
Marvel’s Wizard

VJTHOMAS567100 · Filem
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37 Chs




Leaving that street, Jerry, wearing a dark wizard robe, followed some deserted paths and began to head to a nearby area with a high crime rate.


I just spoke Chinese with that Chinese grandmother, but he did it on purpose.


He needs to earn a Little Red Star to improve his strength, and he will definitely be involved in more and more incidents in the future to prevent crimes and disasters. As his strength increases, these incidents will definitely become bigger and bigger.


Sooner or later, he will enter the public, enter the police, enter the government, and even enter the sight of S.H.I.E.L.D.



At that time, if someone carefully investigates him again, they will find out in the process that this wizard who can use magical magic, the first time he does good deeds in public, speaks fluent and authentic Chinese.


People always believe in the answers they have worked so hard to find.


The guy who has been speaking in English while wearing a wizard's robe, wearing a wizard's hat, holding a magic wand, and hiding under a mask had little experience in the first action, and his true identity was exposed because of language.



Therefore, his true identity is likely to be a Chinese child living in New York.



You see, this doesn't perfectly deflect some guys who want to know his true identity.


Jerry thinks it is very important to hide his identity because he is not alone; he also has a loving father and a lovely sister.


He will be strong in the future, but his family can't be as strong as him.



Although the two of them are actually not related by blood to his body, after all, they have lived together for eleven years, and they can be regarded as his only two relatives in this world.



Speaking of which, their family of three is a bit strange.


Three people with three surnames: his name is Jerry Carmen; his sister's name is Elsa Hathaway; and his father's name is Haas Witt.


However, although Jerry has no real blood relationship with the two, Elsa and Haas are serious father and daughter.


It's just that Elsa's mother died for physical reasons not long after Elsa was born. Haas used his mother's surname for his daughter in memory of his deceased wife.


As for Jerry, his situation is even worse.


His parents disappeared when he was born, before the full moon, and no news has been found so far.


Haas and his father had a very close relationship. After Jerry's parents disappeared, he took the initiative to take him in as his own son.


This support is for eleven years.


So Jerry is still very grateful to Haas. You must know that although he was reborn with memory, he had no ability to protect himself when he was a baby.




On the streets of New York City at midnight, apart from homeless people, office workers returning from overtime, and young people who like nightlife, few people can be seen.


Oh, and of course, there are criminals who like to take advantage of the darkness to do their crimes. And the superheroes lurking in the dark to fight criminals


"Thief! "Catch the thief!"


In the silent night, a woman's anxious cry for help suddenly came.


Lucy, a tabloid reporter, put in a few extra hours tonight to sort out the material for tomorrow.



Who would have thought that as soon as I exited the subway exit, I was accidentally hit by someone?



The experienced woman immediately checked her satchel and found that a large hole had been drawn in it and the purse inside had disappeared.


So there is the next scene.


Although it was discovered in time, how could a working woman in a suit and high heels run away from a thief known for her escape speed?


In desperation, she could only shout for help, hoping that some kind-hearted person on the side of the road could help stop it.


It's a pity that there are not many people on the street at this point, and the only few people just choose to watch from the sidelines.


Because no one wants to be stabbed a few times by him when they go up to stop the thief!


Just as Lucy watched the back of the thief drift away and was about to disappear from her eyes, a strange smoke suddenly appeared and enveloped the thief.


A moment later, when she arrived panting, the smoke suddenly disappeared again, leaving only the unconscious thief who stole her wallet and the pink wallet in the thief's hand.



"It's almost three o'clock; it's almost time to go back!"


After taking down a street thief again, Jerry looked at the time and decided to end his first hunt this evening.


Not bad. He fought four crimes in one night. Although they were not big, they also earned him nearly 200 little red stars.


In the middle of the night in New York, there are many crimes, big and small, visible and invisible.


It's just that because Jerry has no good means of transportation, his current scope of activities can only be near the community where he lives.


In addition, he lacks a way to quickly find criminal incidents, so the efficiency is not very high. He feels lucky to have been able to find four cases in one night.


It's a pity that he doesn't have superman-like ears and can hear the nearby crime happening anytime, anywhere.




At seven o'clock the next morning, Jerry instinctively woke up from his sleep. UU Reading: www.uukanshu.com


Since he has a certain level of self-care ability, Jerry gets up at seven o'clock every day, unless there is an accident. Over the years, it has become his instinct.


Turning over and putting on his clothes and shoes, he pushed the door and left the house.


Of course, going out early in the morning is not to be a hero and earn a little red star, but to run and exercise every morning.


His muscles didn't grow out of thin air; they were slowly developed through various exercises every day, accumulated with countless sweats.


"Good morning, Jerry. You're running again!"


"Good morning, Grandpa George!"


While still in the elevator, Jerry met an elderly neighbour who lived next door and liked to walk in the morning.


For a child who would get up early and go out for a run at the age of four or five, it's hard not to be impressed. Besides, he would also be very polite and help you throw garbage and take things.


Kindness, positivity, optimism, courtesy, helpfulness, outstanding achievements, and love of sports These labels are the impressions Jerry has brought to all the neighbours around him over the years.


It is also the source of pain for many children of nearby neighbors, including other children in the entire building.


Forty minutes later, Jerry returned home in a sweat.


Ten kilometres in the morning is what he has to do every day now, but since he is not yet an adult, his legs are not long enough, and he often earns a little red star on the road, so he will spend a little more time.


Otherwise, with his current physical fitness, he can run 10 kilometres for nearly 30 minutes.


Throwing all the changed clothes into the washing machine and turning on the automatic laundry button, Jerry started his daily brushing and bathing in the morning.


Ten minutes later, he changed into his home clothes again, tied a scarf, and walked into the kitchen.

