
Chapter 5

First (P.O.V.):

Hmm The System has 3 Function, First one is Status. Which can show my power and progress of my abilities.






Second is Gacha. Which can allow me have Different abilities or items by Gacha system. Gaining abilities or Abilities are divided by 3 parts.






First one is Bronze Box which allow me to have (1⭐ - 3⭐) Abilities or Items. Second one is Silver Box which allow me to have (3⭐ - 5 ⭐) abilities or items. Third one is Golden Box which allow me to have (5🌟) granted abilities or Items.






I have to pay 100 Gacha Coins just for buying one Bronze Box. For buying one Silver Box I have to pay 500 Gacha Coins. Also for buying one Golden Box I have to pay 1,000 Gacha Coins.






I can Buy 10 types of any Boxes in one time by Gacha Coins. I can sell my trash items in exchange of 50% Gacha coins what type box I buyed.






Third one is Storage. It can store item that's non living. Inside it Time will be freeze. For example if you put hot food in system storage it will remain hot forever unless it taken ou it from storage.






In Status it shows my name. It also nickname if I achieved anything worthy. By the way I have currently 3 title [Fifth Prince of Asgard] [Borson] [Asgardian]. For first title it's just as say I'm Prince of Asgard. For second title I'm son of Bor.

Third one is represented where I lived in one of 9 relam.






Race parameter, it show which species I'm. I'm Asgardian that's Aesir god and frost giant hybrid. only we ( Cul, Odin, Vili, Ve, me) are 1st generation hybrid. Not all Asgardian are Aesir god and frost giant hybrid. In (199999 or MCU) Universe Thor was Asgardian that are mixed between Aesir god and Vanir God.







Divinity parameters, although my Divinity is not awakened. The information I have collected is that the Asgardian (Aesir God and Frost Giant) cannot awaken the divinity if there is no more than a thousand years old.






In my statistics there 11 think in there.






First one is HP or Health Point. It's Totally 100 if it by chance reach 0 than I will be stay dead. Unless someone revives me. It also interesting that it's connected to my durability. The more durability I will have the less damage I will take.






Second is MP or Mana Point. It's now 1000 which 10 time's more than average Asgardian. Starter Witches of Asgard are have 1000 MP. Which shows that I possess rare Magic Talents. MP statistic are connected to my attack potency (½), Range, Intelligence.






Third one is Attack potency. A character with a certain degree of attack potency does not necessarily need to cause destructive feats on that level, but can cause damage to characters that can withstand such forces. As such it isn't proof of a low attack potency, if a character's attacks only cause a small amount of destruction.






Fourth one is Speed. Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. There are five types of speed used for VS purposes: Attack Speed, Combat Speed, Reaction Speed, Travel Speed, and Flight Speed. The term "Speed" normally refers to Combat Speed.






Fourth one is Lifting Strength. Lifting Strength is defined as the mass that an individual can lift on Earth. In other words it measures the amount of upwards force a character can produce.

As such pushing and pulling feats are also considered a part of this statistic, granted they are properly calculated to account for the difference to lifting. A common case is that the weight of something pulled across a horizontal surface needs to be multiplied by the appropriate friction coefficient after finding the mass of the object.






Fifth one is Striking Strength. Striking strength describes the power behind the character's physical blows. Generally, anything that has to do with the character's actions instead of passively holding up weights is about this category.

While lifting strength is a static value which can be measured in units of weight or mass, striking strength is different. It relies more on "action" which is a combination of speed and mass. As such, striking strength requires a whole different classification system.






Fifth one is Durability. Durability is the property which guarantees the ability to withstand a certain amount of force. This is not to be confused with endurance; while durability is the ability to withstand damage, endurance is a measure of stamina.

Logically, characters capable of physically achieving a certain degree of energy output, must be able to at least withstand a comparable amount of damage, or their bodies would break apart from the strain and automatic counterforce, whenever they exert themselves.






Sixth one is Range. Range is a measurement that refers to how far that the attacks or abilities of a certain character, weapon, or otherwise, can efficiently reach on their/its own.






Seventh one is Intelligence. Intelligence is a word that is incredibly difficult to define, as it has been used to refer to many things, such as one's ability to process information, or their capacity for logic, self-awareness, creativity, reasoning, and/or problem solving, or their knowledge and memory.

In its fullest definition, intelligence can be said to encompass all these things, which makes it incredibly difficult to quantify in versus debating terms, as many individuals may have plentiful ability in one area, such as knowledge, and also be lacking entirely in another, such as planning, emotional intelligence, or creativity.






Eight one is Stamina. Stamina is the measure of a character's ability to remain active, exert themselves for long periods of time, and power through harsh circumstances.

This general statistic encompasses a number of different traits and characteristics that operate differently, and that can thus differ within a single character.

Because of this and the inherent variability of stamina, it is difficult to create a comprehensive and consistent universal ranking system for these feats, although some guidelines can be established. Because of this, it is best to explain and source examples of a character's stamina feats rather than simply state a generalised rating.






Ninths one is Tier System. The following is a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system which this wiki utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters and entities based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which they can affect or create/destroy.

However, it should always be kept in mind that, while Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some of the most primary ways to qualify for a particular tier, they are not the only ones. For instance, harming a character with a certain level of Durability also allows another character to qualify for the corresponding tier.

Furthermore, it should be noted that characters from a higher tier are not necessarily invincible to entities of lower tiers, as certain powers and abilities can potentially bypass the difference in strength entirely, allowing the latter to contend with, or overpower such characters. See this page for more information.

It is also important to know that the difference between the lowest and highest bounds of a given tier is extremely variable and can be absolutely massive in scale. Hence, being far stronger than a character that belongs to a certain tier does not necessarily qualify one for a higher rating.






Tenth one is Power and abilities. This allows me to my skill progress. When an skill level is one that's lowest level one and beginner level it can increase by training. When a skill level is Highest level one and deity level it can't be increased by training. Skill level divided by 10. 1. Beginner (1-10), 2. Novice (10-20), 3. Professional (21-30), 4.

Expert (31-40), 5. Master (41-50), 6. Quasi Grandmaster (51-60), 7. Grandmaster (61-70), 8. Half Deity (71-80), 9. Quasi Deity (81-90), 10. Deity (91-100).






Last one is Equipment. Full body set from chest to at the soles of the feet. Head set from hair to Neck.

Accessory set Where I can use Rings one Both Hand's, Neck, Waist. Weapon set where I can access my weapons.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

TyrantTron335creators' thoughts