
Marked By The Moon

The universe seemed to have a vendetta against me, tearing away everything I cherished and leaving me solitary. I felt like a helpless outcast in a world that had already abandoned me. Just when I had hit rock bottom, destiny intervened, and the enchanting moon goddess gifted me a companion, a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness. As our eyes met, a fiery connection sparked within me, and I was sure that I had found the one I had been searching for. His every touch set my body ablaze, and I knew he was my soulmate, meant to be by my side for eternity. We spent endless nights together, wrapped in each other's embrace, discovering every inch of each other's being. I dared to seek comfort in the arms of another, but the villagers, consumed by envy and spite, unleashed an onslaught of endless torment and brutality upon me. Despite the danger, I craved the tender caress of my mate, the only balm for the ache that consumed my heart. But hope bloomed amidst the chaos when the Lycan King extended his hand in marriage, offering me a chance at redemption. His raw charisma and intense stare drew me in, as we stood before each other, united in our vows. At that moment, a wave of rejuvenation washed over me, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and I knew that a new chapter of my life had begun. At first, it was a dream come true, a fairy tale romance beyond my wildest imagination. But as I peeled back the layers of his kingdom, I discovered the dark web of lies and deception that shrouded his rule, and I realized that I was nothing but a mere pawn in his twisted game. My children's safety was at stake, and I knew that I had to escape. As I fled from his grasp, my mind consumed with thoughts of uncovering the truth behind my parents' mysterious death, I couldn't shake the memories of the Lycan King, the man I had once loved with all my heart. But years later, as I returned to the kingdom, a shadow of my former self, fueled by revenge and vengeance, I found that the Lycan King had changed, and his heart was filled with sorrow and remorse. It was a tale of heartbreak, treachery, revenge, and ultimately, absolution, as we banded together to mend the scars of our history and forge a brighter future of harmony and abundance. When I locked eyes with the Lycan King, a feeling of belonging washed over me, and I knew that I had discovered my true sanctuary, the place where my heart truly resided, and the affection that had eluded me for so long. Who are the killers of my loved ones? What exactly was the cause?

Tombra_Emmanuel · Urban
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11 Chs

Raging Storm

What I was seeing was unbelievable. Jake had always been a beta werewolf, and I had never seen him behave in this manner before. His claws were bared and his eyes were filled with rage.

"No, Mabel," Lucas said as he took a step forward.

"He isn't a monster. He's been bitten by a werewolf infected with the virus."

As I realized what this meant, I could feel the blood drain from my face. Werewolves infected with the virus were a rare breed, but they were also extremely dangerous. Their bites have the power to turn even the most docile werewolves into bloodthirsty beasts.

"We must assist him," I said, my voice trembling with fear.

Lucas and the other werewolves agreed, and we all charged forward, attempting to subdue Jake. But he was far too powerful, and he easily defeated us. He seemed to have superhuman strength, and nothing we did could stop him.

Something strange happened in the blink of an eye that rendered me motionless for a brief moment.

Inside my head, I heard my late mother's voice. I'd always suspected she was a powerful beta, but I'd never been able to tap into that side of myself.

But as I struggled to subdue Jake, I felt a surge of energy inside me, and everything changed.

I could feel the power coursing through my veins as my eyes flashed gold. I lunged at Jake with a roar, and this time I caught him off guard.

He stumbled back, taken aback by my sudden burst of strength, and I took advantage of the opportunity to strike.

But something strange happened as I sank my teeth into his flesh. I felt a jolt of pain shoot through my body instead of the usual rush of adrenaline and bloodlust. I tried to get away, but I was trapped, and Jake's poison was coursing through my veins.

It was too late for the other werewolves to help me. I could feel myself slipping away, the world around me becoming increasingly dim. And then, just as I was about to pass out, I saw her.

My mother stood in front of me, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.

"Mabel," she called out, her voice echoing in my ears.

"You must not give up now. You must fight back with all your might. Remember who you are and how powerful you are to overcome this."

I attempted to speak, but my throat was too raw, and all I could manage was a weak growl. But my mother seemed to understand, and she encouraged me with a nod.

"My child, you can do it. I have faith in you."

And then she was gone, leaving me alone once more. But something had changed inside of me. I felt a new strength within me, a power I had never felt before. And as I stood up, I knew I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, hoping to summon the power that my mother had mentioned. I felt a surge of energy rush through my veins and knew I needed to act quickly.

Jake's eyes were filled with pain and confusion. He didn't want to hurt us, but he couldn't keep it together. He felt as if he was being controlled by an outside force, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Finally, one of the other werewolves cornered him and pinned him down. We gathered around him, hoping to assist him in fighting the infection.

"It's not working," I admitted as my heart sank.

"Something else must be done."

The other werewolves stared at me, waiting for me to solve the problem. I knew there was only one thing we could do, and it was dangerous. But we didn't have a choice.

"Jake, I need you to trust me," I said as I knelt beside him.

"I need you to give me a chance."

His eyes were filled with pain and confusion as he looked up at me. But he nodded, trusting that I would assist him.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, the moon's power coursing through my veins. I knew this was our only chance, and I had to get it right.

The other werewolves stared in awe as I began to chant.

They'd never heard anyone speak the language, let alone try to heal someone with it. I could see the doubt in their eyes, but I kept going, focusing all of my attention on Jake.

There was a blinding flash of light, and I felt the moon goddess's power flow through me. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before: a rush of energy coursing through my veins, making me feel alive and invincible.

Jake cried out in pain, and I saw his body convulse as the infection was expelled from his system. It was a terrifying sight, and I was afraid he wouldn't make it through. But I knew I needed to keep going, that I needed to see this through.

The other werewolves gathered around us, their gaze fixed on Jake, as I continued to chant. They could sense that something extraordinary was taking place, and they knew they were witnessing a moment that would go down in the history of our pack.

Minutes turned into hours, and I could feel my strength dwindling. But, knowing that Jake's life was on the line, I refused to give up. I poured all of my energy into the chant, my voice becoming hoarse with the effort.

And then it was all over. I felt the moon goddess's power slowly fade away, and I knew the ritual had been successful.

Jake and the other werewolves charged forward, expressions of relief and gratitude on their faces. They hugged me and complimented me on a job well done, but I couldn't hear them. My mind was still spinning from the experience, trying to make sense of the incredible power that had passed through me.

Everything fell silent for a brief moment. We just stood there staring at Jake, who was panting and exhausted on the ground.

Then he slowly began to revert to his normal form, and I knew we had succeeded. I could feel the emotions between us growing stronger as he looked up at me, his eyes full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Mabel," he said hoarsely.

"I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't been for you."

But will Jake's words hold water? I mean, will it stand the taste of time?