
Chapter 5 "Black Cat"

Richard was a little worried about Gwen.

She did not answer any of Richard's calls, just sent a message saying she was a little sick.

If he had free time , Richard would go to visit her, but there was an issue that he had to confirm as soon as possible.

Richard had to investigate a person named Blade.

Since Richard did not remember his real name, he could only walk the streets looking for that guy.

If Richard had to name the most dangerous gang, without hesitation he would say they were vampires.

After digging a bit, Richard managed to discover that vampires have practically government permission to do whatever they want.

So the only way to get them out was by force.

But Richard would not move his gang in a war, that would only bring him losses, so he decided to find the person who most hates vampires.

"Richard, there's no news from any vigilante named Blade" ( Alice)

Richard limited himself to using local news, to track him down, the last thing he wants is for the Scarlet Knight to be linked to the Kingpin mafia.

Using the name of Scarlet Knight, Richard has planned to work with Blade, so it is impossible to leave prints.

"It seems I'll have to wait for future events " ( Blade)

Knowing the story, Richard knows that one of these days Blade should murder an ordinary person who works with vampires, and that day he would be arrested.

Richard wanted to get ahead of the story to move more cautiously, but it seems that his luck would not be so good .

With a wasted night, Richard decided to go to sleep.

From tomorrow Spiderman will be born, so Richard will have to keep an eye on him, when Richard gets his blood, then he can correct the imperfections of the Oz serum, in order to modify it as Richard wants .

"I should look for some fossils" it would be interesting to get the strength of some extinct animals, Richard thought .

The possibilities with the Oz serum are very large, so Richard could not wait to get it.

If a lizard could match Spiderman, Richard wanted to see what would happen if he used a T-Rex DNA.

"Richard, something happened" ( Alice)

...... ..

Richard ran through the rooftops as always.

But the difference was that at this moment he wore a completely black suit, while hiding his face with a black mask.

An hour ago , Alice informed her that Felicia's boyfriend had drugged her, and with the help of some friends, they took her to an abandoned house .

Richard had sent some men to watch over her, so when I got to the room, there were three men tied and gagged.

When Felicia's boyfriend and his friends saw the man in black, they almost wet his pants.

"Wait outside" with just one word, Richard's henchmen disappeared.

Richard took a vial from his pocket , and after bringing it to Felicia, she woke up.

"You, wait" Felicia immediately checked her body, and after releasing a long sigh of relief , she just realized her situation.

"HEL ... .." Felicia had to shut up when she noticed a gun on her face.

"I'm a busy man, so I'll be brief" ( Richard)

"Those men were ready to rape you, and as I am a generous man I am ready to help, but it will depend if you can get out of this situation" (Richard)

Richard handed him the same gun with which he pointed to Felicia.

"I give you the opportunity to defend yourself, I hope you make the right decision " ( Richard)

Felicia really felt stupid for noticing that kind of man .

Just because she refused to have sex was drugged, but Felicia did not hate him to the point of killing him .

Seeing the doubt in Felicia's face, Richard made things more interesting.

Without hesitation, Richard pulled out a syringe to inject it into the neck of Felicia's boyfriend.

"I just injected him with an aphrodisiac, in a minute he'll lose his mind, and after that I'll leave , when I leave he'll be your problem " This time Richard grabbed Felicia's hand and directed the gun to his boyfriend's forehead.

Watching as her boyfriend got more and more red, Felicia started to get scared , the guy in black was crazy.

Richard deduced the reason why Black Cat was not very well in the head, being drugged and raped was not a nice experience, so after saving it, he had the responsibility to take it the right way, or incorrect depending on the perspective.

If Felicia can not pull the trigger, then Richard does not want to waste time with her , anyway, Richard just lied to hers, when he said to injected an aphrodisiac to her boyfriend.

Who was perverted enough to carry out that kind of thing with him, but as Felicia did not know, then I did not care.

Felicia was very scared, having to kill someone was something that never occurred to her, but the thought of being raped was terrible.

So in the end she decided to do what his heart was screaming at him.

* BAM *


When I look at the ground full of blood, Richard was very satisfied, but many things were still missing.

"You know what to do" as a routine, the whole scene was prepared to look like a robbery, although Richard could not handle some details, when the police realize it was a job of some mafia, the most likely to rule out that investigation .

......... ..

Richard drove a black car to a mansion, at this time there were only two people.

Richard was still disguised, he dont plane show his identity to Felicia, this way be much better for Richard.

Because Richard wanted Felicia to work directly for him, Richard decided to hide this fact from Kingpin.

With the appearance of Felicia, anyone would think that the boss just wanted to have fun with her, so the matter would end there.

Taking Felicia inside the mansion, she remained completely silent.

