
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

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147 Chs

Chapter 105

Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. The rhythm of life moved at its own pace, often a sprint in the midst of crises and a jog during periods of relative calm. Now, it had slowed down to a leisurely walk, allowing Lydia a moment to breathe, to heal, and to take stock of the changes in her life and her empire.

One of the most significant changes was the renewed relationship with her brother, James. Lydia had shared with Astrid the harrowing events that unfolded, the profound loss they had suffered. In response, Astrid reported that James was adapting well to his new surroundings, his interest piqued in the formidable military force that protected New Genosha. He had requested to serve and, given his training and his bond with Lydia, it was a natural fit. Lydia had appointed him a Commander, adding him to her personal guard. She appreciated his silent, steadfast presence, a constant reminder of a past she was determined to reconcile with her present.

Their relationship, once strained by years of silence and resentment, was healing, a slow but steady process. As they navigated through their shared pain, their bond was fortified, becoming stronger and more profound.

The reports from her allies were promising too. Black Bolt and Medusa had delivered news that warmed her heart, a significant influx of Inhumans into their empire following the Terrigen Cloud incident. Their numbers swelled into the millions, most seeking peaceful coexistence while others stepped forward to serve in the military. This surge of individuals willing to protect their new home was a boon, a much-needed reinforcement to their numbers.

Erik's report echoed this good news. Millions of Mutants had come forward to join their ranks. Many had chosen to serve, to ensure their people's safety and stability, joining either the police or the military. It was a testament to their unity, their willingness to rise above their personal tragedies and work towards a shared future.

Lydia sat back, a faint smile playing on her lips. Their empire, their home, was thriving and growing. Despite the loss they had faced, there was hope, a beacon in the midst of the storm. She was still healing, still mourning, but with every day that passed, she felt stronger, more capable of shouldering the responsibility of leadership.

The grief would always linger, a shadow in her heart. But as she looked towards the future, she could see the light piercing through the gloom. Their empire was flourishing, the people finding their place in this new world, and for the first time in a long time, Lydia felt a sense of peace settle within her.

The high-tech lab of New Genosha bustled with focused energy as Astrid and her team of experts conducted an array of tests on Lydia. Sophisticated machines hummed and whirred, their displays flashing with streams of data too complex for the layman to understand. Each new result brought forth an air of intrigue, but also a brewing sense of worry that hung heavy in the room.

Astrid's eyes shone brightly, radiating an ethereal blue light as she processed the staggering amounts of data being fed to her. Her physical body, an impressive android she designed herself, was working at its peak capacity, computing and analyzing each intricate piece of information.

The tests revealed that the energies from the Space Stone, Mind Stone, Power Stone, and Reality Stone had not just been absorbed by Lydia, but were also merging with the new cosmic energy she had siphoned from Galactus. This convergence was creating something entirely different, something new. But what that 'something' was, Astrid couldn't ascertain.

What worried Astrid was the potent and serene nature of the cosmic energy. It was as if it held a dormant power, waiting to be unleashed. Yet, despite its potency, Lydia's body appeared perfectly normal, functioning as if nothing had changed. Given the power levels Astrid was reading, Lydia should have been physically disintegrating, yet she was standing right there, looking as sturdy and robust as ever.

"I can't make sense of this," Astrid confessed, her gaze meeting Lydia's. "The energy inside you is tremendous, more potent than anything I've ever seen. And yet, you're... fine."

Lydia raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "I don't feel any different, Astrid. Not physically, at least."

Astrid sighed, a sign of frustration. "It's like trying to understand a new form of existence. It doesn't follow any of the rules we know. But whatever it is," she paused, locking eyes with Lydia, "it's a part of you now."

For a moment, silence fell in the lab. Lydia digested the information, understanding the potential ramifications. Whatever she was now, it was different. It was new. It was powerful. And that thought, while overwhelming, held a sliver of hope. Lydia was a protector. And this new power might just give her an edge to protect those she loved even more effectively.

Astrid's eyes flickered from the data on her holo-screen to Lydia, a shimmer of anticipation in her gaze. "Lydia, our diplomatic channels have made significant strides. We've established contact with the Spartoi Empire through the Shi'ar. They've been incredibly cooperative, almost...submissive, since your bout with Gladiator. It seems your victory wasn't just physical. You've won them over, politically."

