
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

The Caster (above)

  The carriage was moving slowly down the avenue, and Merlin was resting inside the carriage with his eyes closed, but suddenly he felt the carriage lurch violently, along with the sound of hissing horses outside.

  "Moss, what's going on?"

  Merlin lifted the curtain of the car and asked Moss with a frown.

  Moss was trying desperately to control the panicked black horse at the moment, and hearing the dissatisfaction in Merlin's tone, Moss said somewhat uneasily, "Young Master Merlin, there is a procession of knights rushing behind us, and I don't know exactly what kind of people they are, rampaging through the streets."

  Merlin raised his head, gaze into the distance, and indeed saw a team of brightly armored knights in front of him, is dashing forward, completely ignoring the street pedestrian carriage, a time, the whole street are looking a bit chaotic, which is also mixed with many people's curses.

  The dress on these knights does not look like the knights of the City Defense Corps, and Merlin has not seen.

  "Huh? Merlin?"

  Suddenly, a familiar voice next to Merlin's ears, Merlin twisted his head and saw that on the right side of the street, a carriage pulled over, the driver was trying to calm the frightened horses, and the person in the carriage, it was Keris, who had not seen for more than ten days.

  "Miss Callis."

  Merlin hurriedly got out of the carriage and came to Keris' carriage and asked, "Miss Keris, are you all right?"

  Kaelis shook her head slightly and said, "It's just that the horses got scared, nothing happened to me. By the way, I visited Mr. Etta again the other day, but Mr. Etta was not at home, do you know what happened?"

  "Aita teacher said there are some personal matters to deal with, need to leave Blackwater City for a period of time, I just want to go today to see if Aita teacher has returned?"

  A smile appeared on Kerith's face and she said, "What a coincidence, I am also going to see Mr. Etta again, why don't we go together?"

  Merlin nodded, so the two men's carriage went one after the other, toward old man Etta's cabin.

  Not long after, the carriage gradually stopped, Moss lifted the curtain and said helplessly to Merlin: "Young Master Merlin, we can't get through ahead, it's blocked."


  Merlin frowned and looked up. Not far from old man Etta's cabin, a group of people were gathered around, blocking the road.

  "What's going on?"

  Callis also got off the carriage and glanced at Merlin, looking puzzled.

  "Miss Kerris, the road seems to be blocked, let's go see what's going on?"

  So Merlin and Kellys both got off the carriage, walked forward a few, came to the crowd, Merlin and Kellys are among the taller people, even on the outskirts of the crowd, but also able to see the situation inside.

  "This group of knights again? Miss Keris, do you know these people?"

  Merlin saw that in the inner layer of the crowd, there were more than twenty knights in silver and white armor, who had previously rampaged through the streets, causing chaos, and now they were here to block the road from passing, thus gathering a large crowd.

  Keris frowned and looked carefully at the costumes of the knights, and only after a long time did she whisper: "I'm not sure, but looking at their attire, they look like guardian swordsmen of the Church of Light. But we don't have guardian swordsmen in Blackwater City, so I'm not sure."

  "Guardian swordsman?"

  Merlin's mouth chanted, and he immediately thought of Cardorone, who became the guardian swordsman of the Church of Granville directly because he became a swordsman of light.

  "Could it be the guardian swordsman of Gran City?" Merlin whispered in speculation.

  "Gran City? It's possible, but if so many guardian swordsmen are sent to Blackwater City at once, is there something big going on?"

  Keris and Merlin are not sure, to know that every guardian swordsman is a big man, especially in a small city like Blackwater is even more so, in a sense, the Church's guardian swordsman, is equivalent to a nobleman.

  There must be something big going on when two dozen guardian swordsmen equivalent to nobles are deployed at once.

  Just then, from behind came another group of knights, this group of knights' attire was familiar to Merlin, they were the knight brigade of the Blackwater City Defense Corps.

  The crowd immediately parted to allow the procession of knights from the City Defense Corps to enter, and one of the knights at the head shouted to the unidentified knights, "Where are you knights from?"

  The knight with a silver helmet on his head stepped forward and said to the knights of the city defense group with a proud expression, "We are the guardian swordsmen of the Church of Light in Gran City!"

  "The guardian swordsman of Granville?"

  The knights of the City Defense Corps were shocked to know that in the usual time, from the city of Granville came a guardian swordsman, even the city lord should be careful, let alone today came two dozen guardian swordsmen at once.

  "I wonder if a few swordmasters have come to Blackwater City for something?"

  The knight of the City Defense Corps asked cautiously.

  "We have been ordered by the Lord Bishop to come and catch the evil heretics of the Black Moon Kingdom, you all leave some quickly, or you will be hurt by the evil spells of the heretics."

  "Evil heresy?"

  Seems to have heard something terrible general, just now was very dense crowd, at this time are quickly backward, in the blink of an eye away from these guardian swordsmen.

