

When Sarah got to the door she saw the pizza delivery guy "pizza!!" she yelled excitedly and Zeke came and paid and Sarah went to the table with 5 pizza's in hand. they all went kitchen to wash their hands then they went to eat pizza.They ate pizza while Justin was always blushing when Kyle talked about his embarrassing moments. After that Sarah got a call from her brother saying he's arrived at his 'new' house.

"guys I gotta go see my brother jimmy okay! Uhm Justin do you wanna see him? he's your age " she asked and Justin looked at Kyle and Zeke and Zeke nodded again. 'whats wrong with zeke? he's so human now hehe' Justin thought and Zeke glared at him and Justin stood up"yes I will go with you miss!" he said running to her and then they left.

On the way to jimmy Sarah started talking "you seem to know Zeke a lot. are you somehow related?" she asked "uhm no miss we are just really close" Justin answered. The rest of the ride was quiet and then they finally arrived at the house and they got and saw this double storey house painted grey and white with shade of light blue. Sarah rang the bell and jimmy came running."sis!" he said excitedly and hugged his pretty sister.

"jimmy! how are you?" she asked "am okay, please come in" he said and Justin entered hesitantly."oh jimmy this is Justin he's a friend and he's your age. so I guess you will get along well." she said and left them and called her friend Sam. Sam has always been friends with Sarah ever since highschool. "sarah my friend!! how are you" she shouted on the phone "hy Sam come this address now *******" Sarah said and then after a few minutes Sam rang the bell. "Sam!" Sarah shouted and they hugged.

Sam had greyish eyes and long black hair that reached her waist. she was so beautiful every man would drool over her literally. Sam was an OG in everything relationship and seduction and romance. The friends chatted for a long while while jimmy and Justin were playing about a video game.

"wow Sarah your life is so nice. it got complicated in a few days wow. So do you like him?" Sam asked "well...I think so" Sarah said."oh I gotta meet him and don't think about that bastard Ronald okay!" she said.

"okay Sam you will meet someday and I got in the Harvard university" Sarah said and Sam's eyes widened "wow" she exclaimed."sarah please make him meet me someday because I don't want your heart broken again like that bastard who didn't wanna meet me" she said angrily "okay mother Teresa" she said sarcastically

After a while they finally went home and Sam took a cab to her father's hotel and and Sarah and Justin got in the car went to the mansion.