
Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey

A human philosopher once asked, “What is the meaning of life?” For humans, this was an impossible question. Each individual human is unique, with their own dreams and desires. As such, there is no definitive answer to this question… For humans that is. For other species, the question is trivial. Not even worth a passing thought. The Klyntar are one such species. Without a host, they know nothing. They have no identity. No purpose. They have no dreams or desires like the humans. They are a blank canvas awaiting an artist. This artist gives rise to their entire being. They draw, colour, shape, and mould them in their image. They become what their artist needs the most. Whether that be a carbon copy of themselves, or something else entirely. A Klyntar becomes the vessel, or even the starting line, for the host to achieve their goals and dreams in the ever-mysterious landscape known as existence. Klyntar’s understand their own meaning of life. They exist for their host. This story revolves around a certain Klyntar, or as human’s refer to them, a Symbiote. This is the story of its journey. From creation, to who knows when or where. Will the Symbiote be able to fulfil its purpose? Will it enable its host to achieve the seemingly impossible dreams they aim for? Nothing is certain in the universe they reside in. Because even that… is not their own. -If you can’t tell from the novel cover, although the story revolves around the Symbiote, the main host is female so technically this is a female lead, I guess, since Symbiotes don’t have genders.- --Obligatory Author talking about their work below -- First ever book. Point out any errors. Am British, so will be written in British English. Will try to update 2 times a week depending on work and chapter length. Minimum 3k word chapters. ANY feedback is appreciated. If you like something, say exactly what you like. If you dislike something, say what exactly you dislike. Every comment helps in some way… Except like a comment just saying dicks or something. The R-18 tag is for a few lemons in the future, but my main aim is the story and action, so it’s not going to be heavy with the lemons, especially early on (Mainly cause I’m, currently, not entirely confident in my writing skills, let alone lemon writing skills). So, for the time being the R-18 will be for violence, blood, and gore etc… I own no copyright except my original characters. Cover and Original Character art is AI generated. If this gets popular enough that people want to translate it and repost somewhere, feel free to do so - provided it's not for profit. Just drop a line crediting me as the Author somewhere. Hope you Enjoy.

BananaPancke · Filem
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47 Chs

Chapter 4) – Take On The World

"Here's your room key. Ground floor. Just follow the signage down that hallway."

"Thank you."

After checking into the Hawaii hotel Mara booked, receiving the key and directions, we made our way over to her room for the day. Curiously Mara had booked the room for a week but did not bring any baggage with her. Ever since we bonded a few days ago, the only thing she wore was me in various forms as clothing. Due to the ability gained from the Carnage Klyntar, in which it could replicate clothing down to colours that were not even apart of itself, Mara didn't need to pack any apparel, but considering what she told me about our reason for coming here I thought she would have brought personal possessions.

<So, this is the place where we travel to that other world correct?>

[Yup. Eddie and Venom were in one of these hotel rooms watching a telenovela with some guy called Maximiliano in it when they were suddenly shot through the multi-verse into the mainline universe we're aiming for.]

Over the course of the few days, we took to get here, Mara had been practising speaking to me telepathically since she said that talking out loud to herself in front of others like a crazy person was not a good look. She could speak telepathically with me before, but there was no filter so any thought she had was transmitted through resulting in a jumbled mess that could barely be called communication.

<How do you know it is this hotel and not any of the others?>

[For starters, the room looked to be a mess even without their influence so it couldn't be any higher than 2-star, of which there is only this hotel rated so low. Secondly, the wallpaper that I remember matches what was shown in the room previews on the hotel's website. I don't know if it matters but we're going to have to try and find the exact room they had as well. I don't want to take any chances of missing this lifechanging event.]

As Mara unlocks the room door we have been assigned, I cannot help asking a question that has plagued me for the past days ever since she brought up this 'multi-verse shift' as she called it.

<Mara, how exactly do you know all of this is going to happen? Are able see the future or did somebody else tell you?>

As she closes the door and locks it, she answers, "I guess you could say I saw it happen, but not like with a mutation or ability or anything. The whole Venom landing on Earth and everything involving him up until the multi-verse shift was a movie in my previous world. This isn't my original Earth, but one I was transported to nearly a decade ago."

