
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

Tomlish · Film
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147 Chs

Chapter 1




As I lay in my hospital bed, I begin to feel my body giving up. Years of fighting off the cancer has finally come to a stop. In a way, I welcome the end. I am tired of fighting it for so long. I know the financial burden I have caused for my parents is huge. I feel the coldness increase around me. I shiver from the sudden drop in temperature. I'm not sure if the temperature in the room changed or if my body temperature dropped. I feel the sudden overwhelming urge to sleep. As I close my eyes, I start to recall my life so far. I do not know why the sudden memories all decided to emerge. Perhaps it's a coping mechanism the brain makes to ease someone to their death.

I was born in the US and my parents decided to name me Nickolas Jackson. I grew up in a normal household. My parents tried their best at bringing me up. When I was in middle school, I started to develop a cough that wouldn't go away. After two months passed, my parents decided to see a doctor. The doctors at the time said it was chronic bronchitis and sent me home with some antibiotics and an inhaler. It worked after a couple of weeks. When I entered high school, I was your typical introvert nerd. I loved to read comics and play video games. I got bullied a lot but nothing physical. It was mostly verbal harassment. It wasn't something I couldn't handle but it was annoying. I just dedicated my time to studying, playing video games, and reading comics. Around this time, I started to develop a small cough again but thought nothing of it.

My mom found out that my dad cheated on her during my senior year in high school. That destroyed our family and they got divorced. Now I had to spend time with both in separate houses. I think that was the most annoying part. It felt like being pulled in separate directions all the time. When I finally graduated, I had the excuse that I was attending college in order to spend some time for myself. I decided to study the field of computers since I have spent so much time with them.

During this time, my cough got worse and I thought it was the chronic bronchitis again. I went to the hospital and they performed a lot of tests. That's when they discovered that I had lung cancer and it has progressed slowly. This event made my parents have a common goal to settle their differences, even though me being their son was not enough to do that. Going through different treatment plans that my parents decided for me, the doctors saw that I was getting better and concluded that it might be curable. I went back to studying college but all of it was online. I rarely went out and had to move into my mom's house. It was filled with air purifiers which gave the house an odd smell. I didn't have the heart to tell her that it doesn't work like that when fighting lung cancer, but I just let her have it.

I remember saving someone from a car that was running a red light one time during one of my rare grocery shopping trips. I think that was one of my proudest moments. The person I saved was very grateful and wanted to buy me some coffee. As I was antisocial and did not talk with people often, I flat out rejected and went on my way. Looking back that was stupid. I always kept to myself and just liked to observe and keep to my studies. It's partly why I took up gaming. Something about role playing another person in game just made me feel great. I guess it took my mind off things and the world around me.

With the numerous amounts of chemicals in my body, I couldn't focus on my studies anymore. Leading me to where I am now. Dying alone. Cancer made a come back with full force. There was nothing the doctors could do except ease the pain. I kind of prefer it this way. Less faking emotions and having to deal with people. Being stuck in the hospital allowed me to spend more time reading comics and watching movies. I start to feel my energy escaping me as I finally close my eyes. The sound of the heart monitor starts to slow down and fade. After all the radiation tests and chemical injections, its finally over. I'm just tired of fighting. I had nothing keeping me here.

Darkness greets me when I try to open my eyes. Aren't I supposed to see light or maybe fire? Before I knew it was in a white space with a figure sitting in a chair and an empty chair in front it. I looked down and I found myself still wearing the hospital gown I had. My skin complexion returned to normal and I could feel my hair on my head.

The figure points to the empty chair and I take that as my signal to take a seat. I figured this where I get judged to where I'm going or to what is going to happen to me. As I get close, I begin to see the figure more accurately. I could see that the person was a male, or at least I think it was. The person was completely white. It looked like a manikin that was all white. It didn't wear anything and was sitting lounged with fingers interlocked and elbows resting on its knees. I finally reached the chair and sat down. I looked at the figure and saw the creepiest smile ever. The wide smile with teeth exposed. I felt a chill run down my spine as I saw that. Was that even possible for a person to do?

"Fascinating" It said. Its voice was hoarse and deep. It sounded male.

"I wonder if I should try again" It said in a whisper with its head turned to the side. It turned its head to me, and I had a confused look on.

"Try what?" I asked hoping to figure out what was going on here.

"Welcome, you have died" It said. I realized that much for myself already, so it wasn't shocking. What was more shocking was that it had the wide smile again. It completely terrifies me now.

"Thanks?" I still wasn't sure what was happening, but I figured I'll find out soon.

