"Of course, it will!" Thor nodded in an excited manner, "It will be our first brotherly quest, no bald one, no… bucky, and no Sif, just brothers doing what brothers do!"
I snorted, "Fine, but first, find the path, otherwise, that won't come to happen," I chuckled.
"Indeed," Thor nodded, index finger pressed upon his lip, "So… how do I do that?"
This was going to be a hard… hard quest, wasn't it?