

"wait!!please don't leave me! please!!"she called out crying, watching the man heartlessly enter his black Lamborghini and driving on. Sarah stayed where she was for a long time, crying a river of tears.

She couldn't stop her tears from falling because the only man she ever loved left her on their 1 year anniversary.She was heartbroken,crushed and shocked at the same time.

After a while of crying non stop, she started feeling emptiness in her heart,not only because of the break up but also for how she saw her family die, one by one because of her heartless aunt.

Sarah finally stood up from the ground and headed to her lonely yet warm home where her younger brother jimmy was staying. As Sarah was heading home her mind went blank that she didn't even notice she was in the middle of the road.

Sarah's was brought back to reality by the loud screeching of a black car. Sarah just froze In place as she watched a lady wearing a dazzling red sparkling dress with black leather heel-boots that reached her knees