
Marvel: Dishonored

Andrew, a military veteran learnt he had done something that he promised himself not to. He loses his wife, daughter, his reputation and is sentenced to his death. He was betrayed by his own country that he had protected and believed in. His brother, comrade, Damon, had been the one who has conspired with his higher ups and destroyed his entire life. ************************************************* Andrew uttered in a cold breath, "Even if I die, I will come for you" ??? said, "And how are you going to do that Andrew?" His surroundings changed and he saw him, "Who are you?" "The Outsider" ************************************************* Will focus on MCU and some things from the comics. Chapter Length - 1000 to 2000 words. Updates - Random mostly 2 chapters a week. *************************************************

Dark_Vader98 · Filem
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57 Chs



Have deleted the Previous Chapter.


In the Monitoring Room.

"We should stop the party and get them secure, sir," a man said as he was typing furiously on the keyboard to get the camera visuals back.

"Mam said this party is important, Leo," said a man who was standing behind Leo.

"More important than her life and her son's?" questioned Leo.

"Sir, I don't think I can get back the feed," continued Leo.

"Why? Are the cameras destroyed?"

"No. He must be using a device that disrupts the cameras, we have to find and destroy it, otherwise it is not possible," said Leo.

"Send the information to all of them, Block the Entrance, Evacuate the Guests, Secure Mam, and her son, and if anyone is suspicious capture them"

"Yes, sir," as Leo acknowledged he started to work on it.

He immediately pressed a few buttons and the earpiece on every guard and bounty hunter got activated and he relayed the orders.

Andrew who was about to enter the second floor could see the commotion that was going on through his Dark Vision.

'Hmm… Since I am here inside the mansion all the cameras must be disrupted and they are taking no chances and are ensuring the safety of Zavez and his mother.'

Andrew saw the guests being evacuated and he also saw Zavez and his mother being taken away by the guards his eyes turned cold and he leaked a bit of his killing Intent.

Zavez who was being escorted away felt a chill back in his spine and he turned to see what was going on but he saw nothing but the guards and the guests being taken away.

Andrew used Blink and disappeared as he saw a few guards were bringing the guests to the second floor.

'They must be taking them to the safe room they have built underground for situations like these,' this thought struck Andrew.

'Those guards were searching for something that Zavez has and it should not be in the Master Bedroom but in the safe room. They must have not known about it.'

Now the problem is he does not know how he is going to get there as the guards are swarming in and he also saw the waiters were carrying weapons as well. Though they hid it well, Andrew could see them.

"Bounty Hunters," he muttered

'They don't know where I am as the cameras have been disrupted. Better use the other one as well,'

As he said that he brought the Inventory and took a tool from it.

It had some Antennas and once he pressed the button, all the communications that were taking place between the guards and the one issuing it from the monitoring room had gone off.

Everyone who was getting orders stood still and did not know what to do but soon continued to complete the last order given.

The guests were yelling asking what was going on and some acted like they are being touched by beggars and some cursing Christine, Zavez's mother, but there were a few to quickly realize the issue and followed the guards without creating any problems.

Outside the Mansion, they have closed the gates, and a few guards were entering the Mansion, many were placed all over the Mansion and were given the orders to shoot on sight if they see anyone who does not belong in the area.

Andrew did not take these into account and could see the mistakes he had made and made sure to not do this again. But then, even a perfect plan fails a lot of times and you have to take countermeasures to ensure you don't fail the mission.

Andrew had taken this into account and decided to act based on the situation and now he has to be stealthier. Now that communications and cameras were disrupted his mission's difficulty is less but he has to be careful in his next steps.

"Shit, shit, shit!! All are going down the drain. They will be cursing me and will do anything to make the stock market value of my company to go down now. All because of one. I want him found." Christine yelled at the guards.

All the guards have their pride but they have to put that aside as they have got the payment.

They don't know what to do next after securing the Mam and the son as they have lost communications.

"Mam, we ensure you he will be found and killed," said one of the guards.

Andrew heard Christine lashing out as she was taken away through a secure door in the distance.

The Guests were all taken to the second floor by the guards but no one saw Andrew as he was on the huge Chandelier hanging from the second floor.

In this commotion, he took the HEART out and could feel the Heartbeat pointing him to where Zavez had just entered.

'The Safe Room must have a Rune.'

The door they just entered will have an elevator that will take them to the Secure Safe Room. He had already hacked to get the password for it. It was code-based not the fingerprint or retina scanner type. Due to this, it was easy for him to hack and get the password with Natasha's help.

As he was looking over, the commotion died down with all the guests being secured on the second floor. Few guards went to the third floor and saw the unconscious ones. They wanted to report it but they couldn't as the Communications were down.

They then blocked the third-floor pathway as they found out that he was not there.

Lights were soon going off, and finally, the Chandelier lights went off as well.

All the guards wore Night Vision goggles as if ordered but he realized this must be planned they should have come up with as a backup to capture the team or the lone intruder.

Andrew used Dark Vision and was able to see all the Guards and the Bounty Hunters on the floors with no issue.

Now, all that he has to do is silently move to the door and use the elevator to go down.


Sorry for the Short Chapter.

Still feeling unwell and Doctor has asked me to take complete rest.

Next Chapter will be back to Normal.

I did promise to release one chapter and I hope you forgive me for the length.

Do give your ideas for the story and new abilities and enhancements for Andrew.

Enjoy your day, Readers.


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