
Making laws according to the grandpa

The earth and the sky are stained with blood, and souls are taken relentlessly A great war broke out between elves and humans Who is the reason and who will have the end hand, and will this be the end of the war or the calm before the storm?

Martian_falcon · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Knife fighting

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That old man was standing on the edge of the bathroom from above

In his right hand is a sharp knife twenty-five centimeters long, as if intent on killing one of them

He looked at me with eyes filled with ecstasy, as if he wanted to kill so badly

You have already studied about the types of appeal

Appeal: what is it? And how dangerous is it? How is it treated?

Stabbing is a criminal matter that sometimes leads to death

What is meant by appeal?

Stabbing is the puncture of a part of the body as a result of one of the following sharp tools:



the glass.

Knives of all kinds and sizes.

Types of appeal

The appeal is classified into two types, which are as follows:

The first is. superficial stabbing

A superficial stab is a wound that is superficial to the skin and has not extended to tissues and blood vessels، This type is usually found in the extremities such as the legs and hands, but it is worth noting that not necessarily every injury to one of the limbs is superficial.

The second is the deep stabbing

Deep stabbing means that the instrument used for stabbing went beyond the skin and extended to tissues, blood vessels and sometimes organs, and this is a very dangerous type.

But people overlook the stabbing you do as a hobby for the enjoyment of your body and heart

The killer loses his mind when the orgasm starts to set in

He holds the knife and waves it left and right as if he is fighting things that are hidden from the eyes, besides, he wants to enjoy killing the victim.

This is what I read in the eyes of that old man

In an instant, he began to descend downward, as if he was making a confident leap

I was holding a shirt of mine that I just changed

Suddenly I hit the door with my leg, a loud hit, as it shatters into pieces

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

The sound of his smashing was like bombs

I ran out of the bathroom and I looked at the main door of the bathrooms but it was locked I didn't have time to open it for me just raid that old man and break some stuff to make a few noises until someone comes to the rescue

Knife fighting is not about the melee itself, but about surviving and defending against attacks against you. Do you want to learn how to defend yourself with a knife? You will need intelligence, balance and accuracy.

I once went to a man who loves to fight with knives. I remember his words as if I heard him yesterday

Start by explaining safety to yourself, legal and physical

"Carrying most types of open or folded knives is legal in some countries and illegal in others. So if you want to carry a knife to defend yourself، Make sure you know the laws in your area in order to protect yourself both physically and legally

Bowie knives, folding knives and other hunting knives are legal to carry and own in most parts of the world.

Punch daggers, buttoned switchblade daggers, foldable daggers, or handled daggers, whether wooden or not, and other knives of misleading or concealed shapes are treated differently.. In some regions it is legal to possess such daggers, while carrying them is not."

Then he started explaining a lot about how these knives were acquired, as he said at the time

"Choose the right knife to defend yourself. Non-folding knives are usually used in melee or self-defense, the blade length ranges between 5-7.78 cm, but it is also important that the size of the knife fits your grip And with your defense style. However, most defense techniques apply to almost any type of knife, whether you are going to use a tactical non-folding knife, a folding knife, or any other type of knife.

Grab a ruler and measure your fist from the second bar of your forefinger to the second bar of your pinkie. The handle of a good defense knife should fit as closely as possible to the size of your fist.

There are some rulings about fighting and self-defense with knives, such as: The bigger the knife, the greater the safety for you, but with that you can learn to defend yourself no matter what kind of blade or knife you carry.

Then he started explaining hygiene as he told me

"Keep your knife clean and sharp. A dull knife is more dangerous to its holder, so it is important to keep all of your knives clean and well sharpened, whether they are tactical knives Or hunting knives or even kitchen knives. Learn how to sharpen the knife yourself to make it ready and good to use.

Folding knives need to be oiled regularly to keep them as easy to open as possible.

Practice good self-defense skills. If you use a knife in a fight and don't know how to defend yourself with it, you will most likely end up in an unenviable situation.. If you don't know how to defend yourself, don't carry a knife to defend yourself. Take a self-defense class to learn how to control your environment And how to keep calm during physical fights.

That's what I've always been thinking about

Then he told me that one day I will give you advice

"Consider a knife a tool that can be used every day to defend yourself or when someone is fighting with you, but don't consider it a combat weapon. Sharpen your knife only if your opponent wields a knife. If you use a weapon to threaten, you will put your opponent in attack or run, and the situation will be completely different and quickly depending on their behavior. Draw your knife and start scaring him or choose another method. Keep in mind that threatening attempts may give your opponent an opportunity to take advantage of them and take control of the fray, no matter how likely they are to succeed.

It is a crime in most countries to show and brandish a knife as a threat to someone, and this is punishable by law with a fine and possible prison time."

Then he told us something crazy at once

"Practice with markers. When you start practicing knife fighting, try a little experiment and get someone weaker than you, whether it's a younger training partner, a younger brother, or even one of your kids, and give them one of your temporary markers. And take off his coverAnd take off his cover Take off your shirt and tell your partner to try to mark you with the pencil as much as possible while you try to stop him, and then count the pencil marks on your body at the end of the training. Now imagine if the pen were a knife.

Even if you are an expert in martial arts, mixed martial arts or karate, you will eventually come to the hard truth that anyone can stab you with a blade in any close combat And that a knife can make your opponent a very dangerous person for your life if you don't know what to do.

This method is very cool to master your knife fighting skills safely. Never try to practice knife fighting with a sharp knife, but use markers or practice knives."

He was a very smart and wise professor for what he said

Then he told us students something about his grandfather's wisdom or something. It seems that his grandfather won the martial arts Olympiad once.

I really don't know the details

Because I only thought of myself and my own good

"There's a lot of practice going on with a knife, and one of the things we know is called 'snake removal' and that term means if someone tries to attack you with a knife.، Your first objective is to disable the hand holding the weapon. So if you have a person in front of you with a knife, you will try to cut off the arm or hand you are holding in order to drop the knife from it."

He would also put some sentences on the wall to remember what he was saying

Keep practicing and remember that you won't master it overnight.

Get professional training. There are places that specialize in sharp weapons training all over the world.

Don't get cocky or gullible, real knife fights aren't like the ones you see in the movies.