
Chapter 6 "The father in law"

When Richard picked Gwen up, I notice that she became a little more beautiful.

But Richard decided to act normally.

Richard took Gwen to one of her favorite vegetarian restaurants.

And during this time Richard fully confirmed that somehow she was also bitten by a radioactive spider.

The last thing Richard wanted was for Gwen to get into trouble.

Richard was ready to use the superheroes as cannon fodder to help him without their noticing.

But with Gwen in the equation, Richard can not be so unscrupulous.

"Gwen, what are you doing here " ( ????)

Richard did not need an arachnid sense to know that there will be many problems.


"Excuse my husband, I'm really grateful that such a delighted young man wooing my Gwen " ( Helen Stacy) (Gwen's mother)

"It's not a nuisance, knowing Gwen's older sister is a pleasure " ( Richard)

"You really know how to put this lady in a good mood, I can not wait to see my grandchildren, I'm sure they'll be very cute " ( Helen Stacy)

"She's still too young to think about grandchildren, but when the time comes I'm sure they'll be pretty cute " ( Gwen)

It's been a while since Richard and Helen had that kind of talk, Gwen could not show her face due to the blush she had

But unlike Gwen, George Stacy kept looking at Richard with a deadly look.

"You can stop joking, I wanted to talk to you for a while now, and I will not let you see Gwen again if I do not like your answers " ( George Stacy)

"Papa, you have no right to ..." Gwen was ready to fight her father, but was stopped by Richard.

"Calm Gwen, I have nothing to hide so it's okay, I also think it's a good time to know a little more about me" Richard could almost bet that Gwen's father asked about his family background, but Richard did not have to worry too much .

George does not expect that answer from Richard, from his point of view, he is just the son of a criminal who is playing with his daughter.

"Gwen, do you know who your friend's father is ? "(George Stacy)

Gwen was confused, she did not know why that matter was too important.

Richard had already told Gwen that his father's name was Wilson Fisk, and that his mother Vanessa Fisk had died in an accident.

Seeing the confusion of his daughter, George began to get angry more with that little bastard.

"It seems that I do not tell you that his father is the leader of one of the largest mafias in New York, although at first glance Wilson Fisk is a businessman, all the top brass know that he is a gangster who only knows how to keep his hands clean, that's why I can not allow you to have contact with someone like that "(George)

Gwen's face went pale, this was something she did not want to believe, she just wanted Richard to deny it.

But when she saw him in silence, Gwen knew that what her father had just said was true.

Gwen really wanted to leave, this was the first time she felt so betrayed, but her legs felt extremely weak.

Seeing Gwen's situation, Richard gave a small sigh .

"If I had to say that I know my father well, I could say nothing, I have not seen him for 7 years, my mother divorced him long ago, if I had to guess, i would say it was not something simple, because shortly after my mother divorced my father, she fell into a great depression, first began with alcohol, and then started with drugs, and that was the reason for his death, it was really hard to see my mother in that state, so I decided cut ties with my father, that's why it's really hard to be compared to someone like him "(Richard)

As there was no evidence to prove otherwise, Richard gave some extra things to his story, and although it was difficult, Richard managed to fake some tears.

Gwen felt pretty bad for judging Richard without having heard her version.

Helen was really furious with her husband, she already knew who Richard's father was, but for her daughter she got the job of knowing him first before judging him.

Richard's face was as if he had eaten a fly, he had a nose for secrets, and something told him that this boy was lying, but he did not lose patience, he went by the facts.

"For someone who has not seen his father, it's really surprising that a boy your age drives a Lamborghini, especially when your mother only left you some land " ( George)

This also caused confusion to Gwen, but this time I await Richard's response.

(That grandfather so insistent) Richard did not imagine that the subject had investigated him up to this point, but as someone cautious, he had already made preparations, but it was a pity that this information leaked so quickly.