He was supposed to have just killed a person, but all he felt was emotion, this feeling scared him.

Richard took her into the mansion where he invited her to sit down, as this was a negotiation, Richard gave himself the job of serving Felicia a tea, and only after seeing her finish, Richard began.

"Then you will work for me" Richard had to break the silence.

"... .." Felicia looked at him, although the idea of ​​working with a mobster began to excite her, she was a normal girl, so she could not understand how he could help this man.

"Forget everything you have in your head, I just want to listen, Yes or No" Richard was very direct, he would not serve a cowardly cat, so he could not go soft with her.

Felicia had no idea what would happen to her in the future, but her head could only tell her an answer.

"Yes, I want to work for you" ( Felicia)

(Oh Richard, you really are someone very bad) Richard thought.

If Felicia could see the smile of Richard, she would have the feeling of doing made a deal with the devil.

...... ..

Richard injected a serum to Felicia and he left her resting in the mansion.

This was a corporal serum enhancement, most gangsters under the Kingpin control used it , but the results varied too, could only get a few good skills.

But the one that gave Felicia was something special, this one had a bit of his blood, although he could not replicate the serum that was used in Richard's body , it would be enough to give him more strength to the future Black Cat.

Richard told her to spend a few days training and getting used to her new body, and after that she would take her to have fun.

But for now, Richard will take it easy these days while he continues to gather information.

...... ..

The next day Richard went to school as usual.

But when I arrived, I noticed that neither Peter nor Gwen was there.

Richard had a little thought, but thinking about that possibility gave him a big headache.

"It seems that today we are only two" ( Ned)

Richard only came to this school to watch Peter until he became Spiderman, but since that job was over, he had only one other reason.

A yes, that only came to school to be with Gwen, but not being it, then loses any sense to come to school.

But being pushed by his fat friend, Richard could only enter classes.


"I do not think we have not met yet" ( ?????)

When Richard turned around, He saw a redhead with whom he did not really want to talk at the moment.

"Richard Fisk, It's nice to meet you" ( Richard)

But Richard could not forget his manners when it came to beautiful women.

"Mary Jane, I just wanted to thank you for helping Peter, I'm really happy that he can finally be calm when he comes to school" ( MJ)

Richard knows that Peter and Mary Jane are friends since they were young, and as neighbors Mary Jane cares a lot about Peter, but she only sees him as a little brother.

( hard enough for Peter ) Richard thought.

But since Richard knows that Peter is in love with Mary Jane, he can not talk so casually with her, especially when he pretends to be an exemplary friend.

"Do not worry, Peter is my friend, so it was nothing " ( Richard)

With that Richard got up from his seat and left, but not without giving a small signal to Ned.

Ned really admired Richard as a friend, distancing himself from his friend's girl without hesitation, it was the mark that Richard respected Peter.

Although it was a bit of an exaggeration to leave while the teacher was still teaching, Ned could not help but lift his thumb.

"Ned Leeds, to detention."

Richard's fame is known to all teachers, so he could only vent his anger with his friends.

They did not want to bother a student who could come to study in a Lamborghini.


Richard was being a hypocrite, but he did not really care, all was a business for him , for Richard the friends were people who had not yet betrayed him, so he would not doubt if one day they become enemies.

But he will leave that for the moment, so I take his cell phone and dial Gwen's number.

Richard knew that Gwen's father is a policeman .

if something had happened, then Richard would know, so the chances were limited.

"Richard hello, it's been a while" ( Gwen)

Listening to Gwen's voice, Richard was able to relax a little, but listening a little more closely, Richard noticed some things that did not fit.

"Are you okay Gwen ?, Yesterday you just told me you were sick, you went to the hospital?"


"Ah, that, actually, I felt better today, do not worry, tomorrow I'll be able to go to school without problems" (Gwen)

"Where are you Gwen ?, I can hear a lot of wind" ( Richard)

"Really ? It will be that I just opened the window of my room, nothing more "( Richard)

"You should take a little more care of your health, but if you feel good then I invite you to eat"


"THAT WOULD BE GREAT" Gwen exclaimed, most of the time that Gwen spent with Richard was during the work, so this would be the first time they go on a date.

"Perfect, I had to leave school for some business, so I'll be at your house in about thirty minutes, okay ?" ( Richard)

"This, ... .. Sure, I 'll wait for you " ( Gwen)

Richard told a little lie to Gwen, he was already in front of his house, only he was hiding.

Richard has an excellent hearing, so when he heard birds during his conversation with Gwen, he left his car and started running to his house.

"I just hope she was watching TV" that's what Richard wanted to believe.

But when he saw a blonde girl come in through the window, Richard realized that he will have to modify some of his plans.

Next chapter