Before I can fully process the bombshell Mara just casually dropped on me, she shouts out, "Holy shit!"

Detecting the shock in my hosts emotions I immediately deploy emergency combat measures. I disable my clothing mode on her arms, transforming them into bladed weapons. Her shoulders stay the same, but from there down, my form increasingly enlarges over her arms until her forearms are twice their original thickness. Hands could no longer be seen attached to her forearms and in their place were two massive blades, one on each arm. The blades do not just extend forwards either, they also protrude backwards resulting in two huge semi-circular blades and with Mara's arms resting by her sides, the highest point at the back of the blade went all the way to her head, the lowest point at the front of the blade was reaching her knees. The edge of the blade is also as thin as possible for maximum slashing ability while also being as strong as the rest of the blade since it is all made from my form.

<Is it an enemy?! What is it?!>

"Woah hold your horse's baby there's no enemy. Damn El, when did you make these bad boys? They look dangerously sexy! I'll check these out later, but for now could you put them away please?" 

<Okay Mara, but what had you so shocked? I thought we were under attack.>

I remove the rigidity from the blades, so they become malleable again before absorbing them back into Mara's arms and becoming completely hidden in her skin again.

"Don't worry about it, El. I appreciate the timely response because if we were under attack, you would have reacted in time, but in this universe, there is very little that could actually harm us. You don't need to be on high alert all the time. The reason I was so surprised was that this is the room we needed to find! You see that plant in the corner next to the far bedside table? Well, the wallpaper behind it is all torn under the light just like movie I saw! Sure, torn wallpaper in a run-down hotel like this might be common but for it to be in that specific area is highly unlikely."

<Agreed, but it will still be worth checking all the other rooms on ground floor just to make sure this is correct one.>

"Good point, although something may be highly unlikely, there's always a chance, so we'll do as you suggest." 

Mara grabbed the remote from on top of the dresser, or as she called it, a chest of drawers. She sits down on the edge of the bed and turns on the TV to check the show guide. 

Less than 10 minutes after starting to look through the television in silence, she finally finds the necessary show, "Looking at the guide, it looks like the show we want is going to be broadcast at 4pm until 5pm since that's the only one that mentions a Maximiliano in the synopsis. I'm not entirely sure at what point through the show the shift will happen though, so we need to play it safe and stay in the room for the full hour."

<The current time is just before 2pm. That means we've got a couple of hours to check everything which should be more than enough.>

Pushing herself off the bed she asks, "Should we go for a wander around and you can use some tendrils to go under the room doors to give them all a once-over?"

<Of course. While we are doing that could you answer some questions I have about your previous world and life in this one?>

"No problem, but only if you use a British accent from now on. Where we're going, our home will be America as that's where the action will be, so without another British person, or I guess British voice, to talk to I feel like I'll get home sick. Is there any reason you have an American accent anyways? Considering your voice is genderless and, ya know, you're a space alien, I thought you wouldn't have an accent either? If anything, I thought you would have copied my accent since I'm your host."

<My British accent won't be the best, but I can use what little inherited, from Venom line, starting now and I've picked up you so far to transition myself over time. only had an American as that was one Carnage's hosts well main nearly everyone they spoke to, or listened used. Klyntar's do not have genders interacted with were roughly balanced, went neutral considering there overwhelming majority. If want me a set gender, could change almost instantly.>

Exiting the room we only recently entered, and locking it behind us, Mara begins talking with telepathy instead of out loud.

[It's fine to transition over time, I can't imagine it would take you long considering Klyntar's are very adaptive, and you seem especially smart. Don't worry about the gender either, I find the neutrality of it quite calming actually. I just appreciate your willingness to change and make me more comfortable.]

<Naturally. I will do anything to make you comfortable.>

As we make our way around the hallways of the ground floor, I follow Mara's suggestion and slid my tendrils under the doors of all the rooms checking to see if the wallpaper she specified earlier was in a similar condition in any of the other rooms.


Throughout the half hour trip, I asked a variety of questions pertaining to her previous world, or rather universe, and how she got to where she is now – bonded with me.

