
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs


  "History transmits knowledge and civilization, therefore, as a nobleman, history is essential. And antiques carry the marks of history, and to learn history well, you must first learn antiques well."

  "A noble should be erudite, elegant and wise, a true noble must be fond of and proficient in antiques, this ring in my hand, can anyone tell me the background related to it?"

  Kia held up the ring in his hand, in the sunlight, there is not much bright luster, it is clear that is not polished with precious stones, the material should be very special.

  Merlin on the antique is no idea, but his side of Anson but more like, usually love to collect some interesting antiques, at this time to hear Kia's question, Anson immediately stood up.

  "Miss Kia, can I have a closer look at this ring?"

  Jiya nodded and handed the ring to Anson himself, while Anson gently stroked the ring, carefully looked at the pattern on it, and finally said with a clear mind: "This ring is made of a special material, it should be polished with jade. Making a ring out of jade, in history, only three thousand six hundred years ago, during the mysterious Morta Empire, was keen on making rings out of jade. And the pattern on the ring, which also precisely shows its style, should be a ring from the time of the Morta Empire without a doubt."

  Hearing Anson methodically analyze the background of the ring, a hint of surprise flashed in Kia's eyes, then nodded and said, "Good, you said it well, what's your name?"

  Anson's heart was happy and he immediately said, "My name is Anson."

  Kia nodded and continued: "Good, Anson just analyzed the correct, you can see, Anson should be very erudite, has mastered the most basic elements of noble etiquette of, every noble, should be very erudite. But you may not know anything about antiques, but it does not matter, I will spend a long time to explain some basic elements of knowing antiques specifically for you, now, this ring will show you, feel the material, and then look at the pattern, and feel more about the vicissitudes of three thousand six hundred years."

  The ring was first passed to the front row of Merlin and others. Merlin was not interested in antiques, but was interested in the Morta Empire mentioned by Kia.

  This Morta Empire, Merlin's memory also has some impression, three thousand six hundred years ago Morta Empire, is undoubtedly a great and mysterious empire.

  It is said to be great because three thousand six hundred years ago the Morta Empire unified the entire continent, unlike now, when there are almost dozens of large and small kingdoms.

  Said mysterious, it is because the collapse of the Morta Empire, is really incredible, almost overnight collapse, without warning, the entire Morta Empire just existed for less than a hundred years, until now, about why the Morta Empire collapsed overnight, there is no a unified understanding.

  Why did a huge empire collapse overnight? Merlin was somewhat in disbelief, he was more inclined to believe that it was because time was too long ago, causing people to spread falsehoods, thus covering up the real reason for the collapse of the Morta Empire.

  The ring passed to the back, and Kia also followed to the back, at this time, Merlin found just now also a look of excitement Anson, at this time look a little difficult.

  "Anson, what's wrong?"

  Merlin asked softly.

  Anson looked at Jiya, who had walked to the back of the room, with a complicated expression, then let out a long sigh and said slowly: "I guess it's impossible to get Jiya, I thought she was just like other women, who came here just to hook up with some noble sons. But after I saw this ring, I thought it was unlikely. Do you know how much this ring is worth?"

  "A few dozen silver coins?"

  Gut also does not know much about antiques, in his opinion, jewelry is the most valuable, this ring is only a district of jade polished, worth a few dozen silver coins has been good.

  However, Anson shook his head and said, "A few dozen gold coins can't even buy it, you guys may not know that on the market now, antiques from the Morta Empire period are ridiculously expensive, not to mention that this ring is exquisitely polished and is definitely an ornament belonging to the nobility at that time. Able to casually take out antiques worth dozens of gold coins, you guys think Jiya came here for money?"

  Merlin also pondered, in this world there are gold, silver and copper coins three denominations of currency, a gold coin, almost equivalent to a thousand in the previous world, dozens of gold coins is tens of thousands, can casually take out tens of thousands of people, indeed, it is impossible to come to hook up with noble sons.

  "Well, some sense, it seems that this woman has some background ah, but it does not matter, I want to inquire about people, there is no investigation can not find out, give me a few days, I can Jiya ancestors three generations are dug out."

  Gut's face was filled with a look of confidence.

  Kia's first class passed quickly, and these noble sons, too, had only one class a day, so one by one people began to leave.

  Merlin also arrived outside the small building with Anson and others, Moss was already waiting there, Merlin was about to get into the carriage when Anson behind him hastily pulled his coat and whispered, "Merlin, what are you doing back so early, why don't you come with us to a place."

  Merlin thought of Mei Xue's warning before, helplessly shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'd better go back early, not today, not to mention that Mei Xue warned me today, must go back before dark."

  Anson said hastily, "Merlin, where do you think we're going? Hey, this time is to take you to open the eyes of an acquaintance of mine, recently came some new antiques, Gut and I want to go to see."

  "Just looking at antiques?" Merlin was a little hesitant.

  "To see the antiques, of course. Let's go."

  Merlin finally nodded and said to Anson and Gut, "Come on up and let Moss give us a ride."

  Anson, however, said with a look of disdain, "Just this crappy car of yours? In it is suffering, we'd better take Gut's car."

  Merlin looked up, there is a wrapped in animal skin, four horse-drawn luxury carriage, appeared in front of the three, Merlin compared a look, also revealed a bitter smile, then nodded and instructed to Moss: "Moss, you go to the church to pick up Meixue, so cold days, in a carriage is also more comfortable."

  "What about young master Merlin, what about your return?"

  Moss looked at Anson and Gut and had a worried look on his face.

  With a wave of his hand, Gut said, "I will send young Master Merlin back."

  Moss nodded, then also no longer speak, directly drive the carriage towards the church, Merlin and others also followed into the Gut this ultra-luxurious carriage, slowly away.