
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

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147 Chs

Chapter 120

Days in New Genosha passed like wisps of a dream, an amalgamation of responsibilities and ever-changing circumstances that were embedded into the tapestry of Lydia's rule. As the Empress, she found herself not just within the sphere of governance but also as a guide to those finding their place in the new world.

It was a rather mild day when Wanda Maximoff appeared in her office, an air of quiet anticipation surrounding her. Lydia studied the young woman, observing the fear, excitement, and uncertainty that danced in the corners of her vibrant eyes.

"I've thought long and hard about this, Wanda," Lydia began, her voice a calming balm against the cacophony of thoughts probably storming within the young mutant's mind. "And I believe the School of Mystic Arts is the best place for you."

Lydia painted the vision, not just of what the school was but what it could mean for Wanda. A place where she could learn control, understand her abilities, and find a mentor in Yao. Wanda took in the proposition, her eyes wide and shimmering with a fusion of trepidation and ambition. She nodded, her voice barely above a whisper as she accepted the offer. "I'll do my best."

Later, as Pietro expressed his decision to join the police force, Lydia found a new sense of respect for the speedster. His choice reflected a desire for stability and contribution, a quiet heroism that didn't seek glory but simply to protect and serve. It was admirable and Lydia said as much, a nod of approval that seemed to lift the uncertainty from his shoulders.

The day eventually melted into the purples and oranges of twilight, the bustling activities gradually dimming. Lydia found herself back in her office, a sanctuary of solitude against the vibrant pulse of the city.

The familiar ethereal glow of Astrid's projection shimmered into existence, casting a soft glow against the polished surfaces of the office. The advanced AI carried an air of assurance and composure, her metallic voice ringing clear as she began her monthly report.

Lydia reclined in her chair, her fingers drumming a silent rhythm against the smooth armrest. She looked at Astrid, her eyes a blend of intensity and exhaustion. Her mind replayed the events of the day, the decisions made, the paths that had started to form. There was a sense of gratification, of seeing the world she had built continuing to grow and evolve.

As Astrid concluded her report, Lydia sat in quiet contemplation, the weight of her role pressing against her consciousness. Yet, within it, there was a glimmer of satisfaction, a tiny spark that illuminated the darkness, reminding her of why she had taken on this mantle. The road was tough, but she had the strength to bear it. And as the Empress, she would do just that.

Lydia's office, a place of order and deliberation, fell into an unusual stillness as Astrid posed her question. The AI's tone was steady, her ethereal form flickering in the dim lighting of the room. "… regarding the representative to liaise with Reed Richards, have you considered any candidates?"

The mention of Reed Richards hung in the air, a name that catalyzed an immediate and potent response within Lydia. Her hands tightened on the armrests of her chair, her expression hardening as memories from their last encounter rushed back to her. She saw the Baxter Building again, its sophisticated structure reduced to rubble. She felt the surge of anger, the overwhelming frustration that had driven her to assert her power so violently.

Lydia took a deep breath, pushing back against the wave of anger threatening to consume her. The red-tinted glow of her cosmic energy shimmered faintly around her, a testament to her simmering irritation. "I am aware of the task at hand, Astrid," Lydia replied, her voice steady but icy.

Astrid's holographic form pulsed slightly, an indication of her processing Lydia's response. The AI knew better than to push further when Lydia's mood was so volatile. Yet, she also understood the urgency and importance of the matter at hand.

For Lydia, this was not simply about assigning a delegate to the Fantastic Four. It was about control, about preventing future disasters, about reining in the reckless brilliance that was Reed Richards. There was a tension between her desire to assert control and the fear of what unchecked ambition could lead to. Richards' brilliance was both a boon and a bane, and managing that was a challenge Lydia had unwillingly inherited.

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes cast upward as she pondered over Astrid's query. Several names flickered through her mind, potential candidates who could handle the unpredictable Richards and his team. But this was a decision that required more than just consideration. It required strategy, foresight, and an intricate understanding of the personalities involved.