Mara was currently 22 years old, and she arrived on this version of Earth when she was 13. Her previous Earth had superhero movies created by a company called Marvel. These superhero movies were all fictional, meaning they were all made up and were not real. To say she was obsessed with them would be an understatement. She loved the movies as it gave her an escape from her lacking reality of growing up in a traditional orphanage. In fact, she loved them so much that she watched at least one movie a day and knew he favourite movie's scripts off by heart. She never knew her parents and had no desire to meet them either, after all, they willingly gave her up to the orphanage so clearly, they wanted nothing to do with her.

Her favourite superhero movie was not even about a superhero, but rather what she said was called an anti-hero. In her words an anti-hero is defined as someone who follows their own morality for what a hero means instead of the classic, self-sacrificing, tragic hero. Her favourite hero was someone called Deadpool as he was more pragmatic than all the other idealistic heroes. She never understood why heroes would foil the villains plans and only lock them in prison instead of killing them to prevent them from hurting anyone ever again. Deadpool was of the same mind as her, so he would not hesitate to kill someone in order to prevent further bloodshed.

Even if Deadpool was her favourite hero she wouldn't have wished to go to his world. After all, in order for someone in that world to gain superpowers they need to have a special mutant gene and go through life-threatening stress to activate it. Not to mention that the power one would gain was not predetermined so she could have ended up with something completely useless for fighting crime, like just having webbed feet and hands. No, instead she would have chosen to go to her 2nd favourite hero's world. Which just so happens to be the world she is currently in with me.

Her 2nd favourite hero was Venom due to how anyone could inherit his powers, provided the Symbiote wanted to join with them, that there was no randomness to his powers and that he was an anti-hero, at least in the movie. The only gripe she had with him that made him number 2 instead of her favourite in the movies was that he was a bit too murderous. He never directly harmed random civilians in the movies, but his constant nagging and clear desire for literally everyone's brain was a bit annoying. Although she did not read a lot of the Marvel comics, she knew that, more often than not, he was a villain in them, more-so than an anti-hero, so being a straight up villain as well as being a dick and eating anything that moved docked a couple of points from his overall score.

She doesn't know how it happened exactly, but one day she woke up and everything was just slightly off. Some of her friends at the orphanage had different names, the orphanage had a different appearance, and worst of all; the Marvel movies she loved so much no longer existed! To say she was devastated would be an understatement.

She rambled on and on about the movies so much to anyone that would even partially listen, but no-one knew about them at all. She was so devastated that she fell into a state of depression for just over a year. Now depression might have seemed to be farfetched considering they were just movies, but Mara herself even admitted:

[I was heavily addicted to be honest, watching 1 a day became the norm for me and later on it became 2-3 a day. If I couldn't watch any for whatever reason, I got really cranky, aggressive and it felt like bugs were crawling over my whole body making me painfully itchy when I look back at it. I started watching them at 9, so by that time in 2018 there were a helluva lot of movies out to watch. The earliest movies weren't exactly the best, so I didn't watch them too much, but that was when comparing them to the later ones, which were phenomenal, and were my go-to's! Anyway, as is the case with any addiction, once my fix was taken away my mental state was fucked, to put it politely. If there were comics, I might have been able to ease into not having the movies, but obviously that would be too easy since Marvel, DC or ANY superhero media was non-existent in this universe. I was essentially forced to go cold turkey and any addict will tell you, either you can handle it, or you can't. And I was one of the one's who couldn't.]

The staff at the orphanage were so concerned that they sent her to a therapist only a month after she started showing signs of depression. She went once a week mainly for the therapist to evaluate if she had developed a trauma of some kind before making the sessions into regular twice a week appointments. Although it did not completely heal her mentality, with the help of her therapist, she slowly started to focus on other things to forget about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ultimately, she had no choice but to forget as she did not know how she got to this alternate reality and so had no way to go back.

It was roughly 2 years after she had arrived on this Earth that her life gained colour again. Strangely enough, it happened whilst walking home from school. She was 15 and in her second-to-last year of secondary school when the headline of a newspaper caught her eye. It read; 'British Genius Carlton Drake – Triples Life Expectancy of Pancreatic Cancer Patients!' Now, Mara had not watched a Marvel movie in a long time, but the first major villain of her 2nd favourite anti-hero was a hard name to forget.

