
Making laws according to the grandpa

The earth and the sky are stained with blood, and souls are taken relentlessly A great war broke out between elves and humans Who is the reason and who will have the end hand, and will this be the end of the war or the calm before the storm?

Martian_falcon · Fantasi
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21 Chs

The first murder after the war

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That old man was looking at me with lustful eyes after he came down from over the door with his right hand a knife approaching more and more cautiously and calmly

I didn't have time to open the main door to the bathrooms

So I had to face this old man and make some noise to help him if this old man wasn't part of this Heaven Men's Organization

I stood in front of this old man with short white hair who seemed to be about to fall out of his head

I remember my teacher's words more than fifty years ago

Step back and forth from the striking range. Knife fighting isn't about getting close to the opponent, it's about getting as far and back as possible. You'll find that most of the fight revolves around running and dodging, waiting for the right moment to strike quick strikes that disarm the opponent to end the fight with minimal losses.. If you feel like you're going to be attacked by someone with a knife, take a big step back.

Take a moment to assess the surroundings and move into an open space. Enable yourself to roll back easily. If you are obstructed by surroundings, you will find it difficult to defend yourself

I was in the bathrooms behind the ceramic wall

I waited for that old man to approach. He started rushing towards me. I entered the bathroom next to me. I locked the door from the inside quickly. I started climbing over the bathroom wall, which was open from the top.

then. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

The bathroom door started to open gradually, it seems that the bathroom lock has been broken

But when he came in, I was in the other bathroom next to the one I was in

The old man stood on the toilet and then started climbing the wall to follow me

This was insane for how tall that old man was

He jumped to the top of the bathroom and then went down to the other bathroom

But I had just gotten out of it, and I locked the door right after I got out

I went to the middle of the road in front of the bathrooms

This has taken place fighting

then. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

The bathroom door began to open gradually, and it seemed to break the lock again

He looked at that old man as he approached more and more cautiously

I remember what my teacher said when he said

"Try to disarm the opponent. Most inexperienced fools will try to brutally wound you somewhere close to your face. When the attacker makes this mistake، This will give you the first and best chance to end the fight quickly. When the opponent attacks you, your counter-kick must be fast and accurate and enable you to end the fight immediately.

If he hits you low in the stomach, move with him and take a big step back and to the side. Put your knife on his forearm when he's outstretched and pointing down, and swipe your knife on his wrist, trying to bring down your opponent's knife.

If he hits you loudly, move with him and take a big step back and to the side, then hit him with your knife up on the underside of his forearm. He aimed at the forearm and wrist, trying to drop the knife from his hand."

I waited for the old man to attack, so he got closer and closer

When he got to me, he started moving his hand

Then it was too late

Some blood started to ooze all over the place

I was turning to see where the wound was. This was on my cheek

This old man was never an amateur

Then he started attacking again, his attacks were so fast I could see them at a glance come and go

My teacher started talking about how to defend in front of knives

"Do not use your other arm as a shield. The belief that you will be able to defend yourself with your other arm and taking your opponent's knife away from you and then approaching them to strike is a misconception. It might seem logical, But when you get a cut or two on your defending arm from your opponent's blows, you will lose a lot of blood and you will have difficulty moving very quickly, Which will make your progress and attack almost impossible to your opponent. Instead, you'll need to learn how to use your knife to block and strike in individual duels.

If you find an opportunity to grab the opponent's wrist with your empty hand, it has nothing to do with what we are talking about, you can even take advantage of that opportunity.

If you are in a very dangerous situation, of course you can sacrifice your arm in order to protect your head and throat, but the situation will quickly get worse after that, according to the instructions. You will need to be quick to disarm your opponent and not get into any fight more or less than that."

We started the confrontation with more than fifty loud blows. Blood was falling from me with every hit

The old man had some signs of fatigue

I was surprised because I didn't attack yet. I was waiting for the right moment for it

Then after more than seventy more strikes

Everything changed when I hit his wrist while he was inattentive

The knife fell to the ground

He made a sound like a hammer had fallen to the ground

The old man stood on his hands and knees

Then he said

" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.. Looks like you won the younger generation. It's great. Always leave the knife and come to chat."

There was advice that my teacher assured me more than once

"Never throw a knife. The last thing you might want to do in your fight against someone else is to lose your knife. Defending yourself without your knife while the attacker keeps his knife is difficult. It's unlikely that someone will get hurt by your throwing a knife, but you'll likely end up missing your knife and in big trouble. Keep your knife in your hand at all times."

So I didn't know if he had a knife or not, I was very careful in front of these things

I looked into this old man's eyes and then asked him

"Who are you?"

His face showed signs of admiration and happiness, and he said in a happy voice, "Come on, my friend, leave the knife and come and chat together. I will tell you everything."

Looks like he's starting to play with words

I have never trusted anyone before except my teacher until now

To ask me to trust him?

I told him in a calm voice, "Okay, well, well, I'll leave the knife in the ground, and you tell me who you are and what you want?"

He had a wide smile on his face, but it didn't finish as my knife had cut his neck before he could say a word

I'd be in his place if I was on earth, never trusting a killer, that's what I've always thought of

Then, moments later, the bathroom door started banging and making a loud sound, as if someone wanted to enter the bathroom

Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom

But why now? And what does he want?

Is this time related to the death of this person?

My clothes were covered in blood and also the floor of the baths there were many waterfalls of blood in the ground

The sound of the door started to get louder

Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Boom

Looks like they'll break the door sooner or later

Takkha, takh

I started to stand up and left that old man's body lying on the ground and began to go towards the door gradually, step by step.

The closer you get, the louder the door is

Takkha, takh

Booom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Boom

Getting closer and closer

When I got to the door, the door slammed shut

The place became very quiet

I stood there for a few moments before I opened the door

Then I slowly started to open the main door to the bathrooms

Then I found the door waiting for me