
MADTAKS : Legend of the Four Corners

"What is Teamwork? What is Friendship? What are Dreams and Unity and all those inspirational crap? Those are nothing but fairy tales in the face of my absolute power, speed, and technique! I am Santi Arthrit. The best Sepak Takraw player in the world. You can come to me in singles, doubles, a full Regu, or even in hundreds! I will crush you all with pure domination. I am the Legendary One-Man Team. The One-in-a-billion prodigy. I am the Takraw God! Nothing and no one in this world can ever stand against me. I am undefeated! I am unbreakable!" Or so he thought until a harsh and shameless reality smacked his face in a form of a Balut-flavored Sepak Takraw ball. "WHO DID THAT!?" a furious Santi scanned the crowd until a cheeky-looking Balut vendor popped forward with an annoyed face. "My name is Chiko and you owe me three hundred seventy-five pesos! No. Make it four hundred for the spilled peanuts, taxes, and fees!" Behind him is a pale-looking janitor cleaning the mess they made. A simple-looking guy, carrying the scariest secret. On the other side, an ex-convict, bald fatty was busy stealing purses and phones with literal ease from the audience. Little did they know that the balut vendor, the janitor, and the purse snatcher are all fated to become a Sepak Takraw Team that will soon shake the world. ***Daily release at 10:00 am!****

iamnaz7 · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
174 Chs

Chapter 166: Calm and Steady but Deadly

Back at the MCC gym, one day after Chiko and Lala left to hike on Mount Apo, the whole MCC sepak takraw team was in the middle of their usual training session when a few guests have suddenly arrived at the court.

"So this is the famous team Madtaks's gym huh. " Dharyn, the team captain of the Bantayan University. Although he came here once during the Santi event about nine months ago, he could barely recall the real image of the place since all he had on his mind at that time was to prove himself against the Takraw God.

Dharyn was one of those few players who came that time, not for the allure of the money, but to seek acknowledgment from the best Sepak Takraw player in the world. Unfortunately, just like everyone else, he was stomped to defeat without even getting a single point. 

"I never really expected that it was this small that time," Dharyn added while panning his gaze before having his attention focused on the calm and modest-looking Charlene.