  Even those young knights in the city defense corps were stunned, with a look of fear on their faces.

  Merlin did not know what the evil heresy is, but seeing the reactions of the people around him, he also roughly guessed some, must be very fearful and frightening people.

  "Borg swordsman, the evil heretic is in the cabin in front of you, lead the men to surround the cabin."

  The man dressed in white robes with a light armor over it, instructed the guardian swordsmen around him.

  Borg heart awe, really still found the evil heresy, he did not dare to delay, hastily drew a great sword, like a great enemy, let a dozen knights quickly go forward to surround the cabin.

  "Huh? Isn't that Mr. Etta's house?"

  Keris lost her voice and exclaimed, but fortunately the noise of the surrounding crowd was loud enough to drown out her voice.

  Merlin hurriedly pulled a hand of Keris, and could not care less about the feel of the hand, hurriedly said in a deep voice: "Miss Keris, do not make a sound."

  Merlin, of course, saw that the target of this group of guardian swordsmen was the hut of the mysterious old man Etta all day long, and he knew that since this group of guardian swordsmen had come, they must have gotten some information.

  "Merlin, I wonder if Mr. Etta has returned yet? But now this situation, it seems to be very unfavorable to Mr. Aita, I hope it will not involve Mr. Aita."

  Kerith whispered.

  Merlin looked grave, shook his head slightly, he had a bad feeling in his heart, it seems that this matter and the mysterious old man Aita can not be unconnected.

  A dozen guardian swordsmen, surrounded the old man Etta's cabin, and the Borg swordsman wearing a silver helmet respectfully asked the white-robed man, "Lord Jason, what now?"

  The white-robed man's eyes narrowed slightly and tried to see what was in the cabin, but the doors and windows of the cabin were tightly closed, so no one could see what was inside.

  After a long time, the white-robed man waved his hand and said, "Borg swordsman, go in, it is better to capture the heretic alive."

  Borg swordsman faintly, he felt bitterness in his heart, who knows how terrifying the evil heresy, but Jason has ordered, even if Borg is a second-class light swordsman, can only comply.

  So, Borg waved his hand and called for three guardian swordsmen and together they rushed inside the hut.

  Everyone stared closely at the hut, and after the four guardian swordsmen went in, there seemed to be no movement, even the white-robed man frowned and murmured, "Could the news be wrong?"

  "Bang Bang Bang".

  Steeply, the original still very calm cabin, issued a few muffled sounds, just rushed into the cabin of several guardian swordsmen, body directly from the cabin flew backwards, a scorched black body, as if burned by flame, and even a burnt and unpleasant smell of roasted meat.

  The bodies of these guardian swordsmen, after hitting the ground heavily, did not move again, all of them were dead.

  Those knights of the City Defense Corps who were closer to the hut, seeing the three charred black bodies, could no longer hide the fear in their hearts, and all turned their heads and retreated far back.

  You know, these guardian swordsmen are not ordinary people, each guardian swordsman is at least a level of light swordsman, that is, they are all powerful elemental swordsmen.

  But now, these elemental swordsmen have only been in there for a while, and they're inexplicably dead.

  "Holy Light Chop!"

  Just then, a loud roar came from inside the hut. There were four guardian swordsmen who entered the hut, and now all three are dead, and the Borg swordsman is still inside.

  The sound was made by the Borg swordsman.

  The voice just issued, a figure, accompanied by a dazzling white light, directly from the hut jumped out, he was the Borg swordsman.

  "Lord Jason, the evil heretic is inside."

  Borg is now covered in a dazzling white light, but can also be seen vaguely tattered body, right arm and blood dripping on the ground, he was obviously also injured.

  "A rank two swordsman, actually a rank two elemental swordsman!"

  Standing next to Merlin's Keris, said in an incredulous tone, Merlin's heart also slightly awe-inspiring, the second level elemental swordsman, that in the entire Blackwater City, I'm afraid it is deservedly the first master.

  Pero swordsman is only a first-class flame swordsman, and the old Wilson, who has been in battle for a long time, also seems to be a first-class peak elemental swordsman, but neither of them has broken through to the second class.

  But now, a powerful second-level elemental swordsman, actually so wretched, almost in a great hurry to escape from the hut.

  The white-robed man's eyes looked coldly at the Borg swordsman, then he took a deep breath and shouted at the hut: "Heretic, God is forgiving, as long as you can return to God's embrace, believe in Him and become His people, then the sins in you will be purified."

  "God? Is there a god in this world? Your Church of Light is still so hypocritical after so many years, ridiculous, really ridiculous! As a level one spell caster, don't you still know about your church's ridiculous lies? I only believe in the truth, in the true meaning of magic, not the illusory gods you speak of."

  A hoarse voice came from inside the hut, followed by a figure gradually walking out of the hut.