Despite the bitter taste Richards' name left in her mouth, Lydia knew she could not let her emotions dictate her decision. There was an Empire to govern, a world to protect, and she would do what she must to ensure its safety, even if it meant dealing with the man who had so recently ignited her wrath.

Lydia stared at the holographic cityscape projected over her desk, her mind aligning strategy and personalities. After a few beats of silence, she inclined her head slightly, her decision made. "Send Yelena Belova and Ava Starr," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. "They're resourceful, reliable, and above all, loyal."

Astrid's ethereal form pulsed a soft, acknowledging glow. "Understood, Empress. I'll relay the orders immediately." The AI then vanished from Lydia's office, instantaneously appearing in two different locations across New Genosha to carry out her command.

Astrid's spectral form materialized in the dining hall first, where Yelena was midway through her meal, a classic Russian dish she had been craving. Yelena paused, her fork frozen in midair, as she locked eyes with Astrid's projection. "You have been assigned a mission, Commander Belova," Astrid announced formally, not bothering with pleasantries. "Report to the Operations Center for debriefing immediately."

Yelena nodded curtly, setting down her fork with a clatter, her meal forgotten. A glint of determination replaced the relaxed demeanor she had moments ago. The blonde super-soldier was always ready for action, ever eager to serve the Empire that had given her purpose.

In another corner of the vast Genoshian landscape, Astrid's holographic form emerged in the training grounds where Ava was engaged in a fierce sparring match. As the AI materialized, the shimmering Ghost paused mid-punch, her translucent form wavering as she looked towards the spectral projection.

Astrid's message was similarly succinct. "Commander Starr, you're needed for a mission. Report to the Operations Center above New Genosha for debriefing."

Ava nodded, her opponent sighing in relief as she disengaged. As a woman who was constantly battling against phasing out of existence, Ava was relentless in her service to the Empire, to Lydia, who had given her stability when she needed it the most.

Back in her office, Lydia continued her work, her gaze still fixed on the sprawling hologram of her Empire. A sense of satisfaction spread through her. She had chosen well. Yelena and Ava, two women molded by tragedy and circumstances, were now pillars of strength and resilience in her Empire. Their unwavering loyalty and tenacity were traits she valued highly, and she knew that they would carry out their mission with the utmost dedication.

With a final nod at the cityscape, she turned her attention back to the multitude of tasks before her. Her Empire awaited her guidance, and she was more than ready to provide it.

Yelena Belova and Ava Starr moved through the maze of high-tech corridors of the Operation Center, each wrapped in their own thoughts as they made their way to the assigned debriefing room. Built with the Empire's advanced technology, the space station gleamed with ethereal beauty against the void of space, the twinkling stars and swirling galaxies a backdrop to New Genosha's technological marvel.

As they reached the debriefing room's secure doors, both women arrived almost simultaneously, their punctuality bred from military discipline. The doors slid open soundlessly, revealing a stark, modern space filled with holographic interfaces, a large oval table taking center stage.

A furrow creased Yelena's brow, her icy blue eyes flickering with curiosity. "I can't recall a mission where two Commanders are called in for a briefing together. This must be a big one," she commented, her Russian accent seeping through.

Ava, still shrouded in her habitual silence, offered a nod in agreement. The enigmatic Ghost kept her thoughts to herself, her mind a whirlpool of scenarios, each more challenging than the last. Yelena's observation was accurate. Something was different, unique about this assignment. It prickled at her senses, setting off an anticipation that buzzed beneath her skin.

Though their paths had crossed in the sprawling Empire, Yelena and Ava remained acquainted strangers. They shared mutual respect, acknowledging each other's prowess in their respective fields, but were yet to know each other beyond their roles as Commanders. However, this mission had the potential to change that dynamic, forcing them to confront and navigate their differences while building a new level of trust.

As they took their seats, waiting for the debriefing to begin, there was a palpable tension in the room. The scenario was unexpected, but both women were adaptable, products of tumultuous pasts that demanded flexibility and strength. No matter what lay ahead, they were prepared to serve, to protect, to ensure the welfare of the Empire that had given them sanctuary and purpose. Their shared resolve echoed in the silence of the room, marking the start of an alliance that could shape the course of their mission and, by extension, the future of New Genosha.

