
Marked By The Moon

The universe seemed to have a vendetta against me, tearing away everything I cherished and leaving me solitary. I felt like a helpless outcast in a world that had already abandoned me. Just when I had hit rock bottom, destiny intervened, and the enchanting moon goddess gifted me a companion, a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness. As our eyes met, a fiery connection sparked within me, and I was sure that I had found the one I had been searching for. His every touch set my body ablaze, and I knew he was my soulmate, meant to be by my side for eternity. We spent endless nights together, wrapped in each other's embrace, discovering every inch of each other's being. I dared to seek comfort in the arms of another, but the villagers, consumed by envy and spite, unleashed an onslaught of endless torment and brutality upon me. Despite the danger, I craved the tender caress of my mate, the only balm for the ache that consumed my heart. But hope bloomed amidst the chaos when the Lycan King extended his hand in marriage, offering me a chance at redemption. His raw charisma and intense stare drew me in, as we stood before each other, united in our vows. At that moment, a wave of rejuvenation washed over me, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and I knew that a new chapter of my life had begun. At first, it was a dream come true, a fairy tale romance beyond my wildest imagination. But as I peeled back the layers of his kingdom, I discovered the dark web of lies and deception that shrouded his rule, and I realized that I was nothing but a mere pawn in his twisted game. My children's safety was at stake, and I knew that I had to escape. As I fled from his grasp, my mind consumed with thoughts of uncovering the truth behind my parents' mysterious death, I couldn't shake the memories of the Lycan King, the man I had once loved with all my heart. But years later, as I returned to the kingdom, a shadow of my former self, fueled by revenge and vengeance, I found that the Lycan King had changed, and his heart was filled with sorrow and remorse. It was a tale of heartbreak, treachery, revenge, and ultimately, absolution, as we banded together to mend the scars of our history and forge a brighter future of harmony and abundance. When I locked eyes with the Lycan King, a feeling of belonging washed over me, and I knew that I had discovered my true sanctuary, the place where my heart truly resided, and the affection that had eluded me for so long. Who are the killers of my loved ones? What exactly was the cause?

Tombra_Emmanuel · perkotaan
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11 Chs

Night Cry

I spent the next few days trying to find him, but he seemed to vanish into thin air, as if fate were playing a cruel joke on me. I began to panic, wondering if I had squandered my chance at happiness.

My companions tried to console me, saying Jake would appear when the time was right. Their words provided little solace as my thoughts consumed me.

Was he trying to avoid me? Did he regret our friendship? My mind was racing with questions to which I had no answers.

I began to feel insane as the days passed, and I found myself wandering aimlessly through the woods, hoping to see Jake. Each passing day, however, brought nothing but silence. The forest seemed to be conspiring against me, withholding the information I desperately needed.

I was about to give up hope when I felt a vibration from my phone in my pocket. It was a message from Jake, and my heart skipped a beat. He was returning to town and wanted to see me.

My heart leapt with joy and relief. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders, and I couldn't wait to see him again.

But I had to quickly compose myself, trying to keep the excitement from overwhelming me. I hadn't seen him in a long time, and I was curious what he looked like now. I couldn't keep my excitement in check.

But, as I waited for Jake, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. I wondered if there was trouble brewing in Burywoods because the air was thick with tension. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but my gut told me something wasn't right.

I could tell something had changed when we finally met. Jake was different - his aura, his scent, everything seemed to have changed. But I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

"I'm sorry, Mabel," Jake apologized as he looked down at his feet.

"I had no choice but to leave. There were some things I needed to take care of."

I was still processing his unexpected return, but I couldn't let him off so easily.

"What sorts of things, Jake?" You can't just leave and expect me to be fine with it."

"I know, I know," he said as he ran his hand through his hair. "But believe me, it was crucial." And it's far from over."

Curious, I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean it isn't over?"

"I can't say too much right now," Jake cryptically replied.

"However, I require your assistance. If it wasn't important, I wouldn't be here."

My heart beat faster at the prospect of being needed by Jake. At the same time, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. I decided to keep my cool and see where this would take me.

"OK, I'll assist," I said slowly. "However, you must tell me everything." And by everything, I mean everything."

Jake's expression was a mix of gratitude and relief. "Thank you very much, Mabel." You won't be sorry."

But as he walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was still wrong.

What exactly was Jake up to? And how did I get involved?

When I began to investigate, I found myself immersed in a web of deception, lies, and danger. Something seemed to happen to set me back every time I got close to the truth.

And the whole time, Jake was one step ahead of me. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was playing a game with me, and that I was just a pawn in his scheme. But I couldn't stop myself now. I was in over my head.

As I dug deeper, I discovered Jake was a member of a werewolf secret society. They had their own laws and codes, and they were willing to go to any length to protect their own.

And Jake appeared to be their leader.

I had no idea what to do. I fell in love with a man who worked in a dangerous and mysterious world. But I couldn't just leave. I had no choice but to assist him. I had to figure out a way to be with him and protect him.

But I knew it would be difficult. There were forces at work that I couldn't control, and all I was was a werewolf caught in the middle of it all.

It's been one month and six days, and I still have no idea what's going on in my relationship with Jake. "I will smoothly sort this out," I tell myself.

Then, one night, he didn't return at all. I paced back and forth in my room, my heart pounding with fear, as I waited for him. I knew something was seriously wrong when morning came and there was still no sign of him.

I went to Jake's friend, hoping to find out where he might be. He seemed to know something, but he refused to tell me. I had no idea why he was keeping a secret from me.

"Please, Lucas," I begged, my voice trembling. "I must know what is going on." "Where has Jake gone?"

Lucas' eyes were filled with pity as he looked at me. "I'm sorry, Mabel," he apologized. "However, Jake is not who you think he is. He isn't the mate the moon goddess sent you. He's completely different."

I didn't understand what he meant, but there was a loud commotion outside before I could ask any more questions. We all rushed to the window, and what I saw chilled my blood.

Jake was out there, surrounded by a strange pack of werewolves!

He was terrified as they all snarled and snapped at him. The worst part, however, was yet to come. The worst part was how he was retaliating. His eyes had turned a sickly yellow, and his teeth had become razor-sharp fangs.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"What is Jake really up to?" Am I completely involving my soul, body and spirit to a man who's a monster or what?

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