
Chapter 2

I still have one more year before I am finished with the school life as it is already 2008 but it is finally summer break and it's good timing too. I have been keeping watch over Ellesmere Island since I checked and seen the scout ship buried there using my X-ray vision a few years ago.

Recently a military encampment has formed near it and it is almost time for me to intervene. Can't be letting the muggles have my shiny toys now can I? I am admittedly keeping somewhat to canon in this but it's only because I am curious hat will happen since this world is so much different. Will shield approach me? Hydra? Some random schmuck? Only time can tell I suppose. Maybe they simply won't be able to find me? After all Lois was simply lucky.


This assignment sucked.. it's a frozen wasteland and it is boring. An object stuck in the ice? Who knows what it could be? Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dragons sleep.

Then I seen a person walking up the mountain like it was nothing, they also looked like a civilian.

"Coulson, I got a straggler walking the mountain, he is already fairly far out, orders?" She was curious about what the person was planning, she couldn't make out who he was from here.

"Orders are to follow and observe, intervene if necessary, backup will arrive shortly" agent Coulson said in a no nonsense monotone.

"Understood" Natasha replied quickly as she finished putting on her jacket and began to run to catch up to the stranger.

It took her a while for her to find his path and catch up to the tunnel that seemed to be freshly created.

"Coulson, there is a new path that leads into the mountain" Natasha spoke to her mic but received no reply. She only received a broken reply back that was unreadable.

"I am going in, coms are unreadable"

From there in was only a few moments to make it into a cavern that contained a ship 'well this is fucked. No way this will end well' she thought with annoyance to herself only half tempted to turn back and say fuck it.


I have been roaming the ship for a few good minutes after fully inserting the command key that I kept around my neck and I have to admit the technology for an 20,000 year old ship is impressive. I will have to save it from Zod in the future. I even had a conversation with my 'father'. It was interesting. I also told the A.I. Do not attack the being interning the ship that I could hear, but to contain monitor them aggressively.

I also wanted to don my new suit before I met whoever it is, partially to help hide my identity and because it's an awesome outfit.

The only other important thing I learned with the little time I had was that my 'father' had a copy of all he knew of science and technology in his datacore. While not the entire updated kryptonian library, it would do. Jor-El's knowledge was quite a bit in advance of what the scout ship already had or even standard kryptonian technology.

I wonder who has entered the ship though. That someone has is somewhat surprising. It can't be Lois because I checked for her before I came out here in the first place. Now I am extremely curious who filled that particular slot.


Fuck me. I entered the stupid ship and was nearly immediately confronted by a strange floating robot. It hasn't attacked me yet but from the tentacle thing floating around looking like either a taser or some kind of energy weapon I wasn't confident that would hold true.

Coming here may have been a mistake but I still need to find out where that person went off to and hopefully his identity. He is obviously not a normal person, I'm honestly doubting whether or not he is human or not at this point and I haven't even met him.


I finally decided to grace the person with my presence and damn was I surprised with who I found, though maybe I shouldn't have been. She tends to get her hot ass in trouble often enough anyways.

I decided I would try to have some fun with this. It could be entertaining and Natasha Romanoff aka the black widow. She was amongst my favorite marvel characters and she looks exactly like the avengers version, Scarlett Johansson.

"You probably shouldn't be here" I tell her after I walk into the room, the same place Lois lane got attacked in the original.

"You were lucky I managed to turn the defenses to non lethal just as you entered the vessel" I tell her with a small 'innocent' smile. While she just stares at me in my new outfit.

"First off, I will thank you for that but second I would like to know with whom I speak, and why you are here. I am agent Romanoff from Shield." She said with somewhat false cheeriness while just thinking this guy looks omg hot.

"Well agent Romanoff of shield, I am Kal-El and this is my ship, your people are not ready for the technology within this vessel so I will have to move it to elsewhere." I told her with a sigh. It was all true to so I didn't even feel bad about it really. "The real question is what to do with you in the meantime?"