Lydia allowed herself a small smirk, thinking back to her fight with Gladiator, the Majestor of the Shi'ar Empire. She recalled the energy that flowed through her, the realization of her unscathed condition post-battle, and the sense of astonishment in Gladiator's eyes. Lydia's power had been a raw and immutable force, a show of strength that resonated across galaxies.

It had been a victory indeed, but not for personal pride. The Shi'ar Empire's subsequent openness to the Genoshian Empire represented a significant stride towards peace and mutual cooperation, a bridge built in the wake of a hard-won battle.

Astrid continued her report, the glow of her eyes flaring brighter. "Beyond that, we're in communication with a multitude of minor civilizations. Our influence is growing, Lydia. Several entities have expressed interest in aligning with us. Some desire to be under our protection as vassal states, while others wish for a more complete merger."

Lydia leaned back in her chair, absorbing the news. This was not just good news; it was momentous. Lydia had dreamed of building an Empire where mutants, Inhumans, Skrulls, Dwarves, and other races could live in harmony, free from persecution. The dream was turning into reality, slowly but steadily.

The sense of achievement was exhilarating, but with it came the weight of responsibility. She felt it pressing down on her, a stark reminder of the countless lives that now depended on her for peace and prosperity. She was their Empress, their protector. She had a duty to uphold their trust, to ensure the growth and welfare of her Empire.

It was a daunting task, but Lydia was not one to back down. She felt the energy coursing through her veins, the new power she had yet to fully understand. It was a part of her now, a weapon and a tool, and she vowed to wield it for the greater good. The work was far from over, but Lydia was ready, driven by the passion and determination that had always been at her core.

"Then let's keep growing, Astrid," Lydia said, a determined glint in her eyes. "We have an Empire to build."


Erik Lehnsherr stepped into Lydia's office, a place he had been many times before, but never with the weight of this request. The metal elements in the room gravitated slightly towards him, as if sensing his inner turmoil. It was an involuntary manifestation of his power, born of anxiety and apprehension.

"Lydia," he started, his voice slightly raspy, betraying the emotional strain he was under. "I need your assistance with Wanda and Pietro."

Lydia looked at Erik, studying the lines etched deeper in his face since their last meeting. She could see in his eyes the turbulence of his thoughts, the swirl of regret, hope, and fear. She motioned for him to sit down, her expression composed yet understanding.

"Your daughter and son." Lydia stated. Not a question, just a fact. She knew of Erik's connection to Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff. The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, as the world knew them.

"Yes." Erik admitted. His children, who didn't know they were his children. It was a bitter pill to swallow, a self-inflicted wound that kept on aching. "The opportunity I had to talk to them, it... it was interrupted by Steve."

Lydia remembered. Nina, Erik's daughter, had set up a meeting for Erik with his estranged children. But a visit from Steve Rogers, the former Captain America, had led to an unplanned interruption. Erik had to leave hastily, leaving the secret unsaid.

"And now you seek another chance." Lydia concluded, her voice soft yet steady.

"Yes," Erik confirmed, his face a mask of grim determination. "I need to tell them the truth. They deserve to know."

Lydia watched him, understanding the courage it took for Erik to be here, to make this request. His stern demeanor concealed a father's anxiety, a father who longed to be reunited with his children.

She knew the siblings were strong, both physically and mentally. Wanda's reality-warping abilities and Pietro's speed were known throughout the universe. But this revelation had the potential to shake their world, to put them off balance. Yet, it was a truth they deserved to know.

"I will help you, Erik." Lydia affirmed, locking eyes with him. She felt the sigh of relief that Erik let out, a tension dissipating from him. This was a step towards a possible reconciliation, a path towards a family long separated.

And as for Nina, Lydia thought, she was a silent player in this family drama. She hadn't disclosed her relation to Wanda and Pietro, perhaps fearing the potential fallout. Lydia resolved to speak with her later, knowing Nina too, needed guidance.

