
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs


  Carrying the odd relief, Merlin did not look more closely, this relief is too odd, can actually cause hallucinations, or wait until you get home, safe time to study carefully.

  Next, Anson selected a palm-sized jade products, but Nathan asked for up to hundreds of gold coins, Anson is also a noble son, but above him there are two brothers, he can use no more than thirty gold coins per month, hundreds of gold coins has far exceeded his ability to afford.

  So Anson had to regretfully give up, while Keris picked a jade bracelet, but Nathan's asking price is higher, to one hundred and twenty gold coins to sell, like this Morta Empire period, the production of fine jade jewelry, in the noble circle is very popular, so Nathan also do not from worry about the price is too high and can not be sold.

  Keris wears a pair of emerald green earrings in both ears, and a string of jade bracelets on her right hand, seems to be extremely fond of jade products, although this bracelet is more than a hundred gold coins, she still gritted her teeth and bought it.

  Gut came forward to offer, said he was willing to buy the bracelet to give to Kerris, it can be seen that the fat Gut very much like this Kerris, but Kerris is not polite refused, so that Gut some decadence.

  "Hey, fatty, what are you looking at now that Kelis is gone?"

  Anson snickered when he saw that the fat man looked lost in thought.

  "Anson, who the hell is this Mr. Nathan? These antiques of his, obviously of questionable origin, although done in secrecy, but the City Defense Corps could not have been unaware of it, how come no action was taken?"

  Merlin asked in a low voice.

  "Hey, how could the City Defense Corps come to check this place? Mr. Nathan is just the man on the surface, the boss behind the scenes here, is the Lord of the City!"

  "Lord of the City?"

  Merlin face showed a look of surprise, but soon calmed down, if Nathan is the city lord's people, then the city defense group naturally will not come to check here.

  Blackwater City, the highest nobleman is only a baron, the city is firmly controlled by the Ogdin family, although all barons, but the city's most powerful, in general, the baronial nobles in Blackwater City, the status of the Ogdin family will be slightly shorter, like the city defense regiment, called the city defense regiment, in fact, is the Ogdin family's private army.

  Several people walked out of the passage, just outside, they encountered a cold wind, freezing people bone chilling.

  "Look, it's snowing." Anson shouted.

  Merlin's eyes narrowed slightly and looked into the sky, and sure enough, before it was still cold rain, but at this time it was actually a white snowflake floating down.

  September snow, this weather is a little unusual!

  "Hoo ... so cold, let's go, hurry home! What a hell, it can snow even in September, right Merlin, I'll send you back to the old Wilson Castle first."

  Little fat Gut wrapped up his coat tightly and quickly got into the carriage.

  The carriage slowly stopped in front of the old Wilson Castle, Merlin got down from the carriage, despite wrapped in a fleece coat, but still feel very cold.

  "Merlin, I'll see you tomorrow, damn it, this damn weather!"

  Anson and Gut waved goodbye to Merlin, and after seeing the carriage slowly move away, Merlin headed inside the old castle.

  "Phew ..."

  Back in the old castle, Merlin gently breathed a sigh of relief, he saw that there were already maids under the fireplace to build a fire, so the house was warm, Merlin took off his coat and gently patted the ice and snow on it.

  "Well, this cameo?"

  Merlin's eyes saw the cameo wrapped in his coat, then looked around and saw that no one had noticed him, so he went straight upstairs and went back to his room.

  After closing the door of the room, Merlin from the coat, the relief out.

  "Try again."

  Merlin gently rubbed his eyes, and then focused his attention highly on the relief and looked down with the pattern on the relief.


  The entire relief seems to be a slight vibration, and then, that familiar feeling again, Merlin felt a blur, the relief on the naked man, seems to "come alive", in front of Merlin's eyes, began to do a very bizarre action.

  This set of movements is very complex, almost extending the flexibility of the human body to the extreme, Merlin in a haze, the body unconsciously began to do movements with the naked man.

  "Pain ..."

  Merlin could not help but shout out, and with this sound, Merlin also came to his senses. But at this time, Merlin, is lying on the ground, the relief also fell on the ground, actually did not break, while he was lying on the ground, is maintaining an extremely bizarre and complex posture.

  Merlin hurriedly stood up from the ground, remembering the scene just now, he not only a cold sweat on his forehead.

  "Relief, something is wrong, something is very wrong!"

  Merlin some shocked, not dare to look at the relief, just now that kind of body can not help themselves, it is too terrible, now think about are feeling some fear, the relief is really some evil.

  After half an hour, Merlin's emotions have calmed down, he did not go back to the relief, but the mind will be the relief on the bizarre pose completely memorized.

  "What does this pose do?"

  Merlin pondered for a while, thought it was better to try to do that complicated pose on the relief first in a sober state, as if the action, for Merlin has an irresistible temptation.

  The movements are very complex, need to be done little by little, slowly, the good thing is that Merlin's mind has firmly remembered the movements, so it did not take long to make a complete relief on the movements.

  This time, Merlin's consciousness was clear, no longer in that hazy state, and he could also carefully appreciate the peculiarities of the posture.

  "Well, it was a little cold just now, but now it feels warm, and it seems to bulge a little within the muscles." Merlin carefully experienced the changes brought about by this posture.

  Keeping this posture for half an hour, Merlin did not feel anything wrong, only within the muscles, the bulging feeling is becoming more and more obvious, and there seems to be something stirring in general.

  One hour, two hours, three hours ...

  It was already getting dark, and Merlin seemed to have immersed himself in the pose, experiencing a different kind of experience.

  "Bang Bang Bang".

  Suddenly, there was a sharp knock at the door.

  "Merlin, what are you guys doing hiding in your room?"

  It was Meixue's voice, and Meilin woke up with a start. He got up and opened the door to his room and saw that it was completely dark outside.

  Mei Xue looked at Merlin suspiciously, then the nose seemed to smell a sweat odor, she saw Merlin body, it seems to be soaked with sweat in general.

  "Merlin, what are you doing? Sweating so much?"

  Merlin also noticed that he was sweating profusely, but there was a warm feeling in his body and he was in high spirits, not tired at all.

  "Nothing, it's dark, ah, I'll be down soon."

  Meixue also tried to look into the house, but Merlin was blocking the doorway, she could not see anything, so she had to cover her mouth and nose and said, "Let Lucretia get you some hot water, you go wash up before you come down."

  Merlin nodded, his sweat smell, it is too smoky, even he himself can not stand some.

  In a short while, Lucretia filled the tub with hot water, Merlin took off his sweat-soaked clothes and pants and jumped right into the barrel, the warm hot water, almost making him moan out in comfort.

  Merlin was immersed in hot water, not moving, his head tilted against the side of the barrel, his eyes staring at the room above dumbfounded.