
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Spell Handbook

  "Mei Xue?"

  Merlin frowned, his eyes looking at the butler as if in reproach.

  The butler, on the other hand, shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Young Master Meilin, it was Miss Mei Xue herself who inquired about it."

  Mei Xue's face was ironic, staring deadly at Mei Lin, for Mei Xue the sister, Mei Lin felt a headache, because in Mei Xue's eyes, it seems that Mei Lin is always the dude who needs to be restrained.

  Watching Mei Xue open his mouth to speak, Meilin hurriedly pulled Mei Xue's hand and said in a low voice: "Don't talk, go home and talk, get on the carriage first, go."

  Mercier was pulled into the carriage by Merlin, and both the butler and Moss sat outside the carriage and slowly left the church.

  Inside the carriage, there is no cold wind pouring, but also seems to be much warmer, but the atmosphere inside the carriage is a bit dull, Mei Xue eyes straight stare at Mei Lin, wanting to say something, while Mei Lin is a calm look.

  For a long time, Merlin raised his head and looked at Mei Xue, "Ask, what do you want to ask?"

  Mei Xue frowned, her expression looked complicated, and only after a long time did she speak, "Is there any trouble?"

  "The trouble is almost taken care of, and when some time passes, the church people should go back to Granville, and nothing will happen."

  Merlin tried to state in a calm tone.

  "It's okay, this matter involves the church, not a trivial matter, and father is not at home ... so the recent period of time, you try to go out less time, Pero swordsman there, I will also help you take leave, say you are sick."

  Mei Xue said in a gruff tone, she knows very well that once the matter involves the church, even small things will become big, she did not know the beginning and end of the matter, but restrain Merlin, try to reduce going out, you can also avoid some trouble, this is also the best way Mei Xue can think of.

  Merlin also nodded approvingly and said, "Good, I will stay in the old castle during this period and will not go out."

  He already had the idea of concentrating on old man Etta's spell handbook at home, and now it would be possible to avoid some trouble by having Mei Xue step in and explain the situation to the Pero swordsman.

  The carriage slowly stopped in front of the old Wilson Castle, Merlin and the others returned to the castle, Merlin instructed the old butler, the recent period, no matter what came to him, replied that he was not at home.

  After the explanation, Merlin went upstairs and returned to his room.

  After resting for a while, Merlin carefully took out the tightly hidden ring from the bed, and looking at it, Merlin felt a fire in his heart.

  He thought of earlier in the church, in front of Jason, he looked so small, as long as Jason felt the slightest bit wrong Merlin, he might have to die there.

  Mages, masters of powerful spells, are the real powerhouses!

  Merlin will explore the spiritual power into the ring, a thought, the ring of the thick spell handbook appeared in Merlin's hand, but Merlin did not rush to open the spell handbook, he gently put the handbook on the writing desk, instead of studying the ring.

  "Since you can fit the spell handbook into the ring, then the other things, you should be able to fit into the ring as well."

  Guessing in his mind, Merlin was ready to give it a try, so he took out the mysterious cameo and, in the same way he took out the handwritten note, his spiritual power touched both the cameo and the ring.


  The relief was gone in a flash, Merlin slightly squinted his eyes, using his spiritual power to look inside the ring, and sure enough, the relief was lying quietly inside the ring.

  Seeing that the ring can really fit into other things, Merlin also slightly put down his heart, this piece of relief is also mysterious, put it in the ring, but also more secure.

  Only then did Merlin pick up the spell handbook and gently turn it over. Although he had read it before, he was just amazed then and didn't look at it carefully, whereas now, Merlin was going to try to decipher the contents of the handbook.

  However, Merlin only tried a few sentences, then helplessly shook his head, even though he had the information given by old man Etta for reference, one word by word to slowly understand, but this, but little effect, and very slow, can not play a role.

  Therefore, the first order of business is to master the Morta script, or at least the basic mastery, which will require Merlin to master more than a thousand words in the next few days before he can try to understand the contents of the spell handbook.

  So, Merlin simply put the spellbook handbook back into the ring, as long as a day does not master more than a thousand words of the Morta script, he will never take out the spellbook.

  In the hall inside the old castle of Wilson, the butler came in anxiously.

  "Young Master Merlin, those guardian swordsmen who came from Gran City have left Blackwater City this morning."

  A smile appeared on the butler's face as he was instructed by Merlin to send someone to keep an eye on those guardian swordsmen in Granville and report back once they had left.

  Merlin jerked to his feet and said in a deep voice: "Butler, are all those guardian swordsmen gone? Is there anyone left behind? Especially that mage Jason who is the leader, has he left yet?"