The magnitude of Erik's request was not lost on Lydia. As the Empress of the Genoshian Empire, she was in a position to assist Erik. But as a friend, she felt a personal investment in his plight. After all, families, in all their complex, messy, and beautiful dynamics, were worth fighting for.


The first light of dawn seeped through the threadbare curtains, casting a soft glow over the small, bare room. The room was sparsely furnished, just a double bed and an old wooden table, strewn with maps and coded communications. The air smelled of damp, old wood and the fresh earthiness that came with the countryside.

Nina stirred, the soft pillow under her cheek too welcoming to abandon just yet. The cool sheets were a stark contrast to the warm body next to her. Peter was still sound asleep, his face relaxed in peaceful slumber, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. His dark curls were a disheveled mop, falling into his eyes, which were so full of life when they were open.

She studied his features, the curve of his lips, the freckles dusted across his nose, the light stubble along his jaw. His innocence was a stark contrast to the turbulent world outside, a world that had turned them into fugitives. It was a world that was both beautiful and horrifying, full of infinite possibilities and finite realities.

Nina's heart clenched as she watched Peter sleep, knowing the secret that lay heavy on her chest. A secret she would have to divulge sooner or later. She felt a pang of guilt each time she looked into Peter's trusting eyes. The thought of his reaction, his potential hurt, was a hard pill to swallow.

But for now, she reveled in the serenity of the moment, the calm before the storm. She reveled in Peter's presence, his trust, his warmth. She knew these quiet, shared moments were numbered, and she intended to cherish each one.

As the daybreak grew brighter, Nina quietly slipped out of bed, leaving Peter to his peaceful slumber. She moved to the table, her eyes scanning the maps and coded messages. There was work to be done, heroes to help, a cause to fight for.

While her mind whirred with the day's tasks, her heart wrestled with the burden of her secret. She glanced back at Peter, his form now bathed in the soft, morning light. She steeled herself for the days to come. For the looming storm. But for now, she let herself enjoy the quiet dawn, with Peter by her side. Nina gets into the bathroom with the intention of taking a shower but suddenly threw up on the toilet feeling ill and nauseas.

Nina leaned heavily against the cold porcelain of the toilet, her body shaking from the sudden expulsion. Her hair clung to her sweat-dampened forehead, and she let out a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

"V?" Nina's voice was barely a whisper, echoing against the tiled walls of the small bathroom. She felt the familiar hum from her Uru ring as V, her AI, activated.

"Yes, Nina?" V's voice was a soothing contrast to the sharp pang of worry twisting in Nina's gut. "What can I assist you with?"

Nina swallowed hard, her throat dry. "Perform a full diagnostic. I...I just got sick."

The soft whirring noise followed as V activated the nanites within Nina's body, performing a detailed analysis of her current physical state. The AI was silent for a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity.

"Your vitals are within normal parameters," V reported finally, her calm voice doing little to ease Nina's growing concern. "However, I detect a surge in your hormonal levels. According to my analysis, it appears you are pregnant, Nina."

The words hung in the air, heavy and earth-shattering. Pregnant. The world seemed to spin, the word echoing in her mind. Nina sunk onto the cold floor, her back against the wall, the cold tiles chilling against her skin.

"Pregnant?" She whispered, almost disbelieving. Nina had known this was a possibility, the logical conclusion of her intimacy with Peter. But the reality of it, the tangible proof, was something else entirely. She had taken precautions, how could this happen, she thought.

"Yes, Nina," V confirmed, her tone steady. "In accordance with Genoshian Empire regulations, this information must be reported to command."

Nina's heart pounded in her chest, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. How would Peter react? How would she cope with raising a child in this unstable world? And then there was the issue of her identity, her real mission. It all felt too overwhelming, too much.

"I understand," Nina said, her voice shaky but resolute. She knew the rules, knew the consequences. But she also knew she had to face them, one way or another. The reality of her situation was daunting, but she had to navigate it, for herself, for Peter, for their unborn child.

A steady knock echoed through the quiet of the bathroom, cutting through Nina's heavy thoughts. She froze, her eyes flicking to the door. Peter. She had forgotten about Peter.