"You're correct about that" It said with that creepy smile. I couldn't help but sigh inside my head. Of course, it can read minds. Why wouldn't it be able to.

"I am what your people refer to as "God", but you can just call me Sir for now." It took me a minute to process that information but I kind of concluded that was the case.

"What is going to happen now?" I asked, still unsure of what my fate is.

"Well…" Sir started off but stopped and looked off to the distance somewhere. Sir turned his gaze back to me with that smile again.

"I have just the thing for you" Sir spoke

"I'm sorry?" I was very confused with the situation. Am I being judged, am I going to hell, or am I going to heaven?

"Oh, none of those are for you, in fact those places don't exist. Its rather funny what your people come up with in my absence." Sir spoke again after reading my thoughts. It feels wrong having no protection against him when he probes through my head like that, but there's not much I can do.

"You're right about that" Sir said again as he laughed. Even his laugh is creepy. I decided to abandon thinking inside my head.

"So, what is going to happen to me?" I asked.

"You'll entertain me" Sir said. I thought it was not possible for that smile of his to get even creeper, but it did.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused. I'm going to be entertainment for God?

"You see, usually when people die, they just get reincarnated and repeat the cycle, of course they have no memories of their past lives. But every now and then I get bored and decide to randomly pick a soul that has recently died and follow their life when they get reincarnated. I usually grant some requests from the person to make it more interesting for me. You get where I'm going with this right?" Sir finished after explaining that to me.

"I do but I'm just going to be back on Earth? What year will I be born in?" I asked

"Oh no, you're not going to this Earth. You'll be going to Earth 200000. I've recently recreated it just for you." That smile again came. Earth 200000. As in the Marvel universe?

"Correct!" Sir exclaimed.

"So, I'm assuming you're not just dropping me there defenseless right? That'll be a quick end for me." I asked rather concerned. If I'm supposed to survive in a universe full of beings that could squish me with but a thought, I rather have some ability to at least survive.

"Correct, in fact I'll listen to your request. But keep in mind that I'm not just going to grant you all your requests otherwise it wouldn't be entertaining to watch. You have some time to think about your requests, I will just do some tweaking in that universe before I send you there to make it more fun." Sir finished speaking and turned his head to the side staring off to the distance.

I began to think about what I could request. He probably won't allow something too powerful. I was desperately trying to use what knowledge I knew about the comics and the movies to find a way to survive all the destruction that will happen. Maybe I could ask to be a mutant and have a power that would grow stronger. If possible, I'll ask for two mutations. I wonder if I could request to be placed in a specific time. I could have time to prepare for the coming battles and make allies with the heroes there. I could even change some outcomes too and prevent tragedies from happening. Although that would also change the timeline with the butterfly effect kicking in. In fact, my mere presence could be enough to change what I knew. I began thinking as fast as I could about what I could do. I wasn't keeping track of how much time past, but it was enough for Sir to finish whatever he was doing as I could see him turning his head towards me again.

"What are you requests?" Sir asked as I looked at him. I knew he could read my thoughts, so I just began to list all my requests. I knew some were not going to be granted but I figured I'll ask them. After I finished, he was silent and looked to the side again. I figured maybe he was seeing what he would grant.

"Decided to do something else after hearing your requests." He said as he turned his head back to me putting that smile again. I guess he was changing something again in that universe.

"I'll grant the following" He finally said after a long pause. I was anxious to hear what I would receive.

"You'll get your enhanced memory and accelerated thought processing. After hearing your request, I'll make you a mutant. You'll be the twin of James Howlett and have the same powers as him." He finished speaking.

"Can I exchange the bone claws for an improved regeneration power?" I asked hopefully. I would much rather not have claws sticking out of my hands and dealing with that pain all the time.

"Yes, I'll throw in that power you wanted as well. The ability for your blood to adjust to foreign blood introduced into your bloodstream and absorb the power contained in them. I've made it so that you'll need at least 4 liters of blood otherwise the powers you gain will only be temporary and weaken." Sir finished with returning to his creepy smile again.

"...Thank you" I said. I am beginning to get rather suspicious of him. It was something I knew he might not grant it since I could become a force to be reckoned with if I used that blood power the right way. Why would he grant me that power knowing that?

"I knew picking you was the right choice. You've handled all this quite nicely!" Sir said smiling. Pick me? I thought it was random. I was about to ask what he meant by that when he lifted his right hand and moved his fingers in the position to snap.

"Bye!" He said with the widest, creepiest smile I've seen so far. He snapped his fingers, and everything turned black.

This is my first story writing fanfic. I've always had this idea but i never got the chance to write it. I hope you all enjoy where it will go.

Tomlishcreators' thoughts