  The butler replied, "All gone, those guardian swordsmen are led by that Lord Jason, pulling a whole three big wagons of things, I heard that all the things were removed from the evil heretic's house. A group of them went slowly, but they had left Blackwater City in the morning, and I only came back after double-checking."

  "Steward, you've worked hard."

  Merlin's heart sighs with relief, although he has not been able to stay away from home in recent times, but he still closely monitor the movement of those guardian swordsmen who came from Granville.

  Only now that he was sure they had really left did he feel truly relaxed.

  "By the way, has anyone approached me recently?"

  Merlin asked the housekeeper about it.

  The butler hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Yesterday, Young Master Anson and Young Master Gut had come to see the young master, but they were blown away by Miss Mei Xue."

  Merlin shook his head with a bitter smile and let the butler leave first.

  But Merlin also did not put this matter on his mind, Anson and Gut should not have anything important, it is good to be blown away by Mei Xue, he can also study the Morta script at ease.

  Without the interruption of other things, Merlin learned Morta script very quickly, in just a few days, he mastered another hundred words, and now he has mastered a full three hundred words, and as he mastered more words, his speed of learning Morta script will be even faster.

  Because there are a lot of correlations between these Morta words, the first few hundred Morta words are very difficult, but the later you get, after you have mastered enough Morta words, you will be able to reach out and master more Morta words at a faster pace.

  "At this rate, in a month at most, perhaps I will be able to master more than a thousand words, and by then, I can start trying to read the contents of the spell handbook."

  Merlin is also very much looking forward to that day to come soon.

  The heat emanating from the roaring fireplace warmed the entire hall. Now it's October, the weather is getting colder and colder, outside on the green stone ground, has faintly condensed a layer of ice crystals, very slippery. The servants of the castle are also enduring the biting cold wind, and are grasping the time to use the shovel to remove the ice on the ground.

  In the hall, Merlin and Mei Xue are eating, the table prepared buttered bread, wheat porridge and a steaming glass of milk, Mei Xue glanced at Merlin who was quickly eliminating the food on the table, a trace of hesitation appeared on his face, as if some want to say something.

  "Meixue, I'm done eating."

  Merlin used a clean white handkerchief, wiped the residue of food left in the corner of his mouth, then stood up and was about to turn around and leave.

  Mei Xue frowned and suddenly spoke out, "Merlin, wait a minute."

  "Something?" Merlin turned around and looked at Meixue suspiciously.

  Mei Xue put down the knife and fork in her hand and wiped her mouth as well, then said softly, "Merlin, both Gut and Anson came to see you yesterday, why didn't you go out with them?"

  Merlin's face showed a hint of oddity, Mei Xue was always before is not to treat the little fat Gut and Anson, said the two of them are Merlin's fox friends, once she met, must not have any good face.

  But today Mei Xue's attitude is a little strange, but Merlin did not think about it, but said indifferently: "Anson and Gut two looking for me is not much, the weather is so cold, or in the old castle comfortable."

  "Merlin, you've been staying in the old castle these days for over a month, you might as well go out for a walk sometime."

  A faint look of concern actually appeared in Mei Xue's gaze.

  This time Merlin also reacted, I think it is because he has not been going out for more than a month, compared to the previous, is too abnormal, so it caused Mei Xue's worry, and thought it was the last time the church caused Merlin what impact.

  Thinking about it, a smile appeared on Merlin's face and he nodded, "I'll go out sometime."

  Said, Merlin turned around, hurried upstairs, and Mei Xue still frowned, some concern about Merlin such a situation, the past Merlin can not stay at home for a day.

  The butler hesitated for a moment, then he looked up and said with a smile, "Miss Mei Xue, although Young Master Meilin has not gone out much this month, he is still in good spirits, there should not be any problems."

  Hearing the butler's words, Mei Xue finally relieved her frown, put on a thick coat and quickly left the ancient castle.

  Merlin hurriedly returned to the room, he did not take Meixue's words to heart, as long as there is nothing particularly important, he will not leave the ancient castle for the time being.

  This is because the vocabulary of the Morta script that he has now mastered is increasing. As of today, he has mastered more than 1,100 words, which is already considered a basic mastery of the Morta script.

  So, today Merlin is ready to start taking out old man Etta's spell handbook and study the contents.

  After taking out the ring hidden in the bed, Merlin's spiritual power quickly explored into the ring, and with a thought, a thick stack of spell handbooks appeared in Merlin's hand.

  This stack of spell handwriting, when Merlin only skimmed over, due to the limited mastery of the Morta script at the time, so do not know the contents of this.

  And now, Merlin finally opened the spell handbook once again.