The doors slid open with a gentle hiss, revealing a very familiar figure. Nina, Erik's daughter, a girl both women had watched grow into a formidable woman, now stood before them, a noticeable bump on her belly signaling her new stage in life. The sight of Nina in this role caught both Ava and Yelena off guard.

Yelena's shock transformed into a grin as she leapt from her seat and approached Nina, her protective instincts ignited at the sight of the younger woman's pregnancy. "Nina!" she exclaimed, her Russian accent rolling the name with familial familiarity. "What the hell happened?" Her eyes flicked to the telltale bump, a softness lighting her gaze.

Ava, slower to react, watched the interaction with an emotion close to surprise coloring her usually impassive features. Ava had known Nina in the confines of the training programs, shared a camaraderie that blurred into friendship over time. But this was a new phase in Nina's life, one that Ava hadn't anticipated.

Nina, taken aback by Yelena's blunt question, stumbled over her response, her cheeks flushing a soft pink. "I, uh…" She gave a nervous laugh, her hands instinctively moving to her belly. "I guess a lot has changed since we last saw each other."

Ava, finally breaking her silence, moved to Nina's side, her cool gaze meeting Nina's flustered one. "It's good to see you, Nina," she said, her tone gentle. Her connection with Nina was different from Yelena's, less familial but with a deep respect laced with shared experiences. Ava saw Nina as a companion in this strange new world, a friend who understood the complexities and demands of their roles.

The room, filled with confusion and surprise, slowly relaxed as the women caught up with each other, the upcoming mission momentarily forgotten. It was a reminder that they were more than Commanders, more than soldiers—they were women with lives that existed outside the walls of the Operation Center. Despite their different pasts, their varying roles, they were intricately intertwined in a web of duty, camaraderie, and a shared love for the Empire that had given them a home.

"Peter? Really?" Yelena burst into laughter, the unexpected revelation triggering her infectious sense of humor. She teasingly bumped her shoulder against Nina's, her wide, blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Little speedy boy? He's practically a baby himself!"

Nina blushed again, rolling her eyes in response to Yelena's teasing. She was well aware of the age difference, but it had never seemed important to her. Their connection went beyond their ages. "He's not that young, Yelena," she muttered in mock annoyance.

Ava, usually stoic and serious, found herself joining in on the laughter. It was a rare moment of mirth for the typically reserved woman, but the surprising revelation had caught her off-guard, and Yelena's easy humor was contagious.

"Congratulations, Nina," Yelena said once her laughter subsided, her voice warm and sincere. She had always seen Nina as something of a little sister, and while the news was unexpected, she was genuinely happy for her.

"Thanks, Yelena," Nina responded, her cheeks still rosy from the previous teasing. She appreciated Yelena's good-natured ribbing and well-wishes.

With a clearing of her throat, Ava chimed in, "Yes, congratulations." She offered a slight smile, her words holding a more reserved warmth. Ava had always been careful with her emotions, but she was glad for Nina.

The mirth in the room simmered down, replaced by a comfortable silence. Nina, her nerves eased by the shared laughter, used the moment to steer the conversation back to their mission. "Alright, now that we have the personal updates out of the way, let's get down to business, shall we?" The room was a testament to the relationships that had formed over time, to the connections that ran deeper than their shared duties. For all their differences and varied pasts, they were a team, a family.

Seated at the sleek briefing table, the blue light of the holographic screen casting an ethereal glow over them, Nina began to recount Lydia's recent encounter with Reed Richards. She explained the chain of events - Reed's well-intentioned experiment, the accidental release of the extra-dimensional being known as Annihilus, the destruction that ensued.

As Nina delved deeper into the incidents, Yelena couldn't help but scowl at the recklessness she was hearing about. The numerous accidents, the cataclysms barely avoided - it all painted a picture of a man blinded by his curiosity and intelligence, devoid of the wisdom to use it responsibly. Yelena thought back to their own scientist and engineers in New Genosha, individuals who were equally brilliant but had been taught to wield their knowledge with responsibility and foresight.

