
Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

I died, talked to One-Above-All, transmigrated, became an eternal, now I'm watching history unfolds with my own eyes, cool right? it's not like I'm going to accidentally change the course of history or anything, we're eternals after all, we can't interfere.... it's a really slow pace story about a human that lost his sense of humanity, trying to learn how it means to be alive again... don't expect instant romance and instant development, mc it quite an emo at first... he's still is to be honest lol. MC x Thena. not a harem. I don't own eternals, or marvel. English isn't my first language don't expect good story... probably won't be updated frequently... btw, i know i tagged it as marvel, but there isn't much marvel content in it to be honest... it's just an eternal breezing through history... like the title said. Also, the cover's not mine, it belongs to kibaek-lee, if you want me to take it down, just comment. I've posted this on Scribble hub too.

mark_kiple · Filem
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257 Chs

Pluto's Power

A/N: Some people want this, so here it is.


Name: Pluto

Nickname: The Unseen one, Mr. P

Race: Eternal

Age: ???

Partner: Single as fuck(Update: with Thena)


[Eternal Physiology]:

-Superhuman Strength(Not as Strong as Ikaris and Gilgamesh though)

-Superhuman Durability(He can tank a punch or two)

-Superhuman Stamina(For fighting and sex alike, he's a virgin though(Update: Not a virgin anymore , hell yeah!!))

-Superhuman Agility(He can do ballet with this)

-Superhuman Speed(He probably can outrun a cheetah, not as quick as Makkari though)

-Superhuman Reflexes(Bullet time, baby)

-Superhuman Healing Factor(Can heal faster than normal humans)

-Immortal(You know, can't age, different from invincible)

[Cosmic Energy Manipulation(Construct Conjuration)]:

-Construct Conjuration(Can Conjure Constructs)

-Cosmic Energy Absorption(Can absorb cosmic energy from dead bodies)

-Construct Manipulation(Can combine his constructs to make a more stronger one)

-I am Thou, Thou art I(His constructs can possess him so he would have their powers, knowledge, memories, and energy temporarily)


-Multilingualism(Speaks multiple language, can learn quickly also)

-Expert combatant(Tortur- *cough* trained by Thena herself)


-The big black stick(You know, the bident, I don't know what's the name of it yet, so this is just temporary)

-Eternals' Battle Armor