She rushed home to confirm the strand of hope, that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, was indeed real! Using the orphanage's computer, she found any article she could that showed his face and when it matched the one from the movie, albeit slightly younger, she cried tears of joy. Since he was 19 currently and looked in his mid-20's in the movies, she knew that if she planned accordingly, in 6 or 7 years, she would not only be able to get her own Symbiote, but also get herself a one-way ticket to the Marvel Cinematic Universe she loved with all her heart. From that day she started planning her meals to reduce her Vitamin C intake as much as possible. She had read on a forum in her previous world that the symbiotes in the comics aren't able to bond with hosts that have high levels of it – which I informed her was untrue, but she could not have known that.

Every child has dreams of getting superpowers so she made sure to read everything she could about Symbiotes on her original Earth, just in case she ever experienced the reincarnation scenario popular in books at the time and could choose a world to be reborn in. She figured that the movie universe would be different if it was actually real, so limiting her Vitamin C intake probably was not necessary. But, like with the multi-verse shift we were currently planning to experience, she did not want to take any chances.

She was also aware that the children of symbiotes were stronger than their parents, as shown with Carnage and Venom. Instead of moving to America and immediately planning to get Venom she took a big risk. She decided to gamble on a 5 second snippet from the 2nd Venom movie where a detective was implied to have inherited Carnage's spawn, apparently dubbed Toxin from the comic material the movies were based off, according to the forums she read. She figured that if she could force Toxin out of the detective's body and contain it, she could either bond with it herself before it developed its own joint consciousness or force it to split itself and spawn its own child that would be even stronger than it. 

Needless to say, her plan worked flawlessly and here we are. She finished up her history a couple of minutes after we got back to our room, so we still had about an hour and a half until the telenovela was due to start. Mara preferred to speak with me face-to-face whenever possible so I do my usual head creation over her shoulder and begin asking about the new universe we will hopefully be going.

"So, this Marvel Movie Universe we are going to. What should we expect when we get there?"

"Good question, the first indicator that we're in the right universe will be that the TV channel would change to a news broadcast. The breaking news would be that Spider-Man has been unmasked as Peter Parker."

"Is this the same Spider-Man you based part of our suit form off?"

"Correctamundo handsome. Realistically we're missing out on A LOT of the MCU stuff that happens as the movie Spider-Man gets unmasked, called Far From Home, takes place like ¾'s of the way through the entire cinematic universe. It's a little disappointing but it's probably for the best, after all we don't want to be caught up in the purple alien's extermination of half the universe's population."

Almost dropping my head form in shock, I nearly shout, "Wait what?! Something is strong enough to do that?"

"Yeah, and the worst part was that all it took was the snap of his fingers!"

"What the fuck… You are right, we definitely do not want to be involved in that."

Nodding, she states, "Mhmm yup. Hey, wait! That's the first time you've cursed! You're really good at this adaptation stuff El."

"Of course. The closer we become, the stronger the bond we can make and thus the stronger we get."


We talked for about another hour on what the plot of the movies we could be involved in were and how involved Mara wanted to get in them. If we got too involved, the events following could drastically change either for the better or worse. She eventually decided to take a stand-off approach where she would get involved at non-critical points where it shouldn't make a noticeable difference on the overall story with her involvement, but just enough so she would get to know all her favourite people and be able to hang out with them between the movie content. This was provided that they had similar personalities to their movie representations.

With 30 minutes remaining until the start of the TV show, I decided now was as good a time as ever to top up my food since it is unknown if this shift would affect us physically in any way. I had not eaten since the day of my birth as without exerting myself I could stay satiated on the body's passively produced Phenethylamine, only needing to manually produce it, or eat a brain, twice a week.

"Mara, would it be possible for me to eat before this shift happens?"

 "Of course, why do you need to ask?"

"You do remember how I manually eat correct? I thought it would be invasive if I did not ask beforehand."

"Sure, I remember, it's through my cu… Oh..."

Once she remembers how I eat she immediately flushes neon pink with embarrassment.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down she gives me the go-ahead, "*Phew*…*Phew* Okay go for it I'm ready."

