
shut up!!you filthy rat!!!

As the beautiful tall woman with brown eyes and black hair came out of the car, Sarah was still frozen like a statue. "What the hell are you doing in the middle of the road?!!!Do you want do die huh?!!"she shouted as a sign of anger and disgust.

"I-i-i'm s-sorry I didn't mean to",Sarah said with a bit of fear."shut up!!you filthy rat!!!.Do you know who I am?!How dare you!! you have the audicity to talk to me?! UNBELIEVABLE!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I KILL YOU!!AHHH"she screamed. Sarah could only apologise and leave as she felt humiliated.

Jimmy on the other hand was waiting impatiently for his sister because he was worried something happened to her. As Sarah always thought that he was too careful for his age. Jimmy tried calling his sister a few times, okay well only 69 times.

Sarah finally reached her house,as she looked at the door for a while before entering. Jimmy immediately started scolding his sister about being late,"yahh!!why are you late!!? Did you see how many times I called you!!? I mean what happened to your phone or are you ignoring me!!Answer me dammit!!"

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_amandacreators' thoughts