
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Leaving (2)

  Inside the territory, old Wilson arranged for numerous knights to guard the outside of the castle.

  At this time is already the middle of the night, everywhere is dark, only the castle is still brightly lit, the old Wilson changed a set of silver and white armor, is gently polishing the sword in his hands, without raising his head, in the hall to listen to the report of the knights in the territory.

  In the time that old Wilson and others have been away, the territory has not encountered any attacks from thieves. It seems that those thieves that were defeated last time have scattered around and no longer pose a threat to the territory.

  Merlin leaned back in his chair, his face already had some blood, no longer as pale as before, this is because he had slightly recovered some spiritual power during the time he spent in the carriage, constantly meditating.

  "It appears that the ribs are not broken, but rather should be misaligned."

  Merlin's left hand gently covered the rib area, this is in the battle with Jason Mage injury, originally thought to be broken, without a month or two of recuperation is not good. But just now Merlin and carefully checked, found that the ribs are only misaligned, and not broken, which is much better solution.

  "Uncle Pula, my ribs should be misaligned, and I have to ask you to help me correct them!"

  Pula was slightly stunned and immediately went to help Merlin correct his ribs, but old Wilson stood up and quickly came to Merlin's side, whispering, "I'll do it, Merlin, where's the misalignment?"

  Merlin gently lifted his finger to where the pain was most intense, and old Wilson nodded and pressed his hands forward violently.


  You can hear a very clear crunching sound, Merlin's forehead cold sweat, is silently endured the intense pain. Then old Wilson gradually removed the palm, Merlin's injured parts, in addition to some redness and swelling, it seems to have been much better.

  "Hoo ...".

  Merlin breathed a long sigh of relief as he slowly stood up and moved around a little, although there was still some vague pain, but the slight movement was no longer a problem.

  It is also a good thing for everyone that Merlin is able to move around slightly during this critical period.

  "Merlin, are you okay?"

  Old Wilson's expression looked surprised.

  "Well, there are still some minor injuries, but they are out of the way for now. Father, now it's time for us to discuss where exactly to go?"

  Merlin directly raised the most serious question now, where to go from here?

  Glan City has definitely been controlled by the Church, Blackwater City, although a little better, Jason Mage was killed by Merlin, the Church's forces suffered a major setback, but Merlin and old Wilson are afraid to stay in Blackwater City, or wait until the Church in Glan City found out the situation, then old Wilson and Merlin's situation is very dangerous.

  So, now the first thing to determine, the entire situation of the Kingdom of Light, what exactly is the situation.

  But neither old Wilson nor Merrill had been given much information, so there was no way to analyze it.

  The atmosphere is a bit dull, like a huge stone pressed in the hearts of the people.

  Just then, Mei Xue suddenly spoke up and said, "Gut once said that the Church has taken control of most of the Light Kingdom."

  Merlin nodded secretly, in fact, his guess was the same, the Church has been preparing for such a long time, it will definitely prevail, if even the Royal Family of Light is unable to stop the Church, then the whole Kingdom of Light will really start to be in chaos.

  After a long time, old Wilson's voice was hoarse, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that the royal family cannot stop the Church, and the whole Kingdom of Light has no place for us! Merlin, what are your plans?"

  Old Wilson suddenly turned his gaze to Merlin and asked what Merlin meant.

  Old Wilson's attitude also directly indicates the current status of Merrill in the entire Wilson family.

  Merlin pondered for a moment, then raised his head, met old Wilson's gaze, and said in a deep voice: "The Church is strong and has been preparing for so many years, replacing the Light Royal Family and becoming the actual controller of the Light Kingdom is almost a fact. Therefore, the entire Light Kingdom we can no longer stay, we can only go east, cross the border line and enter the Black Moon Kingdom!"

  Merlin's words fell, and the whole hall fell silent.

  "To the land of the heretics?"

  It was Mei Xue who spoke, and her face showed a very complicated look.

  Merlin then woke up, he is ultimately different from the rest of the Wilson family, he simply does not care whether it is in the Kingdom of Light or in the Kingdom of Black Moon, even because of his identity as a caster, he would prefer to be in the Kingdom of Black Moon. There, there is no confinement for spellcasters, on the contrary, spellcasters have a high status in the Black Moon Kingdom.

  The Eastern Kingdom, represented by the Black Moon Kingdom, is the holy land for all spellcasters! Merlin went to the Black Moon Kingdom, not only was he able to escape the pursuit of the Church of Light, but he was even able to get stronger spells and become an even more powerful spell caster!

  But Meixue, the housekeeper, the big-breasted lady, the Praetorian commander ... and even the old Wilson, they are all living in the Kingdom of Light since childhood, although there is also little intercourse with the Church, but also deeply influenced by certain ideas of the Church.

  In their minds, the Kingdom of the Black Moon is a horrible, dark, heretical land!

  Old Wilson did not speak, but his expression was changing, obviously also thinking about Merlin's proposal, the entire Wilson family, I'm afraid no one can understand the Black Moon Kingdom more than old Wilson.

  After all, when the old Wilson participated in the war with the Black Moon Kingdom, and even survived the most brutal "slaughterhouse", let him now go to a hostile country, for the old Wilson, the impact is the most, but also more he could not make up his mind.

  "Lord Baron!"

  From outside the castle, a knight suddenly rushed in.

  The knight bowed his head, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully reported to old Wilson, "Lord Baron, there are a large number of knights outside, and it looks like they are coming straight to the castle."

  "Hmm? Could it be that the Church's people are catching up?"

  Old Wilson's face immediately changed greatly, the reporting knight shook his head slightly and said, "Since it is too dark, we can't see clearly what kind of person it is, please also ask the baron to decide."

  "Go, go out and take a look."

  Old Wilson also sat down and immediately grabbed the great sword that had just been wiped clean, followed the knight and headed out.

  "I hope it's not the church. ..."

  Merlin mutteredin a low voice, and his face was a bit ugly.

  Merlin knew in his heart, if it was the Church's people, I'm afraid there will be a bad battle! He has just recovered less than half of his spiritual power, and there are only eight fireball spells in the Bell Pendant. Once he encounters a level one caster like Jason Mage, Merlin is not sure that he will be able to kill him again.

  Following behind old Wilson, Merlin also left the castle quickly.