"So this Reed," Yelena began, the distaste clear in her voice, "he just stumbles from one disaster to another, is that it?" She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. "And he never learns from his mistakes? Sounds like a child playing with matches to me."

Beside her, Ava nodded in agreement. Ava was less outspoken than Yelena, but the gravity of the situation wasn't lost on her. The danger that reckless scientific pursuit could pose was clear - unchecked, it could lead to a series of disasters that they might not be able to recover from.

The holographic screen shimmered and changed, now displaying a complex document - a contract, brimming with legalese, its terms intricate and binding. It was an agreement that would place Reed's scientific pursuits under Genoshan oversight, ensuring that his work would no longer risk wreaking havoc on a universal scale.

"Nina, this is..." Yelena began, trailing off as she perused the terms. It was firm, unyielding, a stern decree from a sovereign concerned for her realm's safety. Yet, it was not without its benefits, offering aid, resources, and even sharing knowledge if the endeavors were deemed safe.

"It's strict," Nina acknowledged, her finger tracing the holographic text, "but fair. Considering the circumstances. But there's something else you should know." She looked at the two commanders, her gaze heavy with seriousness. "Astrid mentioned it to me before the briefing - if Reed refuses to sign this," she motioned to the contract, "Empress Lydia intends to follow through on her promise."

The words hung in the room, a chilling reminder of Lydia's stern demeanor when it came to the safety of her Empire. The memory of her display of power at the Baxter Building was still fresh in everyone's minds, and the hint of her possible return left a heavy silence in its wake.

Ava's eyes widened, the flicker of concern visible in her features. Reed's naivety could spell his own doom if he dared to defy Lydia. But for the sake of their mission, Ava hoped it wouldn't come to that. Yet, she felt a chilling certainty creep over her as she considered the pride and stubbornness they were likely to encounter.

"The message is clear," Ava said, her voice steady despite the weight of their mission. "We convince him to sign this, or we step aside and let the Empress handle it."

Yelena nodded, the stern set of her jaw indicating her agreement. As they prepared to embark on their mission, the weight of their responsibility was a tangible force in the room. Whatever the outcome, they knew their duty and were determined to see it through.

The operations center was bustling with activity, the usual rhythm of Genoshan life continuing undeterred despite the gravitas of their mission. Yelena and Ava made their way to their respective quarters, gathering essentials and double-checking their gear, their minds focused on the task ahead.

They converged once again by their sleek and formidable ship, a testament to Genoshan ingenuity and power. Its streamlined design bore the dual purpose of agility and stealth, its silhouette barely distinguishable against the backdrop of stars as it hovered in the silent vastness of space.

Fitted in their advanced suits, the pair cut striking figures. The fabric was a unique amalgamation of Unstable Molecule, its flexibility allowing them to move freely while retaining an incredible durability. It was interlaced with threads of Uru, the mystical metal adding a level of protection against supernatural forces, and woven with strands of Vibranium and Adamantium, providing an almost indestructible defense.

Yelena was the first to board the ship, her face a mask of focus and determination. She ran her fingers over the sleek controls, the Genoshan tech humming to life under her touch. The destination was already set, and with a final nod to Ava, she activated the flight sequence.

Ava joined her soon after, her eyes glancing over the Earth holograph projected on the display. She thought about the mission, the importance of their task, the fine line they tread between diplomacy and potential conflict. Her heart pounded in her chest, a steady rhythm reminding her of the stakes at hand.

In mere seconds, the ship had crossed the vast interstellar expanse, Earth looming ahead of them. The sight was always breathtaking, a beautiful blue marble nestled in the star-studded void. Yet, today, the sight held a different meaning for them. It was no longer just a world to admire but a mission to accomplish.

And as their ship hovered on the precipice of Earth's atmosphere, poised to descend, they shared a single thought - whatever lay ahead, they were ready. Their duty was clear, their resolve unyielding. The future of both Genosha and Earth, in part, rested on their shoulders. They were ready to bear the weight.