Using the knowledge of the human body I have learnt; human females prefer to ease into the procreation process as their bodies need to produce fluids to make it easier for the males. These fluids contain the Adrenaline & Phenethylamine that are my food, so I need to make my host feel good enough to orgasm in order to eat. 

"I will start now. Let me know what I can do to make you feel better, after all, the better you feel the more food, you produce. It is a win-win as humans say."

Removing all of my body that makes up her summer dress, sandals and undergarments, her naked form is left spread out on the bed. Her body was tense as she was exposed, so I create small tendrils all over her body slowly caressing her buxom form in order to massage her and allow her to relax.

"Mmmm~ I feel like I'm melting~"

"I'm going to cover your eyes, Mara; it will make this more enjoyable."

"Okay El, I trust you."

I create a thick tendril blindfold to cover over both of her eyes like I told her I would. With one sense gone, the others would be amplified meaning she would feel more pleasure from what I was about to do.

Creating additional tendrils so that the current ones can continue to caress her soft body. I move the new ones slowly towards her gravity defying, perky mounds, tracing the lines of her torso as I make my way up, committing every movement that makes her reflexively shiver with pleasure to my memory. 

Her body starts to produce small quantities of my sustenance from her vagina causing it to lightly glisten as the room light reflects off it, clearly showing her arousal from my actions. Once my tendrils have made their way up to her perfectly round globes, they trail around her areola before latching onto her painfully erect nipples – "Ahhhh~" – eliciting a moan of pure, unfiltered, satisfaction from her throat. 

Before I could even move onto the next stage of pleasure that I planned in order to extract that sweet essence from within her core; I notice her panting quite heavily.

"Baby I'Mmmm close~ Twist harder~!"

Without her needing to tell me twice I squeeze tight with the tendrils latched onto her slowly redding nipples until she lets out a guttural moan of ecstasy, arching her back, and releasing the floodgates on her glorious nectar that has built up.

"Cumming~! AHHHH~~!"

Moving quickly, I produce a wide blanket of my form to capture all of the nectar that she squirted out as well as wrap underneath her body to catch what dribbles out of her now saturated pussy. Waiting for a minute or so for her to come down from her orgasmic high, she keeps panting heavily but manages to get out the words she wants to.

"Hah…That was…Hah…Amazing! I can't believe I came just with my nipples~"

"I'm going to keep going, okay? I still need some more."

"Absolutely! Make me feel so good I pass out okay~?"

With Mara's confirmation that she can continue I return to caressing her body and toying with her clearly sensitive nipples, not just twisting but also pulling them now, thoroughly enjoying how her body quivers with my ministrations.

Picking up from where I left off before her first orgasm. I control the tendrils caressing around the outside of her thighs to head inwards. Mara seems to have realised my tendrils are moving towards their next target as she starts to rub her legs together in anticipation of what is to come. Torturously slowly I move my tendrils up towards her sacred garden, revelling in the way she tries to scratch the incessant itch between her legs that only grows more unbearable each millimetre I get towards it.

"EL~! Stop teasing me~!"

Hearing her pleading tone, I realised she had been teased enough and was practically begging for another release, of which, I was happy to provide. Quickly shifting one of my tendrils towards her swollen and erect clitoris, I gently caress it around the tip almost taking her over the edge just with that small motion. Planning to catch her off guard for an unexpected release, I move the tendril away and before she can mewl a protest, I immediately pinch both her nipples and clit, hard, resulting in her howling in both pain and euphoria – "Hyaaaaaah~?!" – with her back bending almost a perfect 90-degrees before passing out as her eyes roll back into her head.

With Mara's consciousness on cloud 9 and her body still shaking with bliss, I proceed to clean up all around the outside as well as the inside, up to the still intact hymen, of her flooded snatch. This results in her orgasm extending through my purposeful movements whilst also ensuring that I absorb every delicious, nutritious, drop of honey she produced. As to not overload her brain, and with my hunger satiated, I decide it would be best to stop here. Thus, I pull back all my tendrils and submerge myself into her skin leaving her naked so that she can cool down and naturally desensitise. Now I just needed to wait and see if she would naturally come around in the 15 minutes before the show, she has been waiting for, starts.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BananaPanckecreators' thoughts