
Marvel’s Wizard

VJTHOMAS567100 · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs





According to the introduction on the panel, Little Red Star can not only allow him to experience life in the magical world of "Harry Potter," but also enable the "refreshing" function, that is, let his brain's learning, understanding, and remembering capabilities be enhanced.


Of course, there is no detailed description on the panel as to how much it can be strengthened, and he needs to experience it himself to determine it.


Now, he feels that if he learns by his own ability, even if he complains of using 200% of his energy, it is estimated that he can barely learn the simplest magic in a month.


Therefore, if you want to have a good fighting ability before returning, it is very important to consume the "refreshing and refreshing" function enabled by Little Red Star.





Touching his groaning stomach, Jerry looked at the already dim sky. He felt that he could wait until he had finished eating before trying out Little Red Star's "refreshing" function.


"Crookshanes, we're off to dinner!"


Standing up from the chair, Jerry was about to greet his first pet, Crookshanks, to go to dinner with him, but found that Crookshanks, who had been sleeping soundly on the bed, had long since disappeared.


"Uh, this... won't it run away?"


Under the bed, in the box, and in the cabinet, after searching around the house and failing to find Crookshanks, Jerry couldn't help but scratch his head helplessly.


Speaking of which, he just read the book too seriously, and he didn't pay much attention to what happened around him.




At this moment, Jerry suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing into his neck from behind, which made him tremble a little bit.


Looking back slowly,


I saw Crookshanks standing outside the window at some point, very cleverly pulling out a slit in the window with his claws, then getting in through the slit and closing the window sill with his claws.


The cool breeze just now was blowing in when Crookshanks opened the window.




Crookshanks excitedly ran to Jerry, put what was in his mouth on the ground, and pushed it in front of him with his paws.


It's like saying:


"I am your master today; this is the food that the master gave you; eat it!"


"Crookshanes, "I... thank you!"


Jerry looked at the dead mouse pushed to his feet, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


No wonder the witch said Crookshanks was so easy to feed that she didn't even bother to prepare food for it.




After dinner,


Jerry sat down at his desk again and reopened "The Theory of Magic."


"Use the little red star!"


Clicking on the "refresh" function on the panel, Jerry gasped for a moment.


He only felt a cool breeze, and suddenly it poured directly into his brain from Baihui Point.


The brain, which has become more and more sluggish because of the busy day, is restored to its best state in an instant after this cool air is injected.


He now feels like he sleeps deeply for eight or nine hours at night and wakes up in the morning with a glass of cool white to drink.


The mind is very clear, and the brain is abnormally active!


Bowing his head and starting to learn "the theory of magic" again, Jerry only felt that the knowledge of magic theory that was obscure and difficult to understand in the afternoon suddenly became simpler.


It seems that the original advanced calculus has become a one-dimensional linear equation after using the "refreshing and refreshing" function of Little Red Star, and the difficulty is instantly reduced by several levels.


Or, to be more precise, his brain comprehension ability and learning and memory ability have improved several levels, so the difficult calculus has become as simple as a one-dimensional linear equation in his eyes.


With the blessing of "refreshing and refreshing," Jerry's speed in flipping through "Theory of Magic" suddenly became much faster.


Originally, it took him more than four hours in the afternoon to barely read four or five pages, but he still couldn't fully understand it.


But now, under the blessing of "refreshing and refreshing," in just one hour, he has read a quarter of the book "The Theory of Magic," and he has almost completely understood it.




Four hours later, when Jerry finished reading the entire "Theory of Magic" and kept his understanding in mind, he temporarily turned off the "refreshing" function on the panel.


Without the "refreshing" blessing, his brain returned to its normal state again, and at the same time, a strong sense of exhaustion also struck.


"It seems that using the refreshing function not only consumes the little red dot but also overdraws the brain's power." "It seems that I will buy a few boxes of six walnuts in the future!"


At this time, Jerry realised that although this "refreshing and refreshing" function is powerful, it is not a small burden on his body.


He hurriedly closed the book, got up, and lay down on the bed. In less than two seconds, he fell into the deepest sleep.




the next morning,


Jerry opened his eyes slowly when the first rays of sunlight shone through the window and into his face.


After a night of deep sleep, the brain returned to its normal state.


"It won't take so long at once next time!"


The first time I used it yesterday, because the "refreshing" state was so wonderful, he couldn't help but turn it on for four hours.


Although I read and understood the entire "Magic Theory" at one time, I had also overdrawn his brain, and it didn't take long for him to go into deep sleep mode.


Therefore, it is obviously unwise to turn on the "refreshing and refreshing" function for a long time.


The overuse of the brain will make his body instinctively go into deep sleep, because deep sleep can better restore his brain.


But in the case of deep sleep, even if there is thunder outside, he will not have any reaction, which means that in that case, he will have no vigilance at all.


In cases of danger, it is a lamb to be slaughtered.


Opening the panel, Jerry checked the number of Little Red Stars he had consumed after turning on "Refreshing Mind."


"240? "So you're talking about consuming one little red star per minute."


Last night, the "Refreshing and Refreshing" function was turned on for a total of four hours, consuming 240 Little Red Stars, which translates to consuming one Little Red Star per minute.


Overall, it's okay, but it's not too unexpected.


There were a total of 105 little red dots on his panel; 240 were consumed yesterday, and there are 765 left. If you convert it, you can probably turn on the "refreshing" function for nearly 13 hours.


According to the experience of the previous "Magic Theory," which took about four hours to master, there are still three remaining books: "Standard Spells for Beginners," "Transformation Guide for Beginners," and "Black Magic: Self Defense Guide."


Almost thirteen hours can be read quickly.


That is to say, his current number of Little Red Stars should barely allow him to use the acceleration function of "improving brain awareness" in the next two or three days to complete the original one-month study plan ahead of schedule.

