
fighting skills

Sarah stared at Justin for a while "stop staring at him sarah" Zeke said jealous."okay" she said 'is he jealous?' she thought and Zeke just smiled a little. Justin was so majestic and beautiful he looked focused and strong, Sarah wanted to see how well he fights maybe he can teach her a few things "uhm Justin can you fight?" she asked and everyone looked at her shocked"yes my lady why?" Justin replied

"oh please call me Sarah. and I want you to fight me." Sarah said challenging him. Sarah learned fighting ever since she was young and she was good at it, it was meant for self defence. Justin looked at Zeke and Zeke just nodded because he wanted to see what she could do."okay Sarah let's do it in the yard" Justin said and they went outside.

Sarah was holding her sword and Justin was holding a dagger. "dont go easy on me" Sarah said and they started fighting. Sarah quick and wanted to attack Justin but he dodged quickly and went behind then Sarah blocked his attack. Justin kept on attacking while Sarah could only defend because he wasn't giving her a chance to attack. rah then attempted to kick his dagger but she missed it. she got a chance to attack but Justin beat her to it and got her sword flying

Sarah couldnt fail just like that so she jumped very high and to reach her sword then she turned to Justin who was attacking.she dogged the attack but Justin attacked her again and then Sarah fell down."wow that was great!" Sarah said breathing heavily on the ground then Zeke helped her out. 'she is not bad at all. she just need a bit of training and then she will be able to defend herself when in trouble' he thought. "sarah you need to always be focused and never ever let your guard down." Zeke gave her a tip."you know how to fight to right?" she asked "mn" he said.

"will you teach me Justin? please!" she pleaded "okay" Justin said. *ding dong* the bell rang and Sarah ran to the door.l.