
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Battle of Blackwater City (Middle)

  Merlin was not very good at riding, so he sat on the carriage, lifted the curtain and looked straight ahead, with the old Wilson Castle visible in the distance.

  Suddenly, a strong smell of blood, with the cold wind wafted, Merlin's face changed, immediately jumped from the carriage, and said to Pula: "Uncle Pula, stop first!"

  At this time, Pula also obviously smelled the blood, the color became iron blue.

  "In this direction, it's the old Wilson Castle!"

  Judging the direction of the smell of blood, Merlin no longer cared much, and ran furiously, a breath to the front of the Wilson Castle, where he has been able to see the castle, lying a shocking corpses, are very familiar to him in the Wilson Castle some servants and guards.


  Merlin cursed, together with Pula, entered the ancient castle.

  "Huh? Merlin, you're actually not dead and you're back?"

  Tilapha also led the men, quickly rushed out from the ancient castle, just in time to meet with Merlin, the two sides of the knight's sword, immediately tense.

  "Tilafa! Where's Meisetsu?"

  Merlin's face was blue, and he swept a glance toward the bodies on the ground, not finding Mei Xue's body.

  Tilapha did not answer, instead, a hint of excitement appeared on his face, and he hurriedly pointed at Merlin and said to the two men in white robes and silver armor next to him, "Two guardian swordsmen, he is Wilson's son!"

  The two white-robed men, the two guardian swordsmen assigned by Mage Jason, looked at each other and with one voice, they roared in a low voice, "Kill!"

  At once, the two guardian swordsmen emerged with a white light, and they were two first-class swordsmen of light, and they rushed directly toward Merlin.

  At this time, Merlin, see Wilson Castle corpses everywhere, the heart is already killing intent, eyes dead on Tilafah, not even look at the two guardian swordsmen a glance.

  "Get out!"

  Merlin took a big step towards Tilafa, he practiced the posture on the mysterious relief, physical quality has been no less than any one first-class elemental swordsman, or even stronger, so a running, speed is also quite fast, a few steps will cross the distance of several meters.

  The two guardian swordsmen had a look of amazement in their eyes, they were able to feel that Merlin was not an elemental swordsman, but this physical quality, but beyond their imagination.

  But there was something even more beyond their imagination. Merlin pointed his hands, and suddenly, in his hands, there were two more fist-sized flames.


  Merlin reached out and pointed, and the two flames flickered slightly, cutting a shadow in the air and blasting directly at the two guardian swordsmen with great speed.

  "Not good, it's a spell of evil heresy!"

  The two guardian swordsmen were also quite knowledgeable and immediately recognized the fireball released by Merlin as a spell, but it was too late for them to dodge the fireball again.

  With the growth of Merlin's spiritual power, his control of the fireball spell is more and more perfect, and can even be considered a ghost, once the fireball spell is released, even the third-level elemental swordsmen can not dodge, let alone the two a elemental swordsmen?

  "Bang Bang".

  The two fireballs blasted solidly at the chests of the two guardian swordsmen, both of which contained terrifyingly high temperatures, and with the light armor they were wearing, they were unable to protect their bodies.

  Therefore, the two guardian swordsmen were directly burned by the fireball in the chest to a bloody hole, the light element on their bodies immediately dissipated, and their bodies fell heavily to the ground.

  It was just a blink of an eye, and the two powerful guardian swordsmen were dead, while Merlin's figure didn't even stop for a moment and continued to charge towards Tilafa.

  Tilafah had completely frozen, but it was the knight beside him, despite his fear, who bravely stood in front of him, ready to protect Tilafah.

  For these knights who are not even elemental swordsmen, Merlin didn't even bother to waste mana, and directly attacked several knights around Tilafa with both fists like the wind.

  Merlin's physical quality is comparable to the peak of a first-class elemental swordsman, naturally easily cleaned up a few knights.


  There was no longer anyone around Tilafa for protection, and Merlin's eyes were fixed on Tilafa's body.

  "Tilafa, where's Meisetsu?"

  Merlin step by step approaching Tilafa, voice coldly asked, at the same time, in front of his body, but also out of thin air appeared a ball of fire emitting terrifying heat, quietly floating in the air.

  Looking at this ball of fire, Tilafa's face instantly became white, timidly looking at Merlin, already somewhat overwhelmed.

  Merlin also wanted to go forward to grab Tilafa, carefully torture when, from the ancient castle, suddenly burst out a number of knights, all yelling and rushing towards Merlin.

  Tilafa brought two hundred knights, which was even more than the one hundred knights Merlin brought in numbers. However, Merlin did not care at all, looking at the group of knights rushing, his gaze flashed a cold killing machine.


  Merlin reached out and pointed to a dozen knights in front of him, and the fireball, which was floating silently in the void, flew rapidly forward and was then detonated by Merlin's spiritual power.

  The fist-sized fireball exploded with a powerful impact, and several knights who were closest were directly lifted off the ground and fell heavily, their armor in front of them having been blown to pieces.

  The knights who were farther away were scorched by the fireballs that exploded and scattered the flames in all directions, falling to the ground one by one, wailing and screamingmiserably.

  At the same time, Pula also drew his longsword, a roar, led a hundred knights behind him, rushed towards Tilafah's knights, although fewer than the other side, but the victory in full momentum, and there is the support of Merlin fireball spells. Therefore, almost with a decisive momentum, directly Tilapha's knights were defeated, dead and wounded, only a few scattered people escaped from the old Wilson Castle.

  Wilson Castle, at this time is a real corpse, Tilafa's knight, the ancient castle was the servant, numerous bodies are mixed, the entire Wilson Castle are rendered into a human purgatory.

  "Young Master Merlin!"

  Pula strides, his body armor has turned bright red, his face is also full of blood, can not tell whether it is Pula's body blood or the enemy's blood.

  "Did you find it?"

  "Young Master Merlin, they have all searched everywhere, and the bodies of Miss Mei Xue, the housekeeper, and the lady have not been found in the entire old castle."

  Pula's face also showed a trace of joy, as long as the bodies were not found, then it proves that Mei Xue and others may still be alive.

  Tilafa was lying on the ground at this point, his face ashen, and he had become Merlin's prisoner.

  Merlin glanced at Tilafa, a cold smile appeared on his face, and turned to Pula and said, "Uncle Pula, Tilafa is in your hands."

  "Hey, don't worry, Master Merlin, one hundred and forty-eight lives in Wilson's Castle, I'll settle the score with him."

  A cruel smile also appeared on Pula's blood-covered face.

  Merlin did not pay attention to Tilafa again, he went directly toward the old Wilson's room, in his heart, has vaguely guessed the hiding place of Mei Xue and others.

  "How come there's no movement?"

  Still hiding in the basement, Mei Xue said softly, she just heard a burst of footsteps outside, but suddenly, these footsteps disappeared.

  The butler pondered for a moment and said, "Miss Mei Xue, let's wait a little longer, perhaps something has changed and they have left for the time being, but let's not make any rash moves, it's safest to stay here."

  Mei Xue also nodded, and her heart, which had just been raised, gradually relaxed.


  Just then, the entrance to the basement in front of Mei Xue and the others, however, gradually opened.

  "Not good, still found out!"

  Mei Xue took a deep breath, and then raised her great sword high, she was going to fight to the death.

  A figure came vaguely toward the passage, Mei Xue no longer hesitated, in the moment the passage opened, she raised the great sword also cut down viciously.