
Emotional Golden Phoenix

Devon couldn't believe what he was watching, she was using so many emotions, it was scary. Olympia had destroyed all of the practice dummies with her sword due to what had happened the other night. Thanks to Lola who was at the mansion last night, Lola told him everything she heard and Devon was deeply disappointed. Patrick had lied to him about so many things, it turned out that Patrick was greedy and power-hungry.

Olympia flipped and landed at the back of one of the dummies then sliced the dummy in half with her sword.

Devon's jaw dropped as he saw that Olympia's emerald eyes were flashing bright between the strands of her hair that fell to her forehead.

Devon ran to her and grabbed her wrist. "Enough Olympia, I don't want you to lose yourself to your powers if not you might destroy the mansion"

"You don't understand what I am feeling inside!" Olympia shouted and jerked away from him. She dropped her sword, inhaled deeply, and pushed her hair backward.

"You have no choice about the marriage Olympia" Sighed Devon then picked up her sword.

"That fool of a king only wants me as his blood bank and probably to flaunt me to everyone that he has a beautiful wife! I don't want any of that, I will be caged!" Spouted Olympia then crossed her arms on her chest.

"You saw him last night?" Devon asked, surprised and curious.

"Yes, and he showed me his pointy fangs!" Olympia shouted and walked past Devon then picked up the destroyed practice dummies.

Devon smiled and shook his head negatively. "Don't think about it as you being a blood bank or flaunting your beauty, see it as him protecting you" Olympia froze as Devon ended his words.

The dummies in her hands fell to the ground and she rose and gazed at Devon with tear-filled emerald eyes.

"I can protect myself!" Olympia shouted. "Mother and father don't even care about that, they just want to be part of the royal family, they want gold, and they want to be powerful nobles but thankfully I can protect myself!" She swallowed hard and clenched her fists. "What has all this training been for? I know how to control my powers though not transform but I can control my powers"

"There's a lot you don't know about Olympia. The type of enemies you have are powerful and some are ancient. You cannot be overconfident and I am not a good teacher myself, if I am, I wouldn't be here and alone" Devon uttered calmly.

"You care about me but you think I am overconfident? Do you know how scared I am of commitment? Getting married has never been in my thoughts and after my parent's betrayal, I can never trust anyone, not even you Devon" Olympia turned away and released her fists. "Thank you but leave me alone please" She concluded with a whisper, walking out of the garden and back into the mansion.

Devon stood at his spot for a while staring in the direction Olympia disappeared to. He couldn't help but smile faintly at the overconfident, headstrong, and most especially naive brave girl.

"You know nothing about the kind of enemies you have, my dear, you will soon face something worse than your parent's betrayal." He whispered, inhaled deeply, and closed his eyes.


Lola opened the door slowly seeing Olympia sitting in the corner of her room. She had a solemn expression on her beautiful face and it made Lola scared and worried.

"M...my lady?" Lola called, walked into the room, and closed the door behind her.

Emerald eyes blinked and gazed open Lola. Olympia smiled faintly, stood up, and walked towards her bed.

"Are you alright my lady?" Lola asked worriedly even though she was aware of everything that was happening.

"You know I am not Lola," Olympia sighed and sat on her bed.

"You are still in your practice garment my lady" Lola said calmly and walked towards Olympia.

"Please go, I want to be alone" Olympia whispered. Lola ignored her and sat next to her then caressed her golden hair.

"Seeing you cry like this is rare" Lola whispered.

"A marriage proposal spoiled my happiness" Olympia forced a smile as tears filled her emerald eyes.

"It made your parents greedy," Lola sighed.

"It brought out their hidden personalities, I know them now, how they feel about me." Olympia placed her head on Lola's shoulder.

"I don't know my future, all I know is that I won't get married to that king" Olympia's voice shook. "He can't protect me, I can protect myself" Olympia whispered, lifted her head, and faced Lola.

"Take your bath, my lady, you will feel better," Lola suggested.

Olympia couldn't ignore the fact that she sweated a lot after destroying those practice dummies. She nodded at Lola.


Olympia walked out of the bathroom wearing a red bathing robe. Her golden hair was drenched and each step she took was the rhythm she used to dry her hair with a towel.

Lola pleaded to bathe her but Olympia refused to say that she needed to think deeply and Olympia spent three whole hours alone in the bathroom.

Lola who had been sitting on Olympia's bed stood up and smiled at Olympia who forced a smile and handed her the towel then sat on the bed.

"Go home Lola, just go" Said Olympia calmly to Lola who was stunned at her lady's sudden utterance.

"What are you going to do when I am gone? Your parents have sent all the workers away since last night, Dina has been gone and I am the only one with you since your parents um..."

"Enough please, you are adding salt to my wounds" Olympia giggled then swallowed hard.

Lola felt guilty and bowed her head. "I have never seen you like this and I don't want to see you like this, let me stay with you, I don't want you to hurt yourself"

"I won't hurt myself Lola" Olympia smiled and sniffed.

Lola couldn't trust the mischievous golden phoenix that was capable of doing the opposite she was told especially when she was warned to not do something dangerous but seeing the pain in those emerald eyes that used to sparkle brightly, she understood that Olympia wanted to be alone.

"Give me a minute" Lola suddenly said and walked out of the room.

Olympia changed into a peach dress that stopped at her knee which she was very comfortable in since she wore tight peach pants that were similar to the silk of the dress.

She sat in front of the mirror and took her hairbrush when "My lady?" Lola called and walked into the room holding Olympia's white ball gown that she wore last night. It was neat and sparkling and it was obvious that Lola had washed it.

Olympia couldn't help but smile as Lola folded the dress and placed it on her bed. "Thank you Lola"

"It's my pleasure my lady, I just want you to smile" Lola walked towards Olympia, took the hairbrush from her hair, and started combing the long golden strands of her hair.

Olympia smiled faintly but memories of last night came rushing into her head.

"Don't yell at us! You caused it, your disobedience caused it. Do you think I will let a big chance slip from my fingers? He threatened that he would kill us if we didn't agree to it and it doesn't matter if we agreed or not, he would still marry you. I decided to use the situation to my advantage by requesting a large amount of gold that would make me a very rich and powerful person" She couldn't believe that her father would say such a thing.

"And about Roland, I figured out that if you fall in love with another person, we can still take the gold and we can still have you as our daughter" Her mother, Olympia couldn't help but think that Luana wanted to play the victim card.

Olympia almost laughed as she thought that they weren't her parents. They were humans after all and it was the first time that humans conceived a magical mystical creature.

"You know, all those humans including your parents, are pesky little things, greedy little things, you don't know what they can do" Mystic's voice echoed in her head which made angry tears build up in her emerald eyes.

"My lady?" Lola called bringing Olympia out of her thoughts. Lola had finished brushing her golden hair and had noticed Olympia's tears which she was tired of seeing because it made her heart squeeze. Lola was used to seeing Olympia's smiles, bright and mischievous smiles not her tears. It was a rare thing to see the golden phoenix cry and it was indeed painful.

"Go Lola, I will be alright by tomorrow" Olympia whispered and stood up then collected the brush from Lola.

Lola smiled and bowed. "Take care of yourself" She lifted her head and then walked out of the room.

Olympia's emerald eyes turned fierce. "I am leaving this place tonight"