"When I said that I did not have any kind of communication with my father it was true, and if you want to know why I can drive a Lamborghini, then I hope you can keep a secret, if by any chance any kind of information is filtered, then i will have no alternative to take legal action, regardless of whether you're the father of the woman I want to court "Richard addressed George.

This angered George Stacy a lot.

Helen was quite satisfied with Richard, not any young man of that age can be so direct and safe, Helen was sure that that boy could protect his daughter.

Gwen was speechless, practically just heard a statement from Richard, all he wants is to end this meeting and have time with Richard to have a more intimate talk.

George Stacy really wanted to hit that brat, not only was he ridiculing, but he was also threatening him, but George would not back down in this situation.

"You really have courage, if you can convince me then I swear I will not say anything, and if by chance you start dating my daughter, then you will have my blessing" (George Stacy)

Richard really wanted to hit that guy, but since he was Gwen's father, then Richard will have to put up with it a bit.

Without hesitation, Richard pulled a card out of his wallet.

"Just call this number, if you think it's false you can go directly to ask, but I hope we can keep this confidential, you would bring me a lot of problems if this information is filtered " ( Richard)

With that Richard got up , and took Gwen out as they left their parents behind.


"Please tell me, what did you give my dad " ( Gwen)

"I'm sorry, but it's a secret, but I could tell you if you agree to be my girlfriend " ( Richard)

This was not the first time that Richard said something like that, almost every day he talked like this, but today it seems special, so Gwen could not answer immediately.

" Are you really sure ? , everyone says I'm very bored, besides all the girls at school want to be your girlfriend, I'm sure you could find someone better than me "Gwen was not an insecure girl, but when it came to Richard, she could not help but doubt.

"It hurts a lot that you do not believe me, although I think I have some guilt for joking with it every day, I guess I'll have to go seriously " ( Richard)

Richard approached Gwen and took her hands, while speaking very seriously.

"Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy, would you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend ? "(Richard)

Gwen just wanted to laugh, Richard always managed to ruin the moment.

"I told you that I really do not like my name, it's hard to take yourself seriously when you can not be serious " ( Gwen)

Gwen complained about having told Richard that her second name was Maxine, that was always the reminder that her father wanted to have a child instead of a daughter.

Richard really likes Gwen, so I would not waste this situation.

Gwen kept scolding Richard for making fun of her, so she did not notice when Richard took a step forward.

Richard did not doubt when he kissed Gwen.

As it was Gwen's first kiss, Richard just lightly kissed her lips, but he could still feel how sweet her lips were.

Gwen's head was completely blank, all this seemed like a dream, at this point I had forgotten the fact that I had gained powers over humans.

"I'm serious, and if you do not believe me, I can only prove it " ( Richard)

This time Richard kissed Gwen more passionately.

Richard started using his tongue to annoy Gwen.

Gwen's head was blank, she wanted to protest, but her body felt extremely weak.

When Richard stepped back, there was a thread of saliva that connected them both.

"If I do not hear an answer I will not stop"

"Wait,.... "( Gwen)

Richard continued to enjoy Gwen's sweetness for a while longer.

......... ..

"Now that I'm your girlfriend, I want to tell me what you gave my father " ( Gwen)

After taking advantage of Gwen, Richard took her to a coffee.

Richard was very harshly lectured for acting so daringly, but after a while, Gwen calmed down, and so returned to an important issue

"I gave him my boss's number " ( Richard)

"Can you be more specific ? "(Gwen)

As Richard's girlfriend, Gwen wanted to know everything about him, so he would not miss the opportunity to get some information.

"The truth is that I am consulting Global Industries, so my bank account is full of money, I did not want to tell you since it does not seem right to conquer a woman using the money" (Richard)


"Says the man who goes to study in a luxury car ? , you'll have to invent a better excuse. "This seemed very funny to Gwen, so she could not stay serious.

Richard could not do anything for the moment, but since Gwen agreed to be his girlfriend, then Richard is not afraid to bother her more intensely.