"Nina?" His voice was filled with concern, laced with a hint of fear. "Are you okay in there?"

Nina swallowed hard, willing her voice to sound normal, steady. But how could she sound normal when her world had just been turned upside down?

"I'm okay, Peter," she called out, attempting to keep her voice light and devoid of any trace of the panic that was roiling inside her. "Just... I just got a little sick, that's all."

She stood up, her knees wobbly, her hands shaky. Nina moved over to the sink, splashing cold water on her face. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, her pale face looking back at her. Her eyes were wide, filled with an emotion she could hardly name - a mix of fear, uncertainty, and something else she couldn't quite place.

Again, the knock echoed through the bathroom, this time accompanied by Peter's voice, lower now, filled with concern. "Are you sure you're okay? You don't sound good, Nina."

Nina forced a laugh, hoping it didn't sound as hollow to Peter as it did to her. "I'm fine, Peter. I just... I think I ate something bad. I'm going to take a shower."

She could hear the hesitation on the other side of the door, the silence stretching between them. Nina closed her eyes, leaning against the sink, her heart pounding in her chest. The reality of her situation was too overwhelming, too terrifying. But she had to keep up appearances, for Peter, for herself, and for the tiny life growing inside her.

Wrapped in a fluffy white towel, Nina stepped out of the bathroom, her wet hair cascading down her shoulders. She was met with the comforting scent of breakfast cooking - Peter was at the stove, his back turned to her, focused on his task. Despite the turmoil within her, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips at the sight of him, at the sense of domesticity that filled the room.

Peter turned, a smile blooming on his face that quickly faltered when his eyes met hers. His spatula hovered mid-air as he set the pan down, a line forming between his brows as he took in her pale face and the grim set of her jaw.

"Nina?" he asked, worry creeping into his voice. "What's wrong?"

Nina opened her mouth to answer, to lay her fears and worries bare, but before she could even utter a syllable, the voice of V echoed in her mind, pulling her away from the present moment.

"Agent Nina, Erik and Empress Lydia will be arriving at the Ares MK 1. You are required to proceed there immediately," V's cool voice relayed the message with its usual calm efficiency.

The color drained from Nina's face, leaving her pale and even more shaken than before. The universe, it seemed, had decided that now was the time to rain down all possible complications on her. Her father, the man she had begun to resent, and Lydia, the woman who had always been more like a mother to her, were on their way to her.

Peter watched as Nina's face blanched, his concern mounting. "Nina?" He tried again, his voice softer this time, filled with worry. But Nina hardly heard him. Her thoughts were a whirlwind, a cacophony of emotions and decisions and now, this unexpected complication. Her eyes filled with dread and resignation as she took a deep breath, bracing herself to explain everything to Peter.

Nina moved in a daze, her mind awash with thoughts as she mechanically started dressing in her civilian clothes, pulling on a pair of jeans and a simple shirt.

Peter's voice reached her ears again, more insistent this time. "Nina, what's going on?"

Nina paused, looking at Peter with a kind of desperation etched into her face. The simple act of pulling on a shirt had never seemed so monumental before, had never seemed so pivotal. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then sighed out a string of curses that would have made a sailor blush.

Peter flinched slightly at her sudden outburst, but his face remained lined with worry.

"I haven't been entirely truthful with you, Peter," she admitted, meeting his gaze with a steely one of her own. Her heart thudded loudly in her chest, each beat echoing her fear and uncertainty. She reached out, touching her Uru ring and a soft glow began to envelop her, her clothes transforming into a sleek, form-fitting nanite suit. It covered her from head to toe, the midnight red hue glinting under the morning light.

Peter's eyes widened at the transformation, his mouth falling open in a mute expression of surprise. He looked from the suit to her face, his shock giving way to confusion.

"Nina, what's--"

"Suit up, Peter," she cut him off, her voice soft but firm, leaving no room for argument. "I need to show you something."

Her face was set in a determined expression, but beneath that, Peter could see a flash of fear, a glimpse into the inner turmoil she was currently battling. He could tell this was big - something life-altering - and he braced himself, his heart pounding in his chest, as he followed her orders, pulling on his own suit, readying himself